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Status Updates posted by Ori-Ori

  1. I know I made a status topic with the same topic, but I would love to see Touhou Hisoutensoku being on the PS4/PSN. Urban Legend in Limbo is on the PS4 and some Touhou fangames, so why not Hisoutensoku?

    1. Darkflare


      Because it's too old by now.

    2. Ori-Ori
  2. 5OWiBnZ6.png


    Kid these days.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Masterhand128


      Making fun of these guys is not the best solution, if I were you I ignore them instead of paying attention of these "kids".

    3. Masterhand128


      Making fun of these guys is not the best solution, if I were you I ignore them instead of paying attention of these "kids".

    4. Ori-Ori


      I know, but I did it anyway.


    I have no words for this.

  4. So the Kubz Scouts is playing Bendy and the Ink Machine.


    Click here if you want to watch:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      ...You forgot Pokemon.

    3. StrongestPotato


      Pokemon does not hold a candle to the Undertale-Touhou-Minecraft Axis, but this game, oh this game, has potential to debunk the whole Axis

    4. Gaulbetti


      Pokemon still has a candle though...

  5. So... can you show us any progress of Innocent Zero?

    1. RicePigeon


      Everythings still WIP at this state, especially with Chen on the horizon

    2. Ori-Ori



    3. RicePigeon


      More than likely, Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya will be the first ones

  6. SJWs need to realize that lack of diversity isn't a bad thing. They also need to stop being whiny hypocrites and cry babies.

    1. Ori-Ori


      Why did I put the "cry babies" in that update? Whiny and cry babies mean the same thing.

    2. ShiroTori


      Personally, I'm getting more annoyed with people complaining about "SJWs" and I'm seeing this way more than these "SJWs" lately. But that's just me.


      I think diversity is a good thing for the most part, and there's plenty off stuff that has it. I love when a cast of characters has a good variety of designs and personalities (Think something like Street Fighter or Overwatch), and people like having a character they can relate to. That being said, I don't think it should be the defining factor for the quality of a movie, video game, etc. You could have a diverse cast but if they're not made interesting in any way shape or form there's really no point (Think something like Human Torch in Fan4stic).

  7. Genso Wanderer would be a lot better if the dungeons had checkpoints. I haven't beaten the first dungeon yet because of this.

  8. Like this post if you want Touhou Hisoutensoku to come to PS4/PSN.

  9. It seems SF5 still doesn't have an VS AI mode. Is my game not updated?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ori-Ori


      Oh. Then why did it not update?

    3. Darkflare


      How the hell would I know? I know I see Player vs. CPU as an option in Versus mode when I load up SFV.

    4. Ori-Ori


      Ah... okay....

  10. Sorry for the spam. It was an accident.

  11. It really bugs me that fighting games like UMvC3 and SF5 don't have a player vs AI mode. I mean, it's a must-have for any fighting game.

    1. Darkflare


      UMvC3 has an Arcade mode.

      SF5 eventually did add a Vs. AI mode in Versus mode.

    2. Ori-Ori


      I know about UMvC3's arcade mode, but they still should have added a VS AI mde to that game.


      And SF5 got a VS AI mode? Need to check that out.

  12. Grandpa wants to sue the SAN pants This is the grandfather do. (Three ~ N!) Grandpa wants to sue the SAN pants For grandma to him. Grandfather will attract Santa's pants. He knew that the law was on his side. (By his side) Grandpa wants to sue the SAN pants Santa will ride. (Hang up) Grandpa wants to sue the SAN pants This is the grandfather do. Grandpa wants to sue the SAN pants For grandma to him. (No pants) Grandfather will attract Santa's pants. He knew that the law was on his side. (By his side) Grandpa wants to sue the SAN pants Santa will ride. Santa will ride. Santa will ride. (Bamanosu)

  13. I may not be a fan of Rwby, but I would love to see a Blazblue-styled fighting game of it.

  14. Well it seems my PC got a virus because it refuses to let me use it. I'm now using my dad's PC. And I just wanted to get asomething missing from my PC just to play a Touhou game. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ori-Ori


      What's that?

    3. Ori-Ori


      Who, it that Touhou virus. In that case, no.

    4. Ori-Ori
  15. It's kinda sad how a lot of people can't take criticism. And not just in the Mugen community.  

    1. Darkflare


      Trust me, I've noticed.

    2. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      We live in a world where everyone wants to show up, but no one wants to hear anything. If a man didn't write "Criticism is welcome" in their description, then you know it won't be.

  16. HKMcYsJA.png


    Can someone help me with this?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Darkflare


      Just google the dll. It's usually the first site. Just pay attention that you're clicking on the download for the dll itself and not some installer

    3. Ori-Ori


      Just the word dll?

    4. Darkflare


      No, the entire dll. Not just the word.

  17. For some reason Son Of Aura's Naoto won't appear in my 1.1 roster...

  18. Fun fact: you can easily win with Noodles' Akemi by just using her "Mountain Planter" special. Isn't Noodles a good creator?

    1. Gaulbetti


      Worst OC eve...


      Wait she's not a original character... That got disproven...

    2. Ori-Ori


      I'm surprised she isn't infamous.


      Fun fact: Noodles is the same guy who made the Murokami Mob. A aggressor that's even more broken then Akemi.

    3. Ori-Ori


      *An aggressor*

  19. So I heard Yo-kai Watch is getting a Pokémon Go-like game. More proof that it's a rip off?

    1. Gaulbetti


      It may be a ripoff... But it's a successful one. People just love capturing creatures I guess. QUICKLY, MAKE A POKEMON RIPOFF! You'll be a millionaire!


      More proof. Smash Bros. It's a Outfoxies ripoff (Technically) that started low budget, and look at Smash now. And... Ummmmm... Sonic...?

    2. Ori-Ori


      I'm honestly still surprised Yo-kai is successful. Mostly because of the battle system.

    3. RMaster007


      Yo-kai Watch has InuYasha. You can't get that in Pokémon.

  20. I hap a pretty weird dream where Penny from Rwby came back as a robot zombie. Can't remember the rest thou.

    1. StrongestPotato


      Penny was pure soul, but I am sure she will return, maybe smaller, as they did salvage some pieces, it would be cute ot have a smol-er Penny, maybe she wouldn't be that dangerous at combat, but still, imagine how cute it would be:


  22. Can't wait for FatManFailing to roast Rwby 4th volume.

  23. I really dislike the fact that there's now a "harass" edit of Sanae...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ori-Ori


      I'm still surprised thou.

    3. Darkflare


      I wouldn't be. There's a lot of weird shit out there. Some people have weird tastes.

    4. Ori-Ori


      Such as that Niumushi abomination. (Same with Science for Adults.) 

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