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Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

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Everything posted by Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

  1. The most impressive logo i have ever seen even for horror movie standards, the gargoyle is well animated & the effects/sfx are also pretty gorgeous too.
  2. Just voted on XJ9 Jenny now. plus cant wait Marie to be finished.
  3. [State -2, HCF] type = Explod triggerall = !numexplod(id) trigger1 = enemy,life = 0 trigger1 = winko trigger1 = hitdefattr = SCA,HA,HT,HP anim = insert anim here ID = insert id number here pos = (x, replace with any number),(y, replace with any number) postype = back ;p2,front,back,left,right bindtime = insert binding time here removetime = insert remove time here sprpriority = 9 ontop = 1 ownpal = 1 removeongethit = 0
  4. this video makes me have a strong 2000s childhood memorable flashback/feel, where everything was better back then, way better than 2010s/2020s. good memories of my childhood (i was a 2000s kid back then when i remembered these stuff).
  5. Potato: Piko piko piko piko, piko piko piko piko piko! (Can't wait for this, keep up with your good work!) NOTE: Potato is Kano Kirishima's dog.
  6. Nice that you are still making KEY/Tactics heroines (EFZ chars) again, plus the AIR reference in the title.
  7. If you thought 586's EFZ chars had voice patches made by various authors, hanma's version of Mizuka (ONE) has one, but it's private. But anyways, this voice from the patch is from Mayumi Iizuka (PSX) or Ayaka Kimura (Full voice 2003 re-release)???, if someone does not find, i will make one based on Ayaka Kimura's voice for her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygbB-zA94yA
  8. Good luck on Lilith, even though i choosed to vote on Yukina.
  9. Tomorrow i will study more the stage documentation for MUGEN 1.1.

    1. Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      I'm also in the music configuration part, don't forget it.

  10. Tomorrow i might study more MUGEN stage documentations/tutorials, still on the animation section now.

  11. So i finished the .AIR documentation from the docs from the introduction to interpolation parts (i will reserve the character-specific/reserved numbers for character creation soon, i will start with stages like i promised).

  12. Currently repraticing MUGEN documents now (1.1 version, readed the 1.1 current/latest updates list).

    I Might pratice the .AIR format & first study the stage documentation (Soon i will repratice character creation tutorials, cns format, sctrls, triggers, fonts, storyboards, lifebars & etc), also note that i will read both notations from the docs, mugenguild & "Name = SURA (bluesura.github.io)" site.

    1. Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      Tomorrow i will repratice more for better knowledge by paying attention (As stated, i will start with stages, i might read info about chars soon & how they work, and important: i might learn to be good with math stuff as a bonus :p).

  13. I Was reading the .CNS documentation though as i finished the .CMD documentation, tomorrow i will read more (Still on "physics" state of statedefs description).

  14. Gonna read part 2 of the .CMD file notation (State entry, readed command information which is part 1).

  15. Finished reading the entire MUGEN character creation tutorial from the docs, now what only rests is the CMD notation, CNS notation, SCTRL reference, trigger list, stage tutorial (from the docs obviously), stage documentation & font/storyboard documentation.

  16. So i was studying things about QoH '99 SE on the site Kitchen Discotheque.

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