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Lillie's 音MADs

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Status Updates posted by Lillie's 音MADs

  1. Going to release a few previously private AI patches very soon. My life's kinda hectic right now, so I don't have much time to work on MUGEN. Figured I could throw out these at least before I get time to work on my own creations again.

    Have made 6 patches so far, of which I will release 4 at once, for the reason that I want to revamp the other 2.

    1. Riku Minato

      Riku Minato

      what are these AI patch you did!?

    2. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      These are all intended for watch mode. I prefer to watch M.U.G.E.N than to play it (though I do still play it). Maybe they'll be on Saltybet one day.


      The patches include:

      A far better AI for Shimmering Brony's Stocking

      A patch for ForthRhyme's It's a Bully

      A patch for aznperson569M's Weegee

      A patch for Knezovicz's Bellyache

      An ai patch plus minor alterrations for Gamerduck13's Boss Airman

      Edits to the AI of SA-X by Akuys (I hope that's what he called, forgot)


      Out of these, Bully, Weegee, Airman and Bellyache are first to release. Stocking needs a revamp (she was for my first) and I want to make more significant changes to SA-X.

  2. Happy 20th anniversary to MUGEN. Here's to another great (and hopefully much less drama filled) 20 years!

  3. I hate april fools day when it comes to M.U.G.E.N.. Most creations released on it aren't really funny (except for Icon of Sin, that one will never get old) and just waste your time by getting your hopes up for something thats not going to happen.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Same here....I feel like the holiday is getting stale, Easter is fine but April Fools.....more like Be a total dumbass for falling for shit day...because that's all what this holiday is...you see something that LOOKS legit and then you feel like a fucking dumbass because one is NOT legit (expect for The_None's Kinyo Roadshow...that one is legit)...tho I'll say this, that Stretchy Limbs edit named Stretchy Limbs Mk. CDXX - Ultimate Pound (That's a real name) managed to give me a good laugh...I feel like I had a love/hate relationship with April Fools day now

    3. xXPGlitz236


      I kinda hate april fools day as well
      becides why easter on an april fools??

    4. Gaulbetti


      Wait, we're allowed to diss how the Mugen community celebrates April Fools?


      OMG I hate this day so much. Thankfully no one I know tries AF jokes with me.

  4. Oh hey there.

    Recently got interest in MUGEN again after like 10 months.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      Nice to know, Xiristatos.

    3. Xiristatos


      Nice to know as well, CurrentlyNotMissingLuigi

    4. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      I would actully preferr the name CurrentlyNotMissingLuigiWhoSomeHowTurnedIntoAGirlBecauseHeDidn'tPlayMUGENForTenMonths

  5. After all of these years, I have finally managed to beat Wario Land 4.

    Too bad I only did it on normal, now I have to do hard and s-hard mode too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      Wario Land 4 isn't even hard at all. Even the SpongeBob Movie Game for GBA is harder, but mainly for the wrong reasons...


      There's a thing somewhere that says there was going to be a Insane mode. It's mentioned in the game's data but has no data itself.

    3. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      Actully, thats already a thing. It's called S-Hard. Trust me, I only played 2 levels and it nearly made me hate the game.

      Also, I suck at many video games, so some games are harder for me.

    4. Darkflare


      Yea, don't bother with S-Hard.

  6. Happy B-Day! This birthday is yours, not Stingy's!

  7. I just found a shiny Pikipeck while I was searching for a grubbin!

  8. Well, it's been one year since I have registed to this site. I just want to say that I have enjoyd my stay here so far and I'm exited for what will come in the future.

    1. xXPGlitz236


      so am i its also been like one year of November 2015 since i joined in said time



      I somehow manage to let my Latroy6 styled Mario Bros Beat Goku and Vegeta (note I only have the english soundpack for this version of goku the english soundpack for Vegeta is gone)


  9. Happy Birthday to:


    Flandre Scarlet

    Hungry Wolf





  10. Happy new year to everyone.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy New Year!! MFFA For The Win, Yo! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

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