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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by Scrombo

  1. Might as well revive this thread. What do you call a fish with no eyes?
  2. I saw two antennas get married. The service was boring...
  3. Did you hear the one about a man who lost his left arm and left leg?
  4. What do a duck and a bike have in common?
  5. The Post-a-Joke Thread Since apparently this is the first thread in this section, I wanted to make it a dumb one. Post a joke. Any joke. A knock-knock joke. An anti-joke. A jojoke. Heck, even a corny joke, or a joke about corn. I'll start. What's brown and sticky? A stick.
  6. Sorry I'm late, but welcome to MFFA, my man! Hope you had a great Chrismahanukwanzakah!
  7. I could go for a sandwich, now that you bring it up. ...But what would you put on yours? And good catch, Duckmannnn. That post is lookin' good now.
  8. Necro/bump I'm so tough that I waited over a year to bump this thread!
  9. I just plopped a Santa hat on top of a Game Grumps reference.
  10. Morty: "Ooooh, gosh, Rick, w-what is this?" Rick: "I dunno *burp* a forum?" Morty: "Aw, man, o-oh no, Rick, it says that I can't say anything with th-" *Rick puts his right hand on Morty's mouth* Rick: Shhhhh! Darn Plutonians will kill us if you say that kind of thing. *Burp*
  11. Man, I remember using a Nokia cell phone, but I don't remember being able to fight as one Really excited for this W.I.P!
  12. My, that's dandy. Thanks to your input, I'm thinking I can show my family how fun Boku No Pico is!
  13. "Do you remember how many breads you've eaten in your life?" -Dio Brando
  14. Maybe Ditto's taunt could be one of Dan Hibiki's taunts.
  15. Aww, man, I've been wanting a Gunvolt character for a long time! Take your time, my man. I'm eager to see how you'll handle his moveset!
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