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Status Replies posted by SandCoffeee

  1. this status will not be noticed by some people but sometimes when mom is not home, i like to go to the garden, bury myself in the ground and think that i am a carrot

  2. Sometimes, YouTube is a real pain in the but....

    1. SandCoffeee


      Yeah, I fixed it, but I had to re-edit and re-upload both of them.

      And yeah, I meant "butt"...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Why should I help the others? What have they done for me?

  4. how about I just skip the jokes and go straight to the part where I throw pies at everybody?

  5. Leaving this site. There's nothing special here. Piece out.

  6. Anyone see that PS4 launch title staring "Ganondorf?"

    1. SandCoffeee


      yeah i saw that too

  7. OK, so I'm making my first AMV based of Sasuke Uchiha. Now, what do you think would go better with the Taylor Swift song, "I Knew You Were Trouble", just Sasuke, or Sasuke VS Itachi?

  8. I'm a really big fan of online fighting games. Are there any good ones out there for M.U.G.E.N.?

    1. SandCoffeee


      I don't know. I just thought I'd factor the small possibility that there might be some sucky ones out there somewhere.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Ugh, sometimes I wish people would get smacked upside the head till they stop being jerks.

  10. No episode 3 today guys, Kotomine has been a Pain in the ass, and i still can't find Rin Tohsaka Sprites from the Visual novel.

  11. NOO!! My PC doesn't supports OpenGL 2.0. *Throws away Mugen 1.1*

  12. Just got my first MUGEN video up! :D (url:

    ) in case you guys want to watch it.
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