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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by Solarflared

  1. @Ax So just remove the japanese quotes and replace it with the grunts, then?
  2. Hello. It seems you are looking for Mugenite, not MUGENites (which is what this site is composed of).
  3. Oh. OH. Coulda said that at the start, y'know? Yeah, the original version is rather unbalanced in those aspects.
  4. lol, you're using an outdated Charizard That's a pretty neat take on the stage. I had another version of this specific one before, but the lens flare on that version gets distracting sometimes.
  5. Who said it was an easily breakable shield instead of an unbreakable aura? I assume that not even Saitama of One Punch Man fame (who is LEAGUES stronger than Vegeta, by the way) would be able to break through it (though, if he tried, the universe might just collapse from an unstoppable force meets immovable object scenario)
  6. Oh, he WOULD feel it. Tell me: have you ever been punched by a Saiyan before? Multiply that by about 10 and you get what Vegeta will be feeling in the morning. Also, one does not simply "crack" an AIM field designed to redirect and control any vector thrown at it, no matter how strong it is.
  7. You barely even get the point. Vegeta isn't Touma. If he lands a punch on Accelerator he's basically punching himself. Literally.
  8. Pfft. Vegeta wouldn't be able to touch Accelerator in the first place due to his ability. That is to say, Accelerator redirects anything that is potentially harmful to him, including things such as sunlight (IDK, sunburns?) and gravity (watch that first step). The only way anything can touch him is if he lets them or if you're someone like Touma (whose right hand gives magic the finger).
  9. If this wasn't M.U.G.E.N, Accelerator would win by a longshot.
  10. Steven Universe, obviously. Ain't no DBZ thing that features female fusions, apparently. He will never become the champion. Even after going across 6 separate states/countries.
  11. I know this was posted all the way back in December, but I cringed
  12. Custom states will force Trunks back into his default sprites if he's put into one while using the other set.
  13. Custom States, TopKirby. Custom States.
  14. And now, Heracross will be up to bat...eventually.
  15. If that's Sigma you're talking about, then...Mega Man X. The "Little One" that's been following you around is actually your time-displaced younger self, and the reason behind your missing memories.
  16. Five Nights At Freddy's. That flower you met at the start of the game? They're actually a goat.
  17. Silent Hill 2. The resident healer girl of the group tries to prevent a meteor from destroying everything but gets backstabbed.
  18. So anyway, onto my actual nominations... Charizard by Gladiacloud & Dylanius9000 (me) - 3 Lie Meiling by Ricepigeon and Darkflare - 1 And Retro Suika would have gone here, too...that is, if she wasn't nominated thrice already.
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