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Everything posted by Superteletubbies64

  1. Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8h0HrJR0TaVcU-lrquuBhg
  2. What he said As I said on MFG I'd like Shinki but I'm also leaning toward Medicine because she's underrated
  3. This version of King K. Rool is a conversion of the final boss battle of Donkey Kong Country. It behaves exactly likes said game and must be hit 10 times. It has no alternate colors but the amount of damage King K. Rool deals depends on the number of the palette chosen. If you press Z when you select him, every attack is a OHKO. The F1 and F2 buttons also don't work on him. Works in all versions of MUGEN. Link: http://ux.getuploader.com/stgstg/download/25/King+K.rool(boss).zip
  4. How did you rip sprites from Super Smash Bros. Crusade?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DS12


      Searched it up on google.

    3. Superteletubbies64


      Is there a link to a place where you can find sprite rips from Crusade? I couldn't find them on Spriters Resource and googling "super smash bros crusade sprites" didn't help at all

    4. DS12


      I found Ashley's sprites here: 

      Ashley Canvas


  5. Hi


    Retro Suika's voice is Amitie's Japanese voice from Puyo Puyo (20th Amniversary, Chronicle and stuff)  right?

  6. Hi guys, this is my first collection on MFFA. This collection contains characters from the game Chrono Trigger. CHARACTERS: PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Crono: Kyo Kusanagi / The Demon of Laziness Marle: Kyo Kusanagi Lucca: Kyo Kusanagi Frog: zenjidoh Magus: Kyo Kusanagi / Raisu ENEMIES AND BOSSES: Gato: Balthazar & Jango Dragon Tank: Balthazar & The_None Slash: Xardion Son of Sun: Ahuron Lavos Spawn: Ahuron Lavos Core: Ahuron Dream Devourer: 這い寄る混沌 STAGES: Guardia Forest: squallsoft Zenan Bridge: Kyo Kusanagi / Dissidia Magus' Castle: Sonicbrawler77 12,000 A.D. - Dark Ages: Kyo Kusanagi The Land of Zeal: Dissidia Year 2300 A.D. - The Black Omen: Ryoucchi Chrono Trigger MUGEN Full Game: Jorge Bahamonde CTM Standalone Characters: Jorge Bahamonde / SilentProtagonist (Contains Crono, Marle, Lucca, Robo, Frog, Ayla, Magus, Inner Lavos and Lavos Core) Let me know if you found any Chrono Trigger-related stuff or a link is offline. BUT... THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE...
  7. Where's my Sonic '06 punching bag? And Ginyu Goku and Basketball?
  8. Will this get updated with the characters from yesterday?
  9. The first thing I made for MUGEN. It's a simple punching bag. Ever wanted to beat the crap out of Sonic '06? Well here you go. One day I will make bigger MUGEN project, but for now, have this. It's sligthly distorted though, I couldn't really do anything about because it would otherwise only work in 1.1. Updated with 1.1 version. The 1.1 version doesn't have distorted sprites but only works in 1.1. Link; http://www.mediafire.com/file/bf72k9lpxz82ds6/sonic06.rar
  10. Can I have the link to the Touhou images in the character? Thank you
  11. Holy shit this gotta be great
  12. That's because you copy the .cns file from the AI patch folder and replace the .cns file from the character folder with the AI patch one
  13. Are you the same person who made this Breloom? http://mugen.wikia.com/wiki/Breloom/Secret1056's_version
  14. Reisen comes from IN, Medicine comes from PoFV, they're different games so there's still a possibility GIVE ME KOMACHI
  15. he said he's only going to add one character from each game. This means that for example, if youmu is in the game, yuyuko and yukari won't
  16. You literally posted the same thing about 16 times, what happened to your internet connection? :p
  17. Really didn't expect you were still active in mugen are you still doing edits of minoo's chars?
  18. No I barely do anything on mffa but I just wanted to say happy birthday

  19. Well let's see whether your impression about this character will change or not when you spam its medium punch.
  20. Do you really meed the touhou wiki I promise no more touhou moves needed but this will be my last one probably. I want dio's road roller in it
  21. I never suggested an nsfw moves maybe put in some moves of komachi onozuka and shaq because I like it
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