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Posts posted by A person

  1. 1 hour ago, Dumanios said:





    Flandre was starting to get bored of the concert, or maybe it was better to say that she had something else that had caught her interest. That purple-haired girl she saw earlier with Raina was starting to leave the concert and Flandre wanted to ask a few things about Raina. Surely the purple-haired not-quite-Patchouli would know a few things right?


    "Hey there," Flan half-shouted, hoping to get the purple haired girl's attention.

    The girl heard herself being called by someone. Oh no, was her nightmare coming true?! There was only one way to know for sure...she turned around to face the person that called out to her, put on her best smile, and- Oh, it actually wasn't a super creepy guy this time! That gave her even more of a reason to be as nice as possible.



    Penelope: Oh, hi there! Are you talking to me?


    It was safe to assume that she had most certainly gotten her attention.

  2. On 10/7/2019 at 9:35 PM, Dumanios said:


    'Huh, one of those people from earlier came back," a girl thought. She was someone who'd been around in Candor for a bit of time, traveling there from Kalos after that incident several years ago. She'd played a very minor role in that incident - and naturally, Lightflare stole the show. That was fine, she wasn't someone who wanted to be in the spotlight. Or perhaps its more that she's used to being kept out of the spotlight? It was hard to tell with her psyche on the best of days.


    Several years ago she'd been separated from her friends by bizarre circumstances... gap youkai made things weird and messy and she'd found herself separated from her companions. She'd thought they were gone forever! But then a group of people passed through the gathering and one of them was a blonde girl dressed like Reimu! She remembered Raina, she was kinda cool! It looked like Raina had a lot on her mind and just passed through though - otherwise she would've recognized her, right? Well, it was a big crowd and there were some people who didn't even look like humans. She swears she a guy with a bird's head for a head earlier, and that one centaur standing with a guy that looked like a carrot.


    Maybe she should ask that purple girl that was with Raina about her! Maybe she was an alternate universe's Patchy or something? They're both purple and have hair ornaments, after all! Besides, there were multiple Yukaris back then. Well, people with Yukari powers, but same thing!




    There's no way this'll turn out badly!

    As the concert was starting to die down, so too was Penelope's enthusiasm. What were they even doing in there? Was it a whole war or something? Man, maybe she should have let herself get yelled at just to see what they were doing. Maybe it was a war simulation thing, and they had to get to the end to fight some really big boss, like a virtual reality game, but in reality! Kinda! Just thinking about it started to make her more excited. If only she could watch it! But there probably weren't any windows she could look through, so her only chance of watching was to go into that hangout place and...face the wrath of the red haired lady. 



    Penelope: (I'm not gonna like this one bit, but if it helps to cure my boredom...!)


    With slow, careful steps, the girl split off from the slowly shrinking crowd and made her way back to the Warriors' Hangout, glancing around herself as she did so. With the exception of a few...unique people being around, she did not see anyone that might have looked suspicious,, so she slowly picked up the pace, but maintained a walk the entire way. She was going to take her sweet time getting there, since getting yelled at was never fun, even if she got to watch a cool game thingy afterwards. 



    Spotting the lady at the front counter pestering the group to buy memberships was a surefire sign for Penelope to get the heck outta there; without money, she'd have probably been given the boot, anyway! As long as she stayed near the Hangout, she'd probably be fine, and maybe she'd be able to catch up with them later. However long that took, anyway...maybe she'd need to dash in there in case they were stuck in there for days on end. Or weeks. Or months, even. The idea of joining them in that fighting training thing was starting to sound a lot better the more she thought about it, so she stopped thinking about it. She needed to find something to do until they got finished, though, so she started to scan the area. She tried her best to be as inconspicuous as possible; she at least wanted to let them know before she got forcefully sent home!



    Penelope: (Alright, now where's a good place to go in the meantime? I wonder if that concert thing is still going on, maybe I can check out what's going on over there!)


    Sure enough, there was still a pretty big gathering not too far from the Warrior's Hangout, so she decided to make her way over to it. She assumed it'd be pretty easy for her to retrace her steps, so unless she got kidnapped or something, she'd be fine! She just hopped they were playing actually good music there, otherwise she'd have to find some place else to crash at until they got finished! Once she got there, sure enough they were indeed playing good music, and live! 



    Penelope: (Oooh, I got suuper lucky! Now, I just gotta sneak into the crowd from the back...)


    She wormed her way in from the back of the gathered crowd, utilizing her small size to weave through the crowd towards the front. It was only a matter of time before she managed to slip into the front.



    Penelope: (Now, to sit back and enjoy the show!)


    And that's just what she did. She got really lucky with the people; they were friendly enough to let her get to the front without throwing a fit, and it looked like the security, if there was any, anyway, didn't care much about her sneaking in. Maybe people didn't need tickets to watch the show? Whatever the case was, this was definitely going to kill the time until they got done with the training thing!



  4. Navigating around the large crowd was rather easy, and once they had managed to do so, it was a clear shot straight to the Hangout. Penelope was still busy savoring the truffles, so the most response she was giving at the moment was following their movements. She was also no longer paying attention to her surroundings, if it even mattered at this point: she was safe with all of them around her!

  5. On 4/25/2019 at 6:32 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


    Lucent: Hehehe! Alright, alright, I'll give you.


    Lucent took out the box with the remaining truffles and gave two of them to Penelope. Soon, Anwalt, Umbra and Lucent retiurned to follow LightFlare.

    Penelope greedily took the truffles and ate them, taking the time to savor their flavor. She was in flavor heaven once again! At least she wasn't distracted enough to not follow the others. She tried to also shove herself within the center of the group, the place she though would be the safest.



    Penelope: I'm going to the center! I gotta enjoy these things in peace! EEEEEEEEE!


    Her shriek wasn't loud, but it was clear that she was extremely happy. Or hyperactive. Probably both. Maybe she would have a way to release all of that energy at the hangout. 


    Once they were out of the district, the crowds from before filled the streets once again, revealing just how active the city was during the day. The route to the hangout seemed to be direct from here, if not a bit slowed down due to the crowds blocking the path. Things seemed to be getting more packed as they got closer to the hangout as well, and a performance of some kind could be seen up ahead. 

  6. 1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Excuse me. Is this area safe? We're just passing through and were concerned about the situation.

    The guard turned towards the man upon being asked the question, spending little to no time processing it and providing him with an answer.



    Mechguard: A unique phenomenon has occurred within the area, so it has been evacuated. No further details may be provided. If you are going somewhere beyond the district, please take a detour; there are an infinitude of routes beyond this one.


    The guard turned around and began to move towards the flashing lights. As the guard had stated, there were several roads visible from where they were that seemed to lead away from the district ahead. One in particular, straight left from where they were, seemed to have several people walking along its length.


    7 hours ago, Dumanios said:



    "Don't worry Penny, we're still here," Raina said, her voice low but encouraging. The area looked barren compared to the previous roads...


    1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:





    Yea, Penny. We gotcha back...

    Penelope laughed, but it was clear that she was still nervous about the situation.



    Penelope: Haha, that's reassuring an dall, buuuut I thiiink we-


    1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Lucent: Penelope, there's something I want to ask you. Do you want another truffle? I have some of them with me here.

    Suddenly ALL of her attention was turned to Lucent. And that nervousness? Gone. All that was left was greed, greed, and more GREED!



    Penelope: Gimmegimmegimmegimme!


    She reached out towards him in an almost zombie-like manner. She HAD to get those truffles! They were just too good to pass up!

  7. As the group continued their travels through the bustling city, they would soon enter a what looked to be a shopping district, rows of shops lining both sides of the street. However, unlike the other districts, this district was devoid of any people or traffic, the only things that could be found around here being several mechanical guards and the occasional stray mechanization acting as though it were a normal human, walking down the other side of the sidewalk with a casual pace. Flashing lights could be seen up ahead, though no sounds could be picked up from where they were. Of course, this caused Penelope to visibly shake.



    Penelope: Uhhh....I'm not sure flashing lights are a good sign...


    She was already creeped out by how empty it was despite the signs of life behind them, but seeing lights was almost always a bad sign to her. What if there was a huge fight, or maybe even a murder?! Scary thoughts continued to fill her mind, a low whimper escaping her mouth. Truthfully, though, she really wanted to see what was going on. Maybe it would also be the first step on her journey to becoming a real hero! Err...heroine? Probably both!

  8. On 4/16/2019 at 7:32 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



    Okan: Oh, the police! Thank the gods you guys are here! We needed you so damn much!


    Okan: Listen, we confess everything, OK?! We raided the ship, tried to take the valuables away and even endangered the people! We did it all! So please, lock us! Take us to prison, to the catacombs, we don't care but please take us away!!


    They looked at the group, specifically at Umbra. The pirates shivered as if a blizzard had suddenly attacked Candor, while begging to the police for them to be taken away.

    Upon receiving the confession, the guards did not hesitate cuffing each pirate up with a set of glowing handcuffs designed to restrict the wearer's arms and injure them if they were to try and struggle within them. Once they were securely cuffed, the unit began to move out of the port and down towards the city. The mechanical guard, meanwhile, continued to scan the interior of the ship for anymore pirates stowed away within.


    Penelope took some time to take in the city's atmosphere. She really liked how the place looked, but she wondered why they went with such a weird style instead of the more modern look most of the cities in the area had. Maybe one day they'd find out, but today wasn't that day. She was squealing with joy on the inside, but on the outside, she was quietly observing everything. Even though it was a big city, walking around probably wouldn't hurt. Probably. She noticed the one modern building out of the whole host of old-style buildings.



    Penelope: Sooo, uhh...that's the hangout place, right? Are you guys suuure you wanna walk there? I mean, it's kinda deep in, and we don't really know the place...if they've got guards like that big metal guy walking around, weeeee might not wanna try walking around...


    The thought of her having to fend for herself in Kalos were it not for Lilith was still in her mind, and she knew that it probably wouldn't have gone so smoothly if she wasn't there. She would probably be stuck in some weird guy's house right now! But, then again, they did take on a bunch of pirates and beat them so bad they pretty much threw themselves at the guards, so maybe she was worried for no reason...but it was better to be safe than sorry!



  9. Spoiler



    The airship would finally approach its dock and slowly come to a halt, it looming high above the city, allowing them to view it in its full glory. The city, known by the name Candor City, seemed to consist of large buildings that one could easily consider to be castles, many throughout the city having spires that reached up towards the clouds like the fingers of a hand pointing upwards. However, though the structures were big, a massive structure in the center of the city seemed to dwarf every single one of them, it itself being a castle. Four bridges seemed to arch towards it from each corner, each going over a massive moat filled with crystal blue waters that most likely betrayed their appearance. The castle seemed to also have a fog surrounding it, perhaps one produced by the moat, though the fog was too light to obscure view of anything. The castle also had its own spires which touched the clouds above, some even penetrating them. The main part of the castle itself touched the bottom of the clouds as well, a sign that there was most likely more than enough room for anything to go on within it. At the dock, a large crowd was already waiting for the ship to come in, most of them looking as though they belonged to high-ranking families. In front of the large group of hopefully patient passengers stood a well-dressed man with a badge latched onto his jacket. At a glance, the words "Candor Airship Service" were visible, along with his name and role.



    Greeter: Greetings, everyone, and welcome to Candor City! It is a pleasure to see so many new faces today! Please do take some time to visit the Grand Castle during your stay, and enjoy your time here!


    With that out of the way, the people already on the ship started to file out onto the dock while a group of five guards wearing close-fitting armor trimmed with purple lights that lit up the area around them started to push their way through the crowd that was currently standing on the deck, led by a rather large mechanical being wielding a rather menacing weapon: a large spear certainly intended for impaling something.



    Mech Guard: Please clear out of the way; this ship shall be secured.


    One by one, each guard began to make their way onto the ship, the mech leading the way.


  10. On 4/7/2019 at 4:21 PM, Darkflare said:


    "Precisely. I told you to calm your mind and only concentrate on yourself. Hm....I should give some context to this."



    "We all have an internal energy.flowing through us. There are many names such as lifeforce, aura and ki energy. With the proper training this energy can be manipulated in many ways. This is how Light, Melina and I primarily perform our abilities. I'm not too sure about the others, but I imagine their methods aren't any different."



    "So meditating like this is a good first step. Eventually, this will become second nature to you."


    Penelope: Man, I wish I was one of those prodigies right now...I'd have got this in a cinch!


    She fell silent once more, and tried slowing her breathing. Maybe that could help her focus some more.


    On 4/6/2019 at 3:57 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


    Odin: "Attention, all passengers. The situation has been finally dealt with. Please refrain from accessing the upper lounge and the deck for the rest of the voyage. Security crew, please remove and lock the perpetrators immediately."

    Until she heard that. That completely broke her concentration.



    Penelope: Errrrgh...why can't we go up there if everything's fine now?! And why are they still on the ship?! Didn't you guys, like, knock them out or something? Why don't they just chuck them off?!


    She caught herself soon afterwards, and took a moment to regain her focus.



    Penelope: Oops...I, uh...let myself go for a bit there, hehe...


    She slowed her breathing once more, and tried her hardest to focus on what was within her.

  11. On 4/3/2019 at 12:26 AM, Darkflare said:


    "Consider this as your first step in your training. If you can't do this, it's going to be even harder for you to learn to fight."


    Of course, Lilith didn't think Penelope would be able to do it on the first try given everything that has happened. After all, it wasn't so easy to clear your mind from your thoughts especially if you hadn't make it a habit of being able to do so.



    "You can sit down if you want..."

    She proceeded to seat herself in a nearby chair and kept her eyes closed, groaning as she tried her hardest to focus. Maybe, just maybe, if she tried hard enough, she could do it. All she had to do was focus on what was inside herself. Maybe there was another person in there she could talk to! Maybe she actually had some sort of latent power, like in the comics! This actually made it really hard to focus, though...



    Penelope: Umm...I'm trying my best, buuuut, it's really tough...do I have to clear my mind or something? Like focus on one thought so I forget about everything else?

  12. On 4/1/2019 at 8:06 PM, Darkflare said:



    "The one I plan to meet is supposed to run the place."


    Lilith looked over at Penelope who seemed serious about what she said. She wasn't so sure about letting someone so young be so eager about being able to fight. However, it wouldn't hurt to at least have her learn self defense.



    "You're serious about this, right? I think it'll be a while before the ship starts moving again, so this will be a good time to try this. Calm your mind, focus on nothing but inside yourself, concentrate deeply until you can start feeling your inner energy flow through you."


    She wasn't sure if this would work. Light, Melina and herself could use ki just fine, but she wasn't sure if someone from Penelope's world could do so as well. Even so, it was still worth a shot, if nothing else than to have her gain some discipline from it.


    Penelope: Oooh, okay! Umm...let me tryyyy...


    She closed her eyes and bowed her head, trying her best to calm her mind. But the pirates, and the lack of training...and the fighting and yelling, there's that yelling again! It was so hard to focus, but she had to do it! It was just going to take a while...probably!



    Penelope: Errrgh...kinda...hard to focus when there's so much going on...!


    She just had to drown everything out, like she was zoning out again. Maybe then, she could do it...

  13. On 3/31/2019 at 12:38 AM, Darkflare said:



    "I don't think this ship is as easy to invade as those pirates made it seem. They clearly planned this heist for a long time. They just didn't take into account that there would be strong fighters aboard."


    Lilith paused for a moment to think.



    "This was just really bad luck that our trip got ruined like this. Life has a way to throw things like this at us when we don't expect it. We just have to endure it and remain strong. .....a hero doesn't actually become a hero until they face a great trial, right?"

    Penelope mused on her words for a while. Heroes did have to go through a lot of trials before people called them a hero...and this probably was just another one. Some hero she was, though, sitting a cabin like that while they fought the pirates off...one day...one day, she'd have her time in the spotlight! But for now, she'd just sulk.



    Penelope: Yeah...I guess you're right. Sucks that I couldn't fight with everyone...Oh!


    An idea suddenly popped into her mind.



    Penelope: Doesn't Candor have a training place? Could I go there and maybe pick up on some stuff? Or maybe even get a weapon finally?!

  14. 14 hours ago, Darkflare said:



    "The others are taking care of the pirates. We're just waiting to make sure there's no more of them. If there's one around here, I'll make sure to take care of it"


    Penelope: Oh...phew...okay...so we should be okay now.


    She slid out of the room and towards Lilith's side, gently shutting the door behind herself. 



    Penelope: I didn't think something like that could happen in real life...aren't there, like, ships or something patrolling the sky for that kind of thing? Orrrr...bounty hunters, or something? Wouldn't something like that be super obvious?! 


    She scratched her head, groaning.



    Penelope: Man, maybe those plane things I read about were a lot better for this kind of thing...

  15. 21 hours ago, Darkflare said:


    Lilith gave a silent nod to confirm she understood before heading off to the cabins.


    After a brief moment, she had arrived and knocked on their assigned room.



    "Are you there, Penelope? Are you ok?"

    Hearing the voice of Lilith definitely helped to ease the tension. Penelope would crack open the door and peer outside, glancing side to side quickly.



    Penelope: I'm fine, buuuuut is it safe to come out? I don't hear anything anymore, but I don't want a pirate to jump out of the shadows or something! 


    It was a pretty terrifying situation; if there weren't any cabins and an early warning, she probably would have been toast, what with all of the fighting going on in the ship! But her real concern was the condition of the airship; did they really fend them off without them trying to sabotage it? She had seen plenty of shows where some evil guys raid a ship, get beat up, but then get their revenge by messing with something important. But, then again, this was real life, not a show. Maybe?

  16. On 3/15/2019 at 7:33 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Suddenly, the boat came to a halt. Some of the people started to get anxious.

    This caused Penelope to start looking around, her attention abruptly yanked from the endless clouds below. Seeing people starting to worry made her worry as well.



    Penelope: Uhhh...did we hit something? Why aren't we moving anymore? Are we gonna fall?!


    5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Odin: "Attention, all passengers. Head immediately to your cabins and lock the doors and windows. I repeat, head to the cabins and lock the doors and windows. Do not leave until second order."


    Upon the issue was ordered, the passengers all ran down to their cabins. Soon, the sound of locks echoed throughout the ship.

    That was all she needed to hear.



    Penelope: Yikes! I don't know about you guys, but that's definitely a sign for me to SKEDADDLE! See ya later, folks!


    And at a moment's notice, a cloud of dust and wood shavings took Penelope's place. She was already well on her way to the cabins, wanting to get the heck out of the danger zone before it presumably really became a danger zone.

  17. 22 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    Melina looks around for Penny...



    Penny?! You enjoying the view, lil sis?

    Penelope was currently gazing over the right edge of the deck(from where they got up to it), taking in the clouds flying by beneath them. She hadn't taken notice of how she had called her "Lil Sis", not that it mattered, anyway; she felt as though she was everyone's little sister. 



    Penelope: Yeah...it's like we're out on the sea. I haven't actually been on a boat before, but I think it'd feel something like this. It's so calming...I wish I could've experienced something like this before. It'd probably have helped a ton.


    She maintained her focus on the bubbling clouds below, the occasional mountain peak cresting out from them. Maybe being on a seaship would be just as smooth as this!

  18. 55 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Anwalt nodded and grabbed the box. Before closing it, he gave a truffle to the laughing Penelope. Soon, he and Lucent were to first ones to leave the lower lounge and walk towards the deck.

    Penelope managed to stifle her laughter for a moment to pop the tasty chocolate into her mouth. The taste...this was better than any other chocolate she had ever had! It was enough to get her to completely stop laughing, a face of surprise suppressing her laughter. 



    Penelope: Th-this is amazing! Omigod, this is some of the best chocolate I've ever tasted!


    She proceeded to begin chasing down Anwalt, the show before now being a distant thought; she needed more of that chocolate!



    Penelope: Get back here, Anwalt! I need more, more, MOOOOORE!


    And out the door to the deck she went. Hopefully she wouldn't trip on the way there...

  19. On 3/7/2019 at 7:00 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    The bear tried to hug Umbra but he evaded it. However, the imaginary plushie was fast and managed to run after Umbra. And when he looked at it, he received the hug.



    Umbra: NOOOOOO!! L-Let me go!! Let me go!!

    The display was enough to send Penelope down to the ground with laughter. This was easily some of the funniest stuff she had seen in her life, even funnier than cartoons! Nothing could beat someone embarrassing themselves in real life, let alone someone getting a taste of their own medicine, just a bit more potent!



    Penelope: AHAHAHA! This is just too good! Hahahaaaa, that's what you geeeeeet! 


    Seeing him get his comeuppance made it all the more sweeter. She did wonder how exactly Lucent managed to pull it off, but it didn't matter right now; it made for some absolutely amazing entertainment for a super long ride, and a story to talk about later on!


    On 3/7/2019 at 7:00 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


    Lucent: In any case, feel free to pick one, everyone. I hope you enjoy the sweets as the show goes on for a little while.


    Anwalt: Definitely! I might even record some parts of it!

    Penelope finally managed to muster up the strength to pick herself back up, but she had to use the table with the sweets on it to keep herself from falling down again. She noticed the truffles though a teary-eyed glance, but was too busy laughing to consider grabbing one.



    Penelope: I think the show is sweet enough, ahahaha! Thank you, so, so much for this, hehehe!


  20. 1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



    I totally agree. Light isn't saying anything, but I'm sure he does too. This guy obviously gets his rocks off by torturing others verbally...and even physically. I find it funny that he singled me out when in fact ALL of us are benefiting from Lucent's kindness. But don't let it get to you. He can talk all he wants but ultimately it's Lucent's decision on how he spends his money...or even how he treats others. If Umbra doesn't check his arrogance he's gonna piss of the wrong person and get his block knocked off...

    Penelope nodded.



    Penelope: I knooooow, but it's just too much for me to ignore!



    Penelope: So if he does it again...I'll definitely give him a piece of my mind, too!


    4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


    Anwalt: Melina, you sly fox, how come you're not sharing your beauty tips with Penny? Frowning isn't good for the skin... or something like that?


    Anwalt: Or did you fall for another guy and you saw a girl with him? Penny, Penny, wouldn't expect this from you~

    However, Anwalt's commentary seemed to help in clearing up her sour mood.



    Penelope: Ahahaha, come ooooon, can't I just be a liiiiitle angry?


    1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Well, well. Looks like someone is in a chivalrous mood. I appreciate the thought that you think I'm worthy of giving anyone beauty tips. But, no I didn't see another guy. But the guy I DO see WAS with another girl...



    ...and her name is Umbra.

    This completely flipped her sour mood onto its face. She was now laughing quite hard.



    Penelope: Ahahaha, that's a good one, Melina! 


    1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    (Oh snap...)


    LightFlare couldn't help but overhear the last thing Melina said. He walks over to where Melina, Penny and Walt are.



    I'm not opposed to a little tough love at times, but not for the sake of embracing others. I guess we all have our flaws, though...

    Penelope was still laughing, but she was able to control herself enough to allow herself a chance to respond to Light.



    Penelope: Hehe...yeah, I know you gotta be tough with people sometimes to get your point across, but bullying them until they don't want to do anything just isn't the way! I don't think anyone here's done anything to deserve that, especially not Lucent!


    She had just realized that, when referring to Lucent, they were referring to the new guy. But she decided to play it off and act like she knew it was him all along.



    Penelope: He's a nice guy with a tough time finding the right words, so the least we could do is cheer him up, right?


  21. On 3/1/2019 at 9:48 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    LightFlare finds a spot to relax. Meanwhile, Melina notices a sharp change in Penny's usual upbeat mood. It was obvious that the confrontation between Lucent and Umbra had bothered her...



    Hey, Penny. You ok?

    Penelope shook her head. She started to speak in a low voice.



    Penelope: I don't like bullies...I don't care if they think they're doing it for a good reason, too...it's just not right at all...

  22. Penelope followed them into the airship, putting her bags away along with theirs. She did not want to say anything after that show, since she would probably also get a taste of it. And she was not sure of what she would do in that situation...she did have a temper. She quietly made her way onto the ship and tried to find a spot to sit at, but if things were starting to get out of hand because of this guy, maybe she would have to do something about it...



  23. 3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Great. Now that the party pooper is here, we can head for the boarding area.


    Penelope snickered at the comment, but decided to side with her anyway. She might have been kind of strict, but she was doing it for a good reason! Probably.



    Penelope: Hehe, she's probably right, though. I have a feeling it'd be a better idea to talk about this somewhere more private since we're...y'know...not all here because we wanna be here. Who knows who could be listening in...


    She followed after them to the boarding area. Her moment of shock at the sheer size of the airship happened when she was younger; by now, she was used to seeing them. She still wanted to fly in a jet, though; that was a lot more fun to her!



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