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Status Replies posted by Ori-Ori

  1. I keep thinking about Shinra's Marilyn Sue and how she was overloaded with mechanics including ones that screw her over and I'm wondering when are we going to see a character overloaded with mechanics that exclusively benefit the character.



    Well, I suppose Yutoharu's Miku is the closest thing.

    1. Ori-Ori


      And Geros's Mami.

  2. How dares Warner Bros to not put Chun-Li in the Mortal Kombat movie... Wait what!?


    1. Ori-Ori


      Guess journalist just wanted a Street Fighter x Mortal Kombat game badly.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. I really hate how the recent update of Rice's Koishi no longer has the ability to continue a combo after she hits an opponent with her Catch & Rose.   

  4. I really hate how the recent update of Rice's Koishi no longer has the ability to continue a combo after she hits an opponent with her Catch & Rose.   

    1. Ori-Ori


      Ugg, this is the same thing when he updated Suika so she no longer can combo into the light and medium versions of her command grab. Why does Rice make unnecessary combo nerfs?  

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Thank god the year 2020 is FINALLY over. Lets hope and pray 2021 will be a much better year.

    1. Ori-Ori


      Rest in piss 2020


    This is six years of development people. 

    1. Ori-Ori


      Oh Alex, you'll never stop being a laughingstock. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. I'm thinking of editing RicePigeon's Sumireko.

    1. Ori-Ori


      Giving her more moves like a reversal like Eirin in her latest update. She really could use one.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. I Have (maybe) sad news.... i've got checked by doctors that i had a possible Beginous Tumor or a Hernia... it's not secured what i have trough my left ribs in the middle of my stomach... All hopes that HOPING that nothing bad happens.

  9. I Have (maybe) sad news.... i've got checked by doctors that i had a possible Beginous Tumor or a Hernia... it's not secured what i have trough my left ribs in the middle of my stomach... All hopes that HOPING that nothing bad happens.

    1. Ori-Ori


      Holy shit that's horrible. I hope you turn out fine. Wish you luck.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. I'm so glad Twitter is shitting on YandereDev right now.

    1. Ori-Ori


      That rare moment when Twitter is doing something good.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. I'm so glad Twitter is shitting on YandereDev right now.

    1. Ori-Ori


      He threaten to commit.... not alive because someone made a better version of his shitty game.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Well since basically every YouTube Classic app no longer works, I have this to say to YouTube; It's a shit site that doesn't lesson to it's fans. Fuck it and it's shitty and slow new layout. 

  13. Can I just say I find politics super annoying especially when I can't escape them? 

    1. Ori-Ori


      Well that's your opinion and you're allowed to have it. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Can I just say I find politics super annoying especially when I can't escape them? 

    1. Ori-Ori


      Now that's disturbing to think about. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Can I just say I find politics super annoying especially when I can't escape them? 

  16. Ok, so a question... MUGEN, which is the TOP character on your "wishlist" currently?





    My No.1 would be a Goku SSJ4, with those Extreme Botuden style sprites {From a WIP at Deviantart}.



    Maybe with Sennou or OHMSBY style.

    1. Ori-Ori


      Any character from Hollow Knight. Mostly Ghost, Hornet and Grimm.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Since I came out in the Discord might was well say it here: I'm gay.

  18. After all these years... I've finally beaten Cave Story's Blood Stained Sanctuary. I feel so proud of myself.

  19. SWSH can brick your system and corrupt your SD card.


    Jesus this is getting to Bethesda levels

    1. Ori-Ori


      And I thought the glitch in X and Y was the worst. Thanks GameFreak for getting worse and worse each year.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. I can't wait for Gen 9 of Pokémon to remove shinies and almost every Pokémon but Charizard and Pikachu. 

    1. Ori-Ori


      @TheWhiteDevil27 And that's why I only play the fan games now; because they give what the fans want.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. I'm honestly pretty hopeful that Pokémon Sword and Shield will fail hard. Why? Because chances are GameFreak will finally learn to improve their shit. 

  22. My reaction to Sword and Shield's final stages for the starters: meh. 

    1. Ori-Ori


      Why is Delibird returning but not any of the other starters or the Aggron line? 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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