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Everything posted by HelloMyNameIsAAA

  1. Short PSA because I have been told some nasty drama that caused authors to leave the MUGEN community; at least for a while; If you keep some of your characters private for any reasons, be careful when sharing them to other people.


    - Close friends, beta testers, I don't care. Do not give your chars to anyone you like.

    - Make sure that you really, really, trust that guy before giving out a private character, and this might be the hardest part to do and you must accept that someone else have your characters.

    - If your private char is leaked, it is for good. Too bad !

    1. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      Pfft. I've never really understood why people get so territorial over a hobby in the first place. It just leads to a bunch of unwanted BS that no one wants to care about.

  2. (New Character) Sanae: Added Pikosana (dokkano sub)
  3. Peppa Pig by Kadir - 3 Milla Basset by Artur - 3 Pokey the Penguin by SpaceMaster (This author is actually named SpaceMouse) - 2 AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! by jor8a - 1
  4. Peppa Pig updated ''Added to the char: -Bug corrected from p2 canceling "Puddles of mud" -Dizzy Animation Added -Improves in air combos. -Infinite attack with C - Z fixed. -Sprites cropped -The "Daddy pig world record" can be used without low life (only once per round) -The game does not stop when you make K.O. with "Daddy pig's world record" -Increase the gravity of the char. -Other things that I'm too lazy to mention.''
  5. Third batch of updates done. (General) Fixed Froyunt's link. Changed Tempore Leaper's Link. She is declared as a WinMugen only character. (New Characters) Reimu: Added Reimu Hakurei (kousa) Alice: Added Perfect Alice (kousa) Meiling: Added Long Meiling (passer-by) Remilia: Added Hecarte Scarlet (K_NaCa) and Raimin (FXNULL) Sanae: Added WhirlWind Sanae (kousa) Tenshi: Added Esverl (Barbatos) Utshuo: Added Utshuo Reijui (kousa) Others: Added Black & White Hina (kousa) and Cthugha (Barbatos)
  6. Second batch of updates done. (New characters) Meiling: Added Ex-F-Meiling (Kinomiya) and Rainbow Meiling (Deoxgigas) Koakuma: Added Jackpot-Devil (Kinomiya) Remilia: Added Remilia Vanilla (humi) and ??? Mage (syougizuki) Yuyuko: Added Blossom Princess Yuyuko (Kinomiya) Youmu: Added Hakugin Sarashina (shyglma666) Komachi: Added Azami-Abyss (Lates, edited by Kinomiya) and Dead Reaper Komachi (shyglma666) Tenshi: Added Aurora Tenshi (Deoxgigas) and DM Tenko (sudara13) Utusho: Added Stardust Utusho (Deoxgigas) Others: Zen Kazen Ibaraki (Deoxgigas)
  7. First batch of updates done. (General) Flandre Scarlet now have her own section. Updated all of BlackCurl's links. RaiUn and D-Tenshi are now declared as cheap characters. (New characters) Reimu: Added Stupido (NoName) Marisa: Added Magasame-MTF (BlackCurl) and Dirigente (NoName) Alice: Added Idoll Master (Atsui, edited by Below273) and Mery Magnus (NoName) Meiling: Added Below273's edit of Kiei, Sangue Infezione (Noname), and Extreme Pepsi Hong Meiling (Brergrsart and Jor8a) Koakuma: Added Below273's edit of Pa-Puru Remilia: Added Vlad-Rose (BlackCurl) and Below273's edit of S-Flan Flandre: Added Engleza Scarlet (Kouzyoutyou2621) Yuyuko: Added Chizomeno (BlackCurl) Suika: Added Retro Suika (RoySquadRocks) Tenshi: Added Arxos's AI Patched Altima-Tenko / Maximum Seraph , Below273's edit of Amanomiya Tiharu, DeathStarla (BlackCurl & Maplelao) and Regisseur (Pre-To) Iku: Added Below273's AI Patched Furyu Others: Added Kogetsu Lin (mtk_d)
  8. reserved for more updates Poot Put suggestions in the comments !
  9. This is a direct restoration of Ryou's Edit section of the Touhou Project collection. This collection hosts all those fancy edits of your favorite Gensyoko's inhabitants. Click on the author's name if you want the character. Don't bother with characters with the ☢ symbol, unless you like instakill cheapies. There is many known Touhou edits, so this collection will be in a perpertual W.I.P state. Updates and links are planned for the future. Click here for the actual Touhou Project collection. REIMU MARISA ALICE DAIYOUSEI CIRNO MEILING SAKUYA PATCHY KOAKUMA REMILIA FLANDRE YUKARI YUYUKO YOUMU SUIKA REISEN AYA KOMACHI SANAE SUWAKO TENSHI IKU PARSEE UTSUHO MOKOU OTHERS
  10. The Cleveland Browns have won almost twice as much wins this year than the previous three seasons, yet they failed to make it into playoffs nor have a positive WIn Loss ratio.


    Factrory of Sadness indeed !


    By the way ! Happy New Year everyone !


  11. This is the kind of shit that Valve thinks is acceptable enough to be on Steam.



  12. Apparently, the new Spider-Man movie is very acclaimed, getting raving reviews all over the place by both critics and the general people.


    Maybe this will prevent Sony Pictures Studio from doing a sequel to the Emoji Movie.


    Go see it... I guess ?


    P.S: This movie had Spider-Man, a black Spider-Man, a blacker Spider-Man,  a Spider-Woman, a younger Spider-Woman with a mech that made otakus goes squee, and even a Spider-Pig. For God's sake this movie had a more diverse cast that most movies with ''cast diversity'' as a selling point without even trying.



    1. Gaulbetti


      Dang, more Spider-Man?


      I almost have 10 of him in Mugen and none of them are MvC accurate.

    2. HelloMyNameIsAAA



       Clever joke or not, have you tried REDHOT's version ?


    3. Gaulbetti


      Nah. I still cannot Aerial Rave.


      Unless it only goes a couple feet off the ground, but I don't think that is the same.

  13. While everyone have been waiting for MFFA to come back, have everyone seen the live disaster that was the announcement of Diablo Immortal ?


    1. The Auditor
    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I saw the aftermatch.

      So many likes...woo!

  14. Whelp, Toyotaro have attained new heights in stupidity.



  15. Remember the whole controversy about the upcoming series Titans ?


    Well, here is the official trailer and Starfire looks exactly like in those leaked pictures, among other things.




    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      Teen Titans GO doesn't so bad now that this exists.

  16. I think you are dealing with a child there. There is nothing much we can really do. Just ignore and carry on with your life.
  17. In case you're worried abouty EU's Copyright Directive, the Parliament rejected the current proposal 278 in favor, 318 against and 31 abstentions.


    It will be put back on the drawing board, where the MEPs will paricipate in a full debate and will insert admendements to it, with a vote set around September 10–13.


    News source: https://www.politico.eu/article/european-parliament-votes-to-block-copyright-reform/

  18. It's the beginning of July and I have seen someone who light up his christmas lights.


    FFS turn off your christmas light. Stop wasting electricity like that.

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      That's just rude in my book.

    2. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      A literal Christmas in July, now that's something you don't hear often.

  19. Censorship in MUGEN ? The engine has more porn and lewd stuff that you can think about.
  20. As soon as MUGEN authors make new Pokémon chars. This collection has nearly every Pokémon related stuff for MUGEN ever released, good or bad.
  21. So, the NBA went into its fourth Cleveland-Golden State finals in a row.


    What kind of league is this ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkflare


      It's not ever surprising.

      Warriors have no less than 4 damn All-stars on the same team while maintaining great synergy and a very respectable bench.

      Meanwhile, the East teams aren't anything to write home about except for the Cavaliers and only because Lebron has a dominating presence. Say what you want, but he's placed himself at a very high standard of play with good reason. In fact, he's pretty much the one carrying his team, so much that the team falls apart anytime Lebron sits on the bench.

    3. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      This is EXACTLY my thought about the Cavaliers. The team is fucked is LeBron leaves the team. Remember ''The Decision'' ? The entire team felt apart as soon as he moved to the Heat. Their fans should consider themselves lucky if he ever managed to come back and won a championship for them.


    4. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- UT Provided Another Glorious Dank Video About This! LOL!


  22. Link ! This characters literally turns into a copy of your opponent, just like in the original game. This thing is WinMUGEN only due to the DisplaytoClipboard coding it has.




    While we have been talking about disgusting Spongebob episodes almost 2 months ago, there is a new stinker named ''Ink Lemonade''. Well ! It is exactly what it says on the tin.

    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Who even drinks Ink Lemonade anyway? That stuff can make you piss Ink and you'll shit out Ink poop for a week

    2. Gaulbetti


      The Splinter is still worse by a small margin. Most will still say One Coarse Meal, but how are those worse than My Leg. Worst episode ever.


      I love how direct the names to the more infamous episodes are. That lost and found episode was super annoying too, as well as the more recent one where Patrick searches for ice cream.

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      And just when it seemed Spongebob would actually improve after the first movie. Modern Spongebob has it's moments, but then you have stuff like this... Yuck. Also a Pal for Gary made me not want to watch TV for a whole week.

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