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Status Updates posted by Ori-Ori

  1. I can't wait for Gen 9 of Pokémon to remove shinies and almost every Pokémon but Charizard and Pikachu. 

    1. Jewel men10
    2. Astolfo2001


      This is why I've lost faith in the Pokemon franchise. It just never grows up with its audience and never gives what the fans really want.

    3. Ori-Ori


      @TheWhiteDevil27 And that's why I only play the fan games now; because they give what the fans want.

  2. I'm honestly pretty hopeful that Pokémon Sword and Shield will fail hard. Why? Because chances are GameFreak will finally learn to improve their shit. 

    1. PlasmoidThunder



      It's Pokémon. It won't.


    2. Noside


      Who knows, there are millions of fanboys around the world that will accept the game even if it's shit.

    3. Ori-Ori


      True, but there is a possibility.

  3. My reaction to Sword and Shield's final stages for the starters: meh. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Astolfo2001


      RIP Childhood......

    3. Artoria Alter
    4. Ori-Ori


      Why is Delibird returning but not any of the other starters or the Aggron line? 

  4. Is it me or is DeviantArt Eclipse unusable? I'm saying this because I can't use the search bar and only a few pictures of a gallery will only show up even when I press the "all" folder. Yep, Eclipse was a gigantic mistake.    

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ori-Ori


      Eclipse replaced the old layout. 

    3. Arcadium


      Not for me? I can toggle it on/off just like with stuff like dark mode on Youtube, for example. It has become the default layout whenever I open DA on a new device but soon as I switch it off I'm back to the trusted light greenish 😉

    4. Ori-Ori


      Maybe because you made an account before the update?


    Yep, Mista was right about the number 4.

  6. Thoughts on the new Yandere Sim update: P-O-I-N-T-L-E-S-S. Why would I want to join the Delinquents (which won't let you increase your reputation to the positives) when I can just befriend the students by doing their task? By the by, Sempai will reject you if you have low reputation, so yeah, shit trade-off.


    The update: 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ori-Ori


      I can't believe I was a fan of him. I hope his white knights snap put of it. 

    3. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Can't believe you were a fan of Yandere Simulator at all, must've been a miracle for you to snap out of this whole thing....Yandere Simulator is not even a good game to begin with, so why even keep playing....just let the whole thing die in flames and hope it'll rot like the corpse burning in hell

    4. Ori-Ori


      And I used to be one of his defenders... I was a bland fanboy back then.

  7. That's it, I'm using Bing because Google fucked over its image viewer.

    1. Jewel men10

      Jewel men10

      i know right, we're doomed

  8. Well Golden Wind ended awhile ago and it was a... Golden Experience. I remembered people asking if Part 5 will ever be animated. Glad it did got an anime. But what should I watch next? Madoka Magica or Made in Abyss?  

    1. Gaulbetti


      Madoka is weird I do not trust her.

    2. Ori-Ori
  9. Jesus, the new layouts of Twitter and DeviantArt are horrible. New layouts are trying way too hard to be mobile-friendly.  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      This is why i use Tweetdeck instead of regular twitter.


      Also, Deviantart in black looks awful and way too big for no reason.

    3. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Honestly, new DeviantArt layout makes DeviantArt more tolerable for me. No more, ahem, those kinds of flashbacks.

    4. Noside


      No wonder why, on my pc still looks the same, mobile useres are screwed.

  10. I have a feeling I'm not getting the 8th Gen Pokémon games. One of those reasons is that the new gimmick is just Mega Evolution but least interesting (it's just giant Pokémon). They really need to stop with these gimmicks, it's just making the game more unnecessary complex. Mega Evolution was fine, we didn't need Z-Moves and Dynamax.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ori-Ori
    3. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      What's wrong with Z-Moves?

    4. Ori-Ori


      I just feel that super moves in Pokémon is unneeded. 

  11. Jesus, YouTube is getting worse. I'm thinking of moving to Newgrounds and Dailymotion.

    1. DXfactory


      At this rate, I am surprised YouTube hasn't already crashed and burned, considering the amount of backlash it is getting from randomly locking and banning channels due to "copyrighted" content which isn't actually copyrighted.


  12. Decided that my first Mugen creation will be Shou from the Touhou Project. I will use Minoo's sprites. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ori-Ori


      Yeah, just saw that when I was making a test palette for her. Everything's all over the place.

    3. RicePigeon


      It's not just the palettes, but the animations too. tl;dr: the animations are often lacking the necessary "tween" frames of animation, so you get some rather janky looking animations that are sometimes only 3-4 animation elements long.


      Though I've heard testimony from a few people that his Minamitsu is somewhat workable, I'd regard that as the exception rather than the norm when it comes to Minoo's sprites.

    4. Ori-Ori


      At least the sprites themselves are nice to look at. That's the only thing I can give his creations thou.

  13. Jesus, the ending of Danganronpa: V3 made me cringe. I had to skip dialogue boxes just to keep my sanity. The Argument Armament was the worst part since the boss won't stop repeating "HOPE11!!!" and "DEEZPAIRZ11111!".  

  14. I think I'm goanna make a version of Lily White.

  15. Sometimes I despise having a music addiction. Because I want to finish Stardust Crusaders. Really like that anime besides the flaws.

  16. Finally had the courage to get Fighter Factory.

    1. mulambo


      was it aggressive? did it bite you ? :D

    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      And it only took you 4 years to do it

  17. I'm thinking of getting Fighter Factory Studio.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ori-Ori
    3. PlasmoidThunder


      For everything good Studio does, it manages to mess up a bunch of other things. Hotkeys (or at least the likes of Ctrl+F to bring up the search bar) no longer exist, but the biggest problems are the random but not infrequent crashing and general instability of the program.

    4. Ori-Ori


      Okay. Thanks.

  18. After playing a bit of Smash Ultimate, I feel like replaying Brawl and 4. Why? Because I was disappointed with Ultimate and I found World of Light to be boring and frustrating. I just want another Subspace Emissary and Smash Run. Hell, I wouldn't mind if they had to shorten the roaster as long as we get more single player modes that are fun.


    1. Darkflare


      Smash bros is not a very good series for playing alone.

    2. Gaulbetti


      They still did not fix lacking Single Player modes.


      Pretty sad.

    3. Ori-Ori


      Smash Bros Brawl and 4 all had descent single player content. So why can't Ultimate?

  19. It's shitty how Capcom is adding ads to a fucking non-mobile game. This is goanna be a new trend, is it?

    1. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      Wait, when did that happen?

    2. Ori-Ori


      Street Fighter 5.

    3. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      Ouch. Well, now I have another reason to stick to SF IV.

  20. So Mumkey Jones' YouTube channel was taken down over false flagging... God YouTube went to shit when Google bought them. They need to fix their flagging system.

    1. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      Actually, one strike was on a privated video with 0 views. YouTube themselves took him down. All strikes were back to back.

      Really sad about it. I loved his content.

    2. Ori-Ori


      I know. But the worst thing about this is that several videos that actually break the guidelines are still up. 


    I'm a bit late for this, but rest in piece Hillenburg. You made a show I and many other people loved.

  22. Well, looks like YouTube Dashboard got a major update. Which means I'm stuck with the new layout I despise. Why was the option to go back to the previous layout removed? Why? 

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Most likely because they didn't want to keep the old for too long, just like how they'll get rid of the old youtube studio in 2019

    2. Ori-Ori


      Still. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 

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