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Super Nicholas

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Posts posted by Super Nicholas

  1. I wonder if there is a way to defeat it, like using a sort of thing that KO's it before the match begins... Speaking of F1, I find it really annoying that characters like Giygas and GLaDOS can't be F1'd (not with the character).

  2. Here's the link to Kirby's latest update:


    I have fixed the sprite errors that GarchompMatt and Gopal pointed out.

    Stone Kirby's landing position has been fixed. (It was too low.)

    Added new moves:

    Wheel Jump: Press up during Wheel Kirby.

    Stone Kirby can be used during Wheel Jump for a combo.

    EX Laser Kirby (QCF a+y): Bigger, quicker, more powerful, and cuts through opponents, but uses 500 power.

    Kirby Top (QCF y): Spins toward the opponent a little.

    EX Kirby Top (QCF b+z): More powerful and moves further. Uses 500 power.

    Stone Kirby's transformation is quicker.

    Some attacks are quicker for better comboing.

    Inhale (Work-in-progress): A grab, but it's still buggy. Still does damage and throws the opponent, though.

    (I might need some help on getting Inhale debugged... :P)

    I haven't added running backward yet. I might make a separate commons file and air file to use running back instead of hopping back, though.

  3. Yesterday, something happened that I really think you should hear about. I was on a Falcon Punch rampage (where I use kamekaze's Captain Falcon and use Falcon Punch and hit F1 when it hits), and I wound up against my Kirby. Whenever I would try to Falcon Punch him one round, he would counter with his Hammer attack, and this attack in specific, stopping me while I was preparing the punch. I know for a fact that I didn't program AI into Kirby (I don't know how), but it just seemed wierd. It's as if he did have AI or something... By the way, I have fixed Kirby's sprite problem. I have also sped up some of his attacks so he can combo better.

  4. I'm getting the bugs out. I have fixed up his hitsparks to be positioned right. I have also fixed the helper glitch, so only one of each helper can be on the field at a time. AND I have fixed the hitoverride for the helpers, so ALL helpers function properly now. Note: Don't forget this character isn't final yet. I have to fix all of his bugs and stuff. I can always add stuff in an update, you know. Don't worry about those minor bugs yet. They don't affect gameplay too much, but I'll try to get those out.

  5. Nintendo's working on 2 New Super Mario Bros. games at once, apparently. This one looks like it'll be great. They clearly are pulling in elements from Super Mario World, such as baby Yoshis and Boo Buddies (The Boos the fly in circles). And of course, leave it to Nintendo to throw in some new stuff, too, like the Flying Squirrel Suit.

  6. Paper Mario is apparently going back to RPG instead of like in Super Paper Mario. I noticed that they are seriously implementing the "paper" element into the game with everything using paper-like physics. The addition of the fan and scissors could be interesting. The stickers probably replace the items and flower points from the previous games, using the stickers to perform special attacks and such. With the paper-element thing being implemented more than ever... I would have to wonder what happens if an enemy got wet or was set on fire...

  7. Note: It is Pikmin, not Pikman. Loved the Pikmin games, especially Pikmin 2. I am eager to see the release of this game. I was beginning to think we'd never see another Pikmin game, but Nintendo brought it back! I was also happy to see Olimar in Brawl. I beat both games without losing a single Pikmin.

  8. The original Luigi's Mansion was a great game! This game looks even better! I cannot wait to play this game! Because Ryon mentioned he didn't know the opening plot of the first Luigi's Mansion, I'll tell what it is. In the original Luigi's Mansion, Mario was kidnapped by Boos and turned into a painting by their king, King Boo. Luigi had to go in after him with the help of Professor E. Gadd, who invented the Poltergust 3000 (Luigi's Vacuum). Also, I noticed a reference to this game in Super Mario Sunshine... Apparently, Professor E. Gadd invented Shadow Mario's Brush and FLUDD, too. (You can even see a silouette of his face on the nozzle boxes.) Another reference is when a Pianta in the attic of Hotel Delfino says he wishes "someone could vacuum up all of the ghosts". Apparently, it's more than just ghosts in this game, because in that vid, there was a giant spider!

  9. This game is great! I discovered a way to get to Pianta Village before you get to Bianca Hills. It involves lots of skill with wall-jumping and the Hover Nozzle. Also, if you jump up from "belly-sliding" on a steep slope, like the roofs of buildings in Delfino Square and keep running, Mario runs really fast. It's funny. The commercial was horrid... Givin' Mario an embarrassing name... A similar thing happened with Earthbound with an advertisement thing titled "This Game Stinks".

  10. Hardest boss I have ever faced... That's a tough one... I have several that can tie for my top spot. Not sure which was hardest for me. Here's my list: Shadow Queen (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door) (She is nasty. End of discussion.) The Biolizard (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle) (The bubble part is near impossible! You keep getting knocked away!) Golden Diva (Wario Land 4) (She is rotten! She is hard to hit, has annoying attacks, and there is a time limit to beat her!) Yakuza (Metroid Fusion) (If that thing grabs you, you can kiss 4 energy tanks goodbye.) Dark Mind "Core" (Kirby and the Amazing Mirror) (His attacks are very hard to avoid. Also, he has a LOT of health!) Princess Shroob (Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time) (Has a shield, and takes forever to beat. Has powerful attacks) Metal General EX (Kirby's Return to Dreamland) (He is hard to hit and has powerful moves. Having half-health in Hard Mode doesn't help at ALL! All this plus the things GarchompMatt mentioned make Metal General EX incredibly hard to beat!) Master Lobber (The Legendary Starfy) (All of his attacks are overpowered and he has an instant-kill move that is nearly unavoidable) Honorable Mentions: Hag 1 (Banjo-Tooie) (Has poison gas, hard-to-avoid attacks, and annoying quiz questions) Nightmare (Metroid Fusion) (Hitting that ugly thing's face is HARD! And when it flies around, it is very hard to avoid.) Galacta Knight (Kirby Super Star Ultra) (He is EVIL! He may be tougher to beat than Marx Soul! He is easier to beat with Meta Knight, but in the True Arena, you have to play as Kirby, who doesn't have "Meta Heal" to help him... In my opinion, he is best dealt with using Hammer Kirby.) SA-X (Metroid Fusion) (All of its attacks do at least a full energy tank of damage. You practically have to fly around using screw attack to avoid dying.) Master Belch (Earthbound) (He is constantly giving your party nausea (He is a pile of throw-up.), which is a VERY nasty problem in game. And he keeps summoning Slimy Little Piles to help him.) Hades (Kid Icarus: Uprising) (Getting though 3 forms of him without dying is difficult when you are playing on a high intensity... That part where you have to shoot certain projectiles is nasty... Considering if you screw up, you get hit with an unavoidable attack. Fighting his heart was annoying in Chapter 23...) Pit's Body (Kid Icarus: Uprising) (You have to play as Magnus (No Projectiles) and fight Pit (Fast-Moving Projectiles). Avoiding his shots is very difficult.) Marx Soul (Kirby Super Star Ultra) (His attack are powerful and he has a lot of health. Plus, for some reason, the Paint ability he gives does only 1 damage to him! I beat him with the least trouble using Plasma.)

  11. Galacta Knight would be very cool for MUGEN. But it could be tough programming him because of all the projectiles/helpers he uses. I would have to adjust these so I can program them. Don't forget I'm still a programming noob... :P [CONFIRMED]: I will attempt to make Meta Knight for MUGEN!

  12. I have updated Kirby again. I have added dodges to him.

    Their commands are:

    Forward Dodge = a+x

    Backward Dodge = b+y

    These are VERY useful for getting out of combos and avoiding powerful moves.

    I have also adjusted Kick Spin (Air Z) to be able to hit more easily for better combos.

    I have also fixed Beanbon's retreat. (It was too fast)

    I also fixed Oohroo's attack. (He now uses his attack closer to the opponent)

    Also, he has a BIG sound update!

    Also, good idea on Meta Knight, TK. Maybe I'll make him sometime using his sprites from Super Star Ultra! ;)

    (An awesome knight needs an awesome MUGENized version!)

    BTW, Kibora. I am currently not working on any other Kirby characters. I was attempting at making Smithy (the main villain from Super Mario RPG). But he isn't my priority right now. I am working on Kirby.


  13. Yeah. Your videos really helped me get started on this character. Thanks for that. I know the command thing is an issue, but I have no clue as to why they don't work. I've tried tweaking them, but they still didn't work... Some commands seem to work occasionally, though... But, when those bugs are fixed, I feel that this character will really shine in the field of battle. I've managed to beat tough characters like Ronald McDonald with him, even with glitchy commands.

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