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Everything posted by Solarflared

  1. I don't think everyone else here thinks showing of M.U.G.E.N fights without letting peeps know that it IS M.U.G.E.N is a good thing.
  2. He got those views because apparently he's trying to pass it off as something unrelated to M.U.G.E.N.
  3. To be fair, I didn't even know they existed until this thread opened up. That, and apparently they added a super transformation to my Shadow.
  4. For some reason the left character reminds me of ν-13.
  5. So the forum itself isn't the problem, it's the service provider? Then how come they banned you for something positive, then?
  6. I think I remember something about it not being the forum itself that's the problem, but rather their server handler does not like negative activity on their forums and they're just abiding by their provider's rules. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. Solarflared


    There's too much trash in the universe.
  8. Koishi's "vanish" winpose loops into itself, making it appear like she's disappearing over and over instead of just once.
  9. Is this supposed to involve explods? Or just two non-explods?
  10. it's literally the same voice actor as in origins and smash 4 isn't it?
  11. Funny how I already downloaded Shadow Mewtwo's files from that link long before you posted this. Why? ...reasons.
  12. So apparently one of the moves has a glitchy effect. Have a patch.
  13. ...but in all seriousness, though, do you really think I suck at making a Mighty Glacier out of a character that's supposed to be a Mighty Glacier in the Pokémon RPGs?
  14. FOUR BUTTONED. And please don't make it too skinny. I seriously need to watch for these often. I tried to make Heracross a toned-down "Mighty Glacier" of a sort. Slow but powerful. oh yeah the motion blur not going silver I don't know why I didn't think about that.
  15. "Did you just have a brain fart?" ~C.O. Salem, G.I. Jane
  16. Unfortunately, not at the moment. Also, here's a video for all of you.
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