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Status Updates posted by Websta

  1. fack ew & yor trap fetish faget!

  2. on a boat aeroplane thing filled with hawt anime babes

  3. is that all ya got!?

    1. Doomguy


      Well, you don't have much more than that, either.

    2. Sweetfire13
  4. aaaaaaaah....AAAAAAAAHHH!!!

    1. Riku Minato
    2. Aster


      boom goes the dynamite

    3. DuckAzz


      *Explosive Cum* I guess.

  5. 3 buttons? 4 buttons? no that's weird, give me 6! I play mugen with my feet!

    1. Trinitronity


      That's something Chun-Li would say.

    2. Celest


      Her thighs is too ridiculous ._.'

  6. I'm here for your pickle~

  7. mmmmmmm... Shana

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wargame-kun


      u better make her websta

    3. DartzPie


      Make her :D

      for 1.1 <3

    4. Trinitronity



  8. I totally just had a dream of Dartz Pie posting a lot of Sinon hentai :/

  9. lol Freeza doesn't have a penis

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cayne


      I dont get Freiza's race at all. They all are very femine, wear panties, and chilled was a bitch ass nigga.

    3. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight


      Except for the Cooler members.

    4. Cayne
  10. people be releasing characters like they have diarrhoea

  11. 1'm h1d1n9 uNd3r y0uR b3d!!

    1. Doomguy



      Because you'd be hiding next to the other 3 goons who tried doing that.

  12. the banner change? D: why!? WHY!? I don't like different! different bad!!

    1. Gaulbetti


      Change is good, though.

    2. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      Just thought I'd leave this here:

  13. dad had a chicken! mama had a cow!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flowrellik
    3. Ryon


      Mama had a chicken,

      Mama had a cow,

      Dad was proud,

      He didn't care how.

      your first lyric is wrong. LOL

    4. BrawlTheMan


      Thanks ryon, I just imagined a man squeezing a chicken out of his penis a la Junior.

  14. "I like to jerk when no ones looking. Just like YOU!"

  15. don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like ME?

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Hot? YES! Like you...Do i even know your face?

  16. geeeeeeesoooooooooo

    1. Trinitronity


      You're doing it wrong.

      If you mean that SNK schtick, then it is "CHEESU!"

    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic
    3. Trinitronity


      Shut up, Neo! You don't even know what the fucking topic is!

  17. I will SMMMMAAAAASH you...... sexually

    1. Trinitronity


      Man, so much innuendo...in a sexual way.

    2. Kazagami


      I'm gonna wreck it

    3. Trinitronity


      ...in a sexual way?

  18. consequences will never be the same!

  19. see this banana? you know what I'm gonna to with it?

  20. I'm telling mom!!

  21. I need a maid, any volunteers?

  22. EAT IT!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Алексей


      Open up your mouth and feed it! Just eat it, eat it, eat it. *echoes*

    3. RicePigeon


      I knew someone was going to make the obligatory Weird Al reference.

    4. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      Trailblazer used crunch

  23. you're not fapping hard enough

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Don't you have another jokes besides fap ones?

    2. Websta
    3. GuyZero32k4


      If you dont need glasses yet, you're doing it wrong.

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