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Status Replies posted by SandCoffeee

  1. Well, I'm a brony now, and so far, haters have not attacked me. So far anyway...

  2. Anyone think the apocolypse is coming?

    1. SandCoffeee


      eventually it has too the universe cannot continue forever under these circumstances

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. getting sick sucks.

  4. It's either me, me being on something (Obviously not.), or nearly anything I'm seeing at the moment has a reference of someone using binoculars the incorrect way round.

  5. mmmm Anybody Mind If I Make a MBAA Edit collection Could be fun Since I Got A lot of edits.......And yes Im Asking The Admins or anybody else Thinks its a good idea I Just need My New comp And To Tansfer all my files again..... Thought about this for Awhile and I wanted to do one But No Len edits Cause Laharl is doing one sooo Yeah its up to you Guys.......

  6. wellll Nothing to do sorta a Bland Day ehhh oh well I guess :/

  7. You know i just thought of something. If you want to catch a pokemon then you have to damage it enough. if it faints then u miss your chance. how does that work? why not just instead make the pokemon faint and then capture it from there?

    1. SandCoffeee


      That IS a good question. It's also generally a pain in the butt if your trieing to get a legendary.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Ah. Today is my Birthday.

    1. SandCoffeee


      hope you have a good one bro happy birthday!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Happy Birthday Mewtwo!!!!

    1. SandCoffeee


      garachomp your not still lost on this are you?

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  10. Does anyone absolutely hate Ice Worlds? I hate Ice Worlds. Yesterday I lost , like, 16 lives to the ice World in New! Super Mario Bros.

  11. Guesss what guys get this yt is gonna be chargeing us money for viewing channel 1 dollar each channel we view and 5 a month can you beileve that crap and also if this does pass im quitting yt for good serious its gotton worse and worse now......

  12. I have a very weak immune system..and im sick..I've been sick for quite a few days..and cause my immune system sucks its hard to get better lol

  13. Today's my birthday. I hope everything can get better this year and i'll try to always think positive.

  14. *yawn* Good Morning!

  15. Hasta la Vista, baby! You'll probably won't see me again until January. Happy holiday guys! Peace out! And fuck you Exchan! XDDD

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