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Everything posted by Yagoshi_The_Yoshi

  1. Guess what. The Multi-Post Bug Strikes Again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DS12


      At least we can still access our profiles....

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Is not even a relevant bug like the access profile bug, not even worth of a mention anymore.


      If the bug happens just don´t post at all or just make a post if is something important (Besides the extra ones can be deleted later) imo

    4. RobotMonkeyHead


      We do delete the multiple posts created by it.  Also, I really don't mind people talking about it.
      RMaster's approach was just a little too "inciting" and consistent, and he was coming at staff more than the issue, telling us to run a better site and a few other things which many of our visitors read.  So I asked him to stop for that reason, but I don't mind conversation about it.  Shit something useful might come of it at best.  One of Rimu's comments about it was how we found out it hits on Saturdays. 


  2. Last Video of the Month:


  3. The Mid-Boss of KOF Memorial LV 1 & 2, but with KOF13 Outfit and Bandana Here's the Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tlaysya96ncoi9f/03-Kyo-10.rar
  4. The Multipost Bug Strikes Again

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      Right on schedule too.
      Saturday between 4am and 10am.  (last weeks time frame)
      Now to find the time of the last single post and the first double post today.
      See if I can narrow this time frame down to the hour it occurs.
      That'll give me a handle to possibly find it by.

      Thank you Rimu!

  5. Do Not Steal-o The Zero:


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