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Status Replies posted by Darklight

  1. Damn I really need a new tv. It is getting reaqlly hard to read anything on ps3 games or Wii U ;_;

  2. Toshio have both 3DS and Ocarina of Time 3. Also got internet wi-fi^^

  3. This year, the worst Eid i've celebrated /:

  4. Somebody should sprite Vahn from Legend Of Legaia.

  5. If you rub peanut butter all over your dick, you will get TONS of bitches.

  6. i like bootleg games !

  7. Morrowind update: I'm finally starting to get the hang of things. It also turns out that there was a glitch where the map would show up blank. However, after clearing the X-box's cache, everything is working well!

  8. its morphin time, go go megaforce

  9. going to the Doc tomorrow to start my tour De Death from pancriatic Cancer ......fuck me

  10. The Xbox one policies has been changed here: http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update

  11. Really...I'll never play Slender in my life.

  12. I'm back!!! i was on punishment. i wish i had enough money to buy a house, so i could move out.

    1. Darklight


      ok first off houses are not cheap if you really want to get out get a job. if you have one or some kind of income get a apartment there alot cheaper problem solved but also keep this in mind at least you have a family to hate some dont even have that

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. All My Character's Dead Links fixed ~ !!

  14. well, i wonder what fucker has hijacked one of my pics & used it as their own so that my photobucket has reached its limit,

    1. Darklight


      if nothing else they could have just saved it from your photobucket and then re upload it rather then them being a dick about it

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. u know ive come to the conclusion that Us & Guild are the only Really Constant Living Forums Left in mugen , atleast that's how it seems, when im scowering for news to report

  16. so pissed i cant download off of Esnips anymore, god i had so many characters on there

    1. Darklight


      i message the admins on there and got no reply just a dead site now

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. You think mugen will ever have online play ?..

  18. sigh, my whole house hold is sick & i just got it, yay to that

  19. Just watched the sickist video on the internet.I dare you to ask.

  20. Just watched the sickist video on the internet.I dare you to ask.

  21. Fuck Yeah!!! I got him!! =)

  22. i was going to make a cibi One piece collection, but FUck tere is like 500 of tose bastard's, sorry guys, im not really a fan of One piece so it would be really ard to make myself make that collection

  23. so excited for tomorrow might get to spend some time with my gf and going back to the tattoo shop to get some touch up work done before my best friend flys in all the way from iowa

  24. so uhh...the ps4 is being revealed on the 20th. this will decide if gaming will die or not

    1. Darklight


      i bet its crap just like the ps3 was. out of all the new system i still love the sega cd sega saturn and most of all the sega dream cast. btw they already revealed the new xbox also

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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