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Status Updates posted by Ori-Ori

  1. Hay Rice, can you please make Yuuka's inputs more keyboard-friendly? I now she's a grappler but those inputs are hell on a keyboard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ori-Ori


      What's HCB?

    3. jenngra505


      It's short for Half Circle Back, the term used for it in the .cmd is F, DF, D, DB, B

    4. Ori-Ori


      Thanks a lot.

  2. We really should start flagging those NSFW Mugen videos on YouTube...

  3. Happy Bday to u, Luis. :3

  4. Hay Dark, which version of Ciel is the best?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ori-Ori


      I don't think so.

    3. Darkflare


      The only other one I know of is QWERTY's.

    4. Ori-Ori


      Her damage is pretty high thou.

  5. Hay Rice, can you update the AI of your characters to make them harder like your old Touhous? Because you're newer characters have pretty weak AI.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ori-Ori
    3. RicePigeon


      I stopped on AI a while ago out of both procrastination and lack of efficiency. Doesn't mean things can't change though...

    4. Ori-Ori


      Ah... okay.

  6. #DonaldTrumpforStreetFighter5

  7. When will people learn that most fighting games aren't button mashers?

  8. Looks like Spring is coming. Because my allergies are acting up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedDragonCats17


      My throat is currently sore.

    3. Ori-Ori


      And I'm sneezing and tearing.

    4. jenngra505


      I know that feel.

  9. My god, when will morons learn that Donald Trump isn't a racist? 

    1. jenngra505


      When will people learn to actually cite a source to back up their opinion instead of just calling those they disagree with morons?

    2. Ori-Ori


      This was suppose to be a short status update. That's all. (Thou I will (sorta) agree with you on your comment.)

  10. When will people learn that YouTube is no place for uncensored inappropriate scenes?  

  11. What's worst: people wanting to bone a zombie or people wanting to bone a skeleton? (I'm looking at you Squiggly from Skullgirls and Sans from Undertale.)

    1. RicePigeon


      guess some people got a bone to pick with those two Sans_Face.png

    2. Ori-Ori


      I shouldn't have added the extra G in Squigly...

  12. M4C4ZV65.png





    SADER LIVES!!!!!!!!!!

  13. So a friend of mine told me the Jewish religion had fake/non-binary genders. He even showed me a Tumblr post. Oh, and the (two) genders had pretty weird name such as Tumtum.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jenngra505



      Meanwhile in Indonesia.

      Also, Tumtum means Hidden in Hebrew and you can argue that those who hide their gender mean that their gender is unknown to others.

      P.S Sorry for rambling.

    3. Ori-Ori


      My friends just showed me the post. That's all.

    4. Ori-Ori
  14. Happy Bday and thanks for the good custom Touhous.

  15. I regret saying Rice's old Flandre is better then his new one.

  16. My god, my PC has been laggy lately. Am hoping it stops being that way. (Made even worst by the fact my down key broke and now it has to be in a weird position so it won't fall off.)

    1. Ori-Ori


      *I'm* (Why do I get those two words mixed up all the time?)

  17. Donald >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hilleary.

  18. Annie of the Stars is one of the greatest shows of all time by fact.

  19. Hay Roy, can you tell me what's the name of that web site where you extract links to images on you PC? I forgotten the name.

  20. Happy New Year everyone! :3

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy New Year!! MFFA For The Win, Yo! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

  21. Why do most reviews' intros must be a mash of clips from things they like while music they like plays?

    1. Ori-Ori


      This also includes  countdown artist.

  22. Hay Roy, can you please changed the commands to your characters finishers into something simpler like double down HP + HK?

    1. RoySquadRocks


      I'll think about it.

    2. Ori-Ori


      Thanks. (And while you're at it, can you make the dodging mechanic easy to do. The input is pretty weird to be honest.)

  23. Hay Drone, can you make Filla's throw escapable please?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Dronekiller


      If Hard difficult, yes. but if else, let me figure out first. 

    3. Dronekiller


      @Weiss_Circal Thank's bud, this for now. if im got wrong. Tell me, OK.


    4. Ori-Ori


      You're welcome.

  24. Hay Roy, I know you're likely sick of me asking you for help, but when I downloaded two stages from Nitro Royale, the music won't play. Can you help me? 

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