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Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

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Status Updates posted by Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

  1. Goku achieve yet another level of Super Saiyan...


    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Dat Honest Trailer's Narrator though.

    2. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      I'm gonna hit that rep button.

  2. Did we have someone here making a small port? I want to request a few.

  3. Yay, manage to get Ultron!!!

  4. RIP Konami... (1969 - 2015)

  5. Can't believe that some people actually support microtransaction in gaming world now...so sad...

  6. "Tell me...did you bleed...? You will!"

  7. - This is not a joke of April fools, this is real and this is...well I think legit. Goku get a new form in the upcoming DBZ movie..and again, just a recolor...see for yourself -

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Hadou ooana GALAXY!!!!!!!!!!

      Yudan wana PARASITE!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Is it me or Akira Toriyama doesn't have idea anymore...? First he made SSJ God form which just a recolor version of base Goku, and now Frieza new form was just a recolor version of his final form to golden color...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DartzPie


      Super Barney

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      At least they are good recolours. At least Akira Toriyama didn't use MS Paint.

    4. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Found someone on youtube comment - "Frieza new form look like a player 2 version of him in video games". I laugh really hard XD. Make me think now, if someone make a color separation patch for CHOUJIN or Balthazar Frieza, yea we can make this new Frieza in mugen.

  10. I thought unlocking Kaioken x3 was already hard, hell Kaioken x20 was on the different level of hardest...and that because of stupid Vegeta always die...lame AI!

    1. Mister Fael
    2. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      try getting super saiyan......

      and i actualy got kaiokenand x3 back2back. lucky me.

  11. Unlocking Kaioken x3 was pain in the ass in Xenoverse...almost 10 try, manage to unlock it.

    1. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      Getting all seven balls was harder.

    2. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Yea, but for now it seem luck is on my side when collecting Dragon Balls. I just keep playing the PQ - Attack of the Saiyans and got the Dragon Balls.

  12. It is fucking cool! How DBZ should look like in Live Action version.

  13. Pokken should be rename as - Pokemon Shippuden : Ultimate Pet Storm

  14. DBXV and MKX - My body is ready!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      MK is just like DBZ, die character can return back to life as long as the character has an impact in storyline or has a huge amount of fans who want to see them return. For Kung Lao and Kitana, both of them due have an impact in storyline even though they are not main characters.

    3. Doomguy


      Kung Lao is coming back because he did in MK Gold after his death in MK3.

      As for Kitana, fuck logic.

    4. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      LOL. But for the Kung Lao, you do know right that his death in MK3 was actually fake. He faking his own death because he want to have a peaceful life without fighting. Thy why he return back in MK Gold.

  15. PirateBay has return!!! YAY!

    1. JokerintheButt


      and all the olds torrent are gone.

    2. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN
  16. Oh Crapcom...you know fans want a DMC5...and yet you re-released both DMC4 and DmC for PS4/XBOne...Capcom, you guys are King of the MilKing!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cook4251



    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I say 30 years from now capcom will finally listen to there fans

    4. Gaulbetti


      Will they still be around? They will either be gone, in another place (Sony probably), or on their last threads.

  17. WTF? Firefox stupid ad has infected MFFA, I cannot post any comment or update status...shit...using Chrome now...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DarkWolf13


      Adblock + Pop-Up Blocker = Best Chrome experience.

    3. Алексей


      Webkit > Gecko. Firefox became less of an option as it started to decline and alternatives like SeaMonkey are non-applicable.

    4. Galvatron


      I havn't had trouble with fire Fox. and I been posting things with since. :-P

  18. Man...Piratebay has down...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kanbei


      @Cayne Theres an app called adblcok for firefox its blocks ads even porn ones. That sucks that its down oh well.

    3. Galvatron


      RIP Piratebay......

    4. Gaulbetti


      Hopefully we can still go on with out it's presence, like Megaupload...

  19. Is there something wrong with MFG server? I cannot surf that site right now..?

    1. Winmugen11


      They're moving servers right now so nobody can access it atm.

    2. Zemilia


      That's weird. I can still access the site.

    3. DarkWolf13
  20. Oh great, notifications button screw up again...New Tab, we meet again!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Winmugen11


      You're right Sham, it is the 3rd time we all face this issue again. Personally I'm not bothered with opening new tabs to read PM's and notifications all that much but even if it were only for the sake of convenience, it would be best that this problem would be dealt with for good so we'll never have to come across it again.

    3. Winmugen11


      @ Rimu : I'm pretty sure you can make a topic for reporting bugs and sending suggestions to the admins in the Administration & You section. There's no rule against doing so unless you're a staff member as far as I know.

    4. Zzyzzyxx


      That section says "You cannot start a new topic".


  22. Someone on Youtube post a comment about something that he did not understand and say the thing he doesn't understand was a shit. Then a few people reply to him and explain about the thing so that he will understand. Then he reply back to all this people who kindly explain to him and say all of them are stupid, pretend to be smart, he was right and they was wrong. After that he disable the reply system...I really HATE this UNGRATEFUL COWARD type of people!

    1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      sounds like a tipicall DBZ/Naruto mad fanboy

    2. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      thats just how youtube comments are you sir.

    3. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Yea, fanboy usually act like that. Always see that on youtube but the disable reply part was just...man that was really coward, he just say a shit to other people than disable the reply so nobody can reply back to his insult.

  23. Where the hell is that Draculina wip thread??? It's been delete? What's wrong, something happen on that thread or what...?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Laharl


      calm down we are better off without that kind of person

    3. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Yo Tenryuu, I'm sad because this kind of thing is happen on this forum lately. Before this MFFA is one of the peace mugen community.

    4. Laharl


      we still are. We just get dumbasses joining still.

  24. Hello MFFA!!!! Have a great vacation with my family, I'm back now XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galvatron


      Welcome Back Sham =)

    3. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      Us having a vaction with your familly?!

    4. JokerintheButt


      welcome back bro. 8D

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