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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by Solarflared

  1. If you made a mistake that you deeply regret ever doing, would you let the public know about it?
  2. So you're saying you'll accept anything, even if it's not safe for work, if the public agrees you should add it to the list? Sounds really flawed, if I must say.
  3. I know what support set I'm picking the next time I fight Shadow Mewtwo.
  4. The thing is, someone could easily just code the move back in since the sprites are already there. If they're still in the character, then why are you bothering to put them up? Didn't you have something against vore characters like everyone else on this site?
  5. That begs the question: Are they adding DLC? Also, you'll miss out on Shadow Mewtwo.
  6. I managed to time out against Shadow Mewtwo on the first two attempts I've had so far. How about them apples?
  7. Suggestion for the "blah blah are you done?" intro. Have his other ones play out like normal, but if Saitama's coding recognizes that it's still roundstate = 1 instead of roundstate = 2 after a certain period of time, he goes straight to said "blah blah are you done?" intro.
  8. Shouldn't this go into Releases, or am I missing something here?
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovfz1Zf4Q5U
  10. If anyone asks, yes, that's my Jigglypuff. This was recorded back in January/February or something, though.
  11. Eh, expect a balanced edit somewhere down the line then. Either from me or from somebody else.
  12. I admire your determination to keep him accurate to the source material, but M.U.G.E.N isn't about power levels. It's about emulating a proper fighting game.
  13. His kicks are probably as deadly as his punches.
  14. Let's not turn this guy into a cheap character, now. Sure, he might have a 12th pal mode that makes him live up to his title (no word if the creator will actually implement it, though), but what I'm rooting for is that the main character itself is fair and balanced instead of stupidly broken.
  15. I thought people called Mega Mewtwo Y Mewthree? Or is that just me?
  16. >TFW someone doesn't recognize a Mega Evolution of Mewtwo when they see one
  17. Barely sounds like Akuma. And besides, some people aren't fans of DAN GREEN, even if he is a ham at times.
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