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Everything posted by Flowrellik

  1. I gotta say I'm rather impressed with this fullgame's result! You even added in Rugal that can take his coat off to get serious! I'm also happy you added my Arena stage in the mix too
  2. https://www.mediafire.com/file/f5fhlcgkxn4aa75/Arena2014.rar/file An old WIP thought to be lost for years is now found and completed, just in time for the new decade! Semi-SuperJump, zoom, and parallax was added for this stage! Two versions for Normal and Widescreen mode are added in the mix! Sprites by Claudio Toxi and Ryo2005 with Edits by me, Flowrellik! Special Thanks to Devon for fixing up some Parallax issues. New Stage! New Year! New Battles of the Next Decade!

  4. Idk if anyone has seen the Samsho collection, but the links to ali's characters and stages on his archived site lead to a yahoo japan page stating wrong URL.
    I am looking for Ali's stages (all of them).

    1. OldGamer


      have you try using way back maching ? and go back 2009 ?

  5. all of Ali's links on the wayback machine (And off) do not work. All of them lead to a Yahoo Japan page stating they are wrong links. Quite sad considering I need a specific stage from there.
  6. I know it's way old but has anyone managed to figure out how to obtain the rest of X's moveset?
  7. So essentially it's gonna be a Touhou game with a specialized groove system for spellcards and whatnot? Oh man this is gonna be SWEET!
  8. ADD004 PATCH: Alternate Powerbars for Team mode RELEASED! Get it while it's hot!

  9. Add004 patch: Alternate Powerbars in Team Mode! For those who wish to try, place this in the add004 folder in data of your add004 MUGEN/IKEMEN. This common01.cns enables alternate powerbars for team battle mode! The powerbars are selected by palette, since for the add4 standard in the past, there was in fact 2 extra bars. Mind you it's experimental as I am also trying for tag mode as well. Hopefully I can do it and properly, but in the meantime, Enjoy!! http://www.mediafire.com/file/esa8qeut7bfhy2v/common1-ALTPOWERBARTEAMMODE.cns Vid should be be coming soon! if anyone else wants to make one for posting do so plz! A bit of details of what these other bars do. For the left (Pal 3,6,9,12) are SVC/Samsho type bars. This bar enables energy for the powerbar by blocking and getting hurt, with Just Defend for additional energy/damage cancel. 50% energy grants lvl 1 supers, while MAXIMUM gives the lvl.2-3 attacks at the cost of 50% energy (This part has the bar draining as well, and I think this also increases the damage for lvl 3 Idk for sure). the Right (Pal 2,5,8,11) are SFA/KOF Based. This mode has parrying for healing a smidge of life. you start with only lvl.1 attacks at Max. When your life is at 25%, Max becomes super, the power bar slowly regenerates to full, and gives lvls 2-3 attacks. Have fun guys :D
  10. Author is Shiyo Kakuge not Varo hades. and yeah I wonder too how he is able to make a water effect like this because this is truly amazing!
  11. I have not forgotten the bullshit that site has pulled on me and many others. To this day I am still perma-banned in there for no reason besides lies along with a majority of fellow mugen players/creators. Why on our daily lives should we even consider helping them if they cannot realize that what they've done was rather stupid.
  12. whoa...Nice stage + Metal slug vehicle type characters that I've never seen before?!! This....this is a collection worth finding!

  14. Afaik, there has been a few instances where a character does not work with add004, mainly because of not agreeing with the common01.cns Latest example is with Another K' and K'MI. Afaik, one fix was adding a standard common01.cns from Mugen 1.1 to them, but in terms of converting them via add4pie, it gives me that exact same problem and it's been infuriating me eversince. Little help here?
  15. hmmm a V-trigger type where Geese goes nightmare eh? I like :)
  16. Sighs. The biggest mistake of my life was being the shy guy. See, Back during my childhood - high school year, I was a pretty shy person, I didn't have much socialization, used to be fearful of many things, hell safe to say with what I dealt with, I found my past self to be down right stupid. Well, there was this one girl back in high school I've always wanted to ask out...ended up chickening out. Worst mistake I made right there. Thing is....that is what I thought. Apparently years later, that same girl came to a 4th july party my neighbor was throwing, and my parents went while I was at work. Turns out she had a crush on me and had the same problem....and now she's single. From what she told them she might be coming back to visit....>//> I have no idea on how to confront this.... at all. It's good knowing that someone cares for me but at the same time I'm nervous to all hell...this never happened to me ever (Meaning no one confessed to loving me...) Sorry if I sound childish but that's the truth right there.
  17. *Drools* Those chars have a desired effect That I wished on my CVS Chars! Thank you for telling me how to accomplish this via PM!
  18. Happy birthday Collection hero XD

    1. gui0007


      Thank you bruh! :D

  19. yo bud happy birthday!

  20. At the present moment Mugenarchive is in a state of disarray. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/anyone-here-being-banned-my-huge-butt-no-reason-all-174638.0.html Unnecessary bannings, adfly attempted implication (possibly still going on), restricted downloads all to hell, the works.
  21. I find it amazing that the whole mugenarchive stuff is still going on. Oh and nice touch adding my reason for ban to be ganking when I did nothing at all.

  22. Ooooooops :P. Yeah I kinda figured I forgot the link. I did make this around 2AM last night. Sorrys ^^* Anywho link updated! Sorrys :P also I'll have to check my PMs and whatnot, I don't know if I have it or not.
  23. Special DOUBLE Release!
    KoreaMarket2014 and Suzaku2014 UPDATE! Get them while they're hot!

  24. It has finally arrived! The anticipated stage for one of my favorite Kim Brothers is finally Mugenized! -Animated -Parallax Floors with deltas -a bit of custom spriting too :D -Tatsu Style Zoom! - 4 different OSTs (One from TTT, the other from Garou AST, 2 variants each! Original AND Ambience included) Special thanks to Vegaz for helping me fix up a certain annoying cock (Chicken) animation + fixxes, Yamori and the MFFA team for betatesting! HAVE AT IT AND KEEP ROCKING! http://www.mediafire.com/download/3b5r12brz6sb3t5/KoreaMarket2014.rar
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