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Status Updates posted by Ori-Ori


    P A (I) N C A K E S

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- LOL


  2. Yay for the site being back again.

  3. I have a feeling that Persona 3 is getting a remake.

    1. Astolfo2001


      Yet another Persona 3 remake?!

    2. Ori-Ori


      I think it's likely.

  4. 17mxqoek45zubjpg.jpg


    Image result for sarcastic fringehead fish

    1. Ori-Ori


      Meet the sarcastic fringehead fish. An animal that looks both goofy and terrifying at the same time.

    2. DS12


    Behold, the hardest enemy in all of gaming.

  6. Thinking of making my own version of Skullgirl's Squigly. Not a fan of Ryutaro's because of the lack of damage damping and moves/mechanics like her stance changing.  

    1. Flare-Gamer-64
    2. Ori-Ori


      Thanks for the encouragement.

  7. I have this idea for a Touhou fangame:


    It's a 2D Action RPG/Metroidvania that has an encounter system similar to Persona 3-5 and Mother 2-3. You can jump, equip spellcards for skills and have two melee buttons. Don't know if I'll make this to a real game (planning to make games BTW), but I'm may goanna expand the idea.  

  8. I'm thinking of not buying Cross Tag Battle. One of those reasons is because half of the roster is locked behind a paywall. Yeah, I know it's a little late to say this, but it still bothers me.

  9. It's pretty frustrating when someone says "is this a joke/satire/parody" on a video that's clearly serious . Granted, I was guilty of this myself, but still. 

    1. NationOfOranges696


      Some people have trouble with telling seriousness apart from sarcasm/jokes.

    2. Ori-Ori

    I think a lot of people can agree on this. 

  11. Hmm, time really does fly. Happy 2018. Hope the year's good.

  12. Looks like my boy Azrael is goanna be in Cross Tag Battle.

  13. Why must most HCF/HCB commands be so unresponsive on a keyboard? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Xiristatos


      Personally, my experience with HCFs and HCBs varies a lot. Mostly it's ok, but the annoyance will occasionally be there, especially when 2xHCBs/2xHCFs are in play.

      Those retarded 360°s however... fuck them all the way straight to hell.

    3. Ori-Ori


      At least there are characters that have HCs that are pretty responsive on a keyboard.

    4. Ori-Ori


      At least there are characters that have HCs that are pretty responsive on a keyboard.

  14. Homework is really pointless when you think about it. I mean, you have enough work at school. In fact, school in general is pretty pointlessly long, so why do we even have it? It's not like we're learning any thing useful for our lives from it. Let alone anything. (I loath math by the way. Especially fractions. Why are fractions even necessary in school when you don't want to be an engineer?)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Everything you learn at school gonna be useful at some point (Specialy if you have good memory), hell even at videogames or cooking, a few things more than others but it´s gonna happen to some extend.


      THO, homework is indeed kinda pointless IMO 

      I recall teachers saying homework was "more or less a little work to help your mind process what we tried to teach you today but at your own phase." 


    3. Xiristatos


      I can name a few things one can really learn in school, such as realizing that you're surrounded by foolish fuckheads everywhere and that you're only gonna be good at any subject if you had the interest in it beforehands... two things that apply to me by the way, with English only being easily my best subject because I mainly communicate on the Internet in English anyway (I'm German, if you're wondering).


      What you will NEVER learn is basically anything that has to do with homework. Those fools who believe that they're good for you and keep you "smart" are wrong as hell. They exist solely to waste your time you would rather spend doing what you love... you know, after already being in school for 6 fucking hours. If anything, they'll only make you despise school with even more of every fire in your soul.

    4. Xiristatos


      Which makes me glad knowing that I already graduated out of this mess back in 2014 and am currently in the much more favorable job training, with a job school (roughly translated from German of course) that barely, if ever, gives you any homework and acknowledges that you're gonna have to work for your actual job as well. And most importantly, you actually learn what's relevant to your job, everytime.


      Still fucking hate my life, but that's something else entirely.

  15. You know, it felt like it was yesterday when it was Summer Vacation. Time really does fly. That, or SV is just too short.

  16. I really wish I could apologize to certain people on the Internet for some things I said and done. I really wish.

    1. DuckMannnn


      Just let go of the past and move on
      We're humans, we're not supposed to be perfect

      The least we can do right now is to be respectful to those who respect us 

  17. One stupid thing I did back on DA was telling someone that there was no afterlife... Said someone lost a sibling... And I before that, I said I was sorry for the lost of said sibling... I was such a asshole back then...

    1. Xiristatos


      At least you're actually aware (and regretful) of what you did. I have met many self-righteous fuckheads on dA that barely even give a shit if they just offended someone and/or also often steal and recolor other people's content and then blame those people for "uploading these pictures in the first place".


      THESE fuckers are the very inspiration for birth control.

    2. Ori-Ori


      Granted, he was childish with my comment, but I still should have been respectful.

  18. To this day, I still cringe at my DeviantArt days. As well as my Wikia Wiki days. I know I said it before, but I want to say it again. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      TL;DR Spamming Internet memes (Including some that are MUGEN related !) in some gaming forums, to the point of getting hated and mocked by half of its members. I was only 12 years old and I eventually got better, so this his excusable.

    3. Ori-Ori


      Well on DA, I typed in CAPS on serous conversations, was childish and posted poor art and memes and tried to be edgy. On the Wikia Wikis, I put tags such as "really a man" on pages of female characters (thou that was one time), some of my edits in general where pure cringe and, of course, I was childish. And yet they wher miles better then my even older Internet days.

    4. DuckMannnn


      You're not alone.

      Made 2-3 DeviantArt accounts when I was 10-11

      Posted mostly sprites and some cringe-worthy shit, although I wasn't hated by many people except during my early days because I made Sonic recolours.


    Here's some news on BBCTB.




  20. OMG, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle looks so good.

  21. For some reason Offliberty isn't letting me download stuff from Soundcloud. I need help...



      Use SCdownloader.com or mp3fiber.com

    2. Ori-Ori
  22. I'm thinking of editing Juke's Ignis and Cycbeam's Homura to make them more balance and easy to use. But I don't have the courage to get FF Classic again. 

  23. Good news: I got a new PC.

  24. If I ever get a video recorder for my PC (if it ever gets fixed), the first thing I'll do is show hilarious flaws in cringy Mugen characters.

    1. Gaulbetti


      Gotta make sure they don't get misconstrued as bash videos though. Can't afford to have that era pop back up.


      ...Which type of cringy characters...?

    2. Ori-Ori


      Characters that are poorly coded and broken.


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