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Everything posted by Flowrellik

  1. Thank you. I'm going to test this out. EDIT: Um you have a better download source for this? This is awfully to slow for me.
  2. OK! So I got KOF Extra UM Plus 2012 and its a kickass game overall Mugenwise. However after much research I discovered there are patches for this game, including Apollo for boss and I believe SNK Blanka. Besides the ryu and Gouki Patch are there other patches for KOFEXUM? Please this needs to be answered. thank you.
  3. Welp Crossing main.jp is down.

  4. So....no one has Agnibyte's custom intro patches?

  5. I swear this Chunli reminds me of one of Teutho's works.
  6. That one is Yoda's stage and I have it along with an EX version of it. If you want it that bad Ryon I can send it via Skype ok?
  7. Ughs. Its new years and MFFA's still reported? Wake the fuck up Google!

    1. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      Google is a peice of shit.


    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Uhh...how long have you been gone?

  9. Anyone on chat anymore???

    1. RIS
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Not really, its because the usual chat room users are busy or offline atm.

    3. Ryon


      avoid at all costs. but they are.

  10. O_O UGH!!!!! NO.. THIS IS HORRIFYING! WOrse than Street fighter the movie, and HELL WORSE than the Dragon Ball Live action movie.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  11. I feel so satisfied that I betatested the stages. I hope GLB keeps going strong with his work.
  12. See this is why stupid shit like that should just get you killed on the spot. I'm serious, there's nothing I dislike more than seeing someone being a spoiled rotten little b****. The last person that did that to me got his nose busted, arm twisted, Jaw shattered, and half his rib cage almost torn open >:C.
  13. I was looking for this stage! ty very much! I wonder what else he did in the past :3
  14. For a tutorial. I Would like to request Stage interaction, preferably on destructible objects, instage sounds and for stages with water floors a way to make splashes when moving

  15. uh whats going on at the guild? seriously its down.

    1. Markpachi


      Maintenance routine.

    2. Markpachi


      It's back again.

  16. Its back again.. Thank you. and Ryon: DONT SCARE ME LIKE THIS AGAIN. PLEASE!!

  17. Thank you for fixxing this Ryon and Congrats on your Wedding too XD! I dont what I will do without you guys.
  18. Esnips used to be good.. Then they turned shitty. Same with Ucoz and Mugen infantry. This place has been awesome in helping me out in the best ways possible, and if needed I help them out as well. Thank you very much MFFA. For this, I got your back always ;).
  19. Is there a patch that can make a preview on .pcx files?

    1. Ryon


      yeah there is, but i dont feel safe using it.


      scroll till bottom

  20. Wait, this is a CVS Char on the SNK Side, and it plays like KOFXIII? Megusta!
  21. I'll take that to heart BlazEdge. I hate hackers.
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