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Lillie's 音MADs

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Everything posted by Lillie's 音MADs

  1. I didn't know of that. Let's keep it as a mirror for now.
  2. Wonderful collection. There's a Maou somewhere, I'll try to find a link for him. Edit: At the speed of a Lunatic, I have found him! Since he was only on MA, here's a reupload https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t6DhFq-ntN71CSW5CLhUIG9jNtUetxsK
  3. Mai Kawasumi by Nep Heart Suwako Moriya by Ricepigeon  Ed by WlanmaniaX
  4. Happy 20th anniversary to MUGEN. Here's to another great (and hopefully much less drama filled) 20 years!

  5. I've been following all of your releases, I really enjoy each of your characters! You're taking on one of my favorites now, I can't wait to see what you got in store.
  6. I like these aesthtics, they look good to me. Good luck on the project, I'll be looking forward to it. And take it slow if you need to.
  7. Well, then I'll quickly get these two out of the way. Thanks for the short time it was opened again!
  8. Thanks for completing that request. Gonna ask for this song song. Kinda surprised no one wanted this looped before.
  9. Glad to see this is back! Would you mind looping this from 0:53 onwards?
  10. Spotted an error. You added the seizure warning icon to DJHANNIBALROYCE's Ditto, not his Omanyte. Not sure if Ditto has flashing lights aswell though, i haven't had that character in my roster for a while.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Can't say much more than have a good time :)
  12. Nice collection so far! To contribute, i found this Biollante (a rather OP one) on Mugen Archive, the creator is Burninggodzillalord, edited by another known as Matti. Since i don't know of any other links, here's a reupload. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1R62tl7vVAMOCQ66nId0WDbSFnfPcL-nc
  13. Seems really interesting! Wish you good luck with developing and I'll be looking out for when it's released.
  14. Shouldn't YajyuImouto be considered semi-NSFW? She does contain quite some (albeit censored) sprites from a certain NSFW source and these do show up even if not fighting NSFW characters (in most of her hypers for example).
  15. That is what i meant. For example, if you take the normal KFM included with the game (can't provide screenshot) and knock him off the stage he will always try to "recover" with a Kung Fu Knee. Playing as him reveals that if you press any of the command button while trying to come back reveals that he is automaticly using ther move.
  16. Could someone tell me how to set a certain special move as the "recovery"? (The move that a character automaticly uses when pressing a button when trying to get back onto the platform) I have trouble with finding the variable of it and certain special moves cause the characters to stand in the air due to the properties of the move itself.
  17. I hate april fools day when it comes to M.U.G.E.N.. Most creations released on it aren't really funny (except for Icon of Sin, that one will never get old) and just waste your time by getting your hopes up for something thats not going to happen.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Same here....I feel like the holiday is getting stale, Easter is fine but April Fools.....more like Be a total dumbass for falling for shit day...because that's all what this holiday is...you see something that LOOKS legit and then you feel like a fucking dumbass because one is NOT legit (expect for The_None's Kinyo Roadshow...that one is legit)...tho I'll say this, that Stretchy Limbs edit named Stretchy Limbs Mk. CDXX - Ultimate Pound (That's a real name) managed to give me a good laugh...I feel like I had a love/hate relationship with April Fools day now

    3. xXPGlitz236


      I kinda hate april fools day as well
      becides why easter on an april fools??

    4. Gaulbetti


      Wait, we're allowed to diss how the Mugen community celebrates April Fools?


      OMG I hate this day so much. Thankfully no one I know tries AF jokes with me.

  18. It seems like both Groudon and Kyorge by Anton16658 got edited by Magiccraft219. Not much better but atleast something. Groudon: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JzI5Cg83kt90FqQQkdZhbPzXDahLn8E_ Kyogre: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VdxyGRpro44tfNZ9vD46h6ddup20D_lU
  19. Hey guys. I took the "pleasure" of reuploading Lillie. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7x4a34u6ZGUZDdxbzRQVlliakE
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