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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by Montblanc

  1. No, it's not NSFW...Where did that even come from? All I did was add a silly little image in the SFF file. The character is not NSFW.
  2. Just out of curiosity about the addition of Pokemon characters. would Fakemon and Pokemon youtuber (Let's say someone made JWittz or Protomario for MUGEN) characters fit in the Pokemon collection?
  3. I;m talking about the scale of the hitsparks.
  5. Thanks for the feedback. (Looking at some of this stuff, I am pretty clumsy.) I'll get to them once I have the time. By the way, I already made this litten use slash. I just added a fire twist to it. I'm thinking of adding more to it where light is a normal slash and Medium and heavy are fire slashes where heavy sends the opponent back. I've already contacted Dylanius before I started Litten about sprites.
  6. Fixed sound bank issues caused by my Fighter Factory and fixed AI having a mind of its own. (Still can't figure out how to balance out the projectile vomits during mirror matches though.)
  7. Lol. Nothing but ironic R34 fun after my last few minutes. Thanks for adding. Actually, replace all of them with Montblanc. I'll admit, when I made that name I just had a favorite Fallout Mod creator in mind and used that name. My current name is not original being based on a FF character but at least it's not another user from another gaming community.
  8. Yeah. Bulk frame snapping can be a little bad sometimes. But it's all i've got. Thanks for looking me out for this, Garchomp. Can you list some of them off for me so I can go back and speed them up? I already got MK down.
  9. Please no harassment. Thanks. Also those stuff are random things I put in SFF. Nobody looks at them anyways. If it bothers you so much, simply remove them.
  10. Here it is! In celebration of Pokemon Sun and Moon, the surprisingly already extremely popular fire type starter Litten is MUGENIZED. (Sprites may or may not change. *smile*) Packed with multipurpose attacks, Litten is a force to be reckoned with. However, she is a little one punch too short when it comes to using her paws. If you don't position yourself correctly, you may miss a ton. How ever sliding can help you on her lack of range. Her specials on the other side are powerful. Use Ember for range play or Fire Claw for melee combat. If you feel like you're Jigglypuff, there is always Rest. ATM she only has two super moves (3 if rest included) and 5 specials. Install: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2ka0bkxc71g2160/Litten.zip -------------
  11. I think it would be great to add in tutorials for balancing and tips for a making a good/well made MUGEN character.
  12. Link woke up only to realize that he's all by himself. He found out that he was used as a social experiment in Vault Hyrule. Stuck by his sudden realization, he grabbed his Hylian Pipboy iPad, and went out of the vault to embark on the Capital Hyrule infested with abandoned technology. ~ https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADV0Z8p-XeGQ
  13. There are hitboxes to the anim, yes. And the movetype is A. Oh.. Nevermind. Restarting Fighter Factory seemed to solve my issue. Both RPG Maker MV (Plugins) and Fighter Factory (That temporary character FF uses when you playtest?) are having issues where they won't update themselves.
  14. So the hitdef for some reason won't damage the opponents as well as it not being considered a combo to MUGEN's combo detector system. The problem is from the P2STATENO I have used. Any way to work around this? I just want p2stateno hitdefs to count as combos and take damage. If hitdefs with P2statenos do count as one to the combo system and takes damage, then I probably done goofed. So here's the Hitdef block. [State 440, Hitdef] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = S, NA damage = 63, 0 animtype = Medium guardflag = MA hitflag = MAF priority = 3, Hit pausetime = 1,1 sparkno = S8001 guard.sparkno = s8010 sparkxy = -10, -76 hitsound = s1, 3 guardsound = s1, 5 ground.type = High air.type = High ground.slidetime = 5 ground.velocity = 0 air.velocity = 0,0 ground.hittime = 274 air.hittime = 276 airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8 ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0 air.cornerpush.veloff = 0 down.cornerpush.veloff = 0 guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0 airguard.cornerpush.veloff = 0 fall = 1 ;getpower = 0,0 p2stateno = 641
  15. A whole bunch of stages! Great. About Spear Pillar. Does it have super jump and is it animated?
  16. Suicide Mouse gave me nightmares when I was 12. One of the first creepypastas. Lol! 2010 - 2012. Never forget. Since furry rebirth was taken, here's another strange video from thought:
  17. Wait, that actually came from the Sonic twitter account? I can't tell if Sega is poking fun of themselves or the account isn't actually endorsed by Sega. Sanic The.jpg
  18. I wouldn't count 3D fighting games. Unless you're like BaganSmashBros which only like 2 or 3 people are like them, I don't see people making 3D conversions of Pokken characters.
  19. That had a small amount of characters. But even then, it makes no sense. I expected there to be conversions of every Pokemon from Type Wild, a few other custom Pokemon based on popular Pokemon such as Pichu, Squirtle and Pikachu and that's it. Not every single Pokemon in the Pokedex entry. Jesus. Gotta catch'em all? More like Gotta Mugenize 'em all.
  20. Lol nope. But Touhou I sorta understand it having every character in MUGEN since it had an official fighting game(I think) as well as a smaller number of characters. But a cute RPG with 700+ characters like Pokemon? That makes no sense at all. Pikachu Pichu, Garchomp, Minun Jigglypuff Riolu, Lucario, Gardevoir, Pachirisu, Wigglytuff, Treecko, Charmander... I can be here all day if I wanted to. This is amazing.
  21. Ah, alright. Well, thanks for making this collection anyways. Probably the biggest and most well designed I've seen so far.
  22. On MediaFire, you are allowed to edit someone's files by "following them". You click on share. I was wondering if I could silently edit my own characters in this collection in this method. http://imgur.com/a3Oi9FN.png
  23. Hi, Garachomp Matt! I uploaded my characters to the MUGEN Archive and since there is no way for me to edit my characters on MUGEN Archive and they are now uploaded via Mediafire, I think it would be nice if you would add me as a follower (Being a follower will allow me to make edits in MediaFire) for my characters so I can begin making my updates and edits to them. I will PM you my Email.
  24. I'd like to introduce my new character, MarioTehPlumber. Definately not a rip off of Mario the plumber.
  25. Just 5 minutes ago I had a problem with MFFA's connection. I am just wondering if it was me or if there was some kind of maintenance going on?
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