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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. doesnt that only work to convert dos characters only? let me know that was the only bug i seen and btw did you try fixing lara from tomb raider also
  2. unless you modified it recently the one i downloaded was the one you posted yesterday
  3. too bad your not lol the only problem with him is one you hit him he jumps in the air and no matter what you do he wont come down sadly
  4. i was going to reply back to this but this seem to vanish. any who. you do know there a thing called free speech and there is a section on here for random chatter for others to talk and express themselves or off topics subjects and last i know there is no rule about what you can or call talk about as long as it does not cause a up roar. just because you dont like it or dont want to hear it you cant take someone elses right away just because it doesnt suit you or you dont think or feel this is a place to discuss it.
  5. its really annoying not only did your image is broken but your file is split into parts
  6. yeah it was the character ten that they made no fixes to help with the hypers that slow down mugen
  7. thats the thing bro i did send feedback and no reply not about this character but a few others and still no update to fix those problems either they remind me alot like MMV in some ways. well i know you listen to feedback and your pretty good at fixing whatever bug you find :)
  8. it doesnt matter if you leave feedback they never listen
  9. i didnt care much for it myself mostly just the moves that was assigned to him
  10. i never knew how easily butthurt they was
  11. there both horrible to be honest at least this has a transformation at the end for his winning pose so thats cool i didnt really care much for his moves and a little over powering depending on what move you use
  12. is this any better then the other devilman that got released
  13. they said you attack them got the answer today from dizzy
  14. @Jirobou if you feel that strongly why dont you do it rather then to keep asing others who already voice there opinion as to why they dont want to
  15. yes it still exists but some of the links are dead as for the forum that i dont no
  16. https://www.sendspace.com/file/vn3a2n there another kumit you didnt have
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