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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. Had to reread to double check that I didn't miss anything. We clearly have different definitions of what a donation is. Donate and get the character as a gift? Nah man, that's not a donation, that's just straight up payment for the character. Then again, donation does sound better than admitting you're just paying.
  2. Well in my mind, you need to learn to stay out of things that you lack the knowledge or experience for. You don't need to defend something every time someone says something bad about it. This is inarguable. It's a spriteswap of a terrible creation. Nothing to get excited about nor worth defending.
  3. The only thing disrespectful here is how this thing was hyped up as a major thing. I'm supposed to be excited for this only because it's "lost"? It was clearly lost because it wasn't worth preserving in the first place. If it were old works if a renowned author or an old version of an interesting character, then I would be excited. But some sloppy creation and a spriteswap to boot? In the words of Seto Kaiba: https://youtu.be/2oiZ1oZBXxU
  4. I was kinda excited to see what kind of character it was. Imagine my disappointment that not only was it a poorly made cartoon character but a spriteswap at that. Some things are better off lost.
  5. Except that you ARE trying to stir up drama. The best way to "deal" with MA is to do nothing and don't give them attention. Don't let them live rent free in your head, simple as that.
  6. Mate, how about you drop this "shining knight" gimmick? His post was the equivalent of a crying child taking his toys and leaving because he was losing. Only thing Laharl offered was cleaner sound rips, that's all. Even the most experienced authors don't mind help every now and then. I have yet to see any reason to give respect here. The fact that he's saying that offering help is just a ploy to steal half credit already says plenty to me. And his character IS mediocre.
  7. It'll be faster if you just pay people to make them. Around a four digit number as a price....each.
  8. Word of advice When it comes to matters involving money, trust noone. What I'm saying is that you're going to have to pay first if you're serious. Nobody is willing to do the work and risk you taking it and leaving without paying.
  9. Glad to see some sense in at least having the common sense to say you're paying. Though for all the custom stuff you're asking, you're probably going to need more than 1000 dollars
  10. "She hasn't fully agreed to work for me. Besides, I don't want to pressure her into a decision." "I'm interested, but I think we should discuss that in further detail. With that said..." "The first thing I'm going to do Light is tell you not to waste your time. You sae how well cleaned up the site was. You could barely tell a monster attacked."
  11. "I had my hands full taking care of business here that I didn't see anything outside. Monster attacks aren't exactly something that happens often enough to know how the authorities handle such situations." "Looking to be a hero again, Light? I recall last time you had plenty of help and you knew who the enemy was." "Light, do you even have a plan? We don't exactly how much to go on regarding what's going on."
  12. "That man from earlier did seem to be pretty high in the ranks. Light might not be off in them having a cleanup crew on standby." Upon entering the building, the group would find that everything seemed to be back to business as usual much like how things were when they first entered. "Back from sighseeing? Figured you would take in the sights more before coming back."
  13. "Not a bad idea. Having something to fall back on in case you're disarmed is a wise decision. I just hope you stick to it, because this won't be easy."
  14. "There's a well known quote from a famous martial artist back in my world." "I don't fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." "Versatility isn't bad, but if you spread yourself too thin you'll do more harm than good to yourself."
  15. "I'm sure I can ask Darkflare if he knows someone that can give you proper training. Of course, you're going to have to decide on what your fighting style is going to be first."
  16. "Looks like you had fun. We just finished up and are about to head back."
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