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Everything posted by Solarflared

  1. Oh hey, Galeo's doing their thing again. Now I wish Galeo would patch Mewtwo Y so I can have a good patch.
  2. That's a relief, knowing you're going to skim over some releases.
  3. And like that, it's already happened. Fucking Leon.
  4. "This is one battle you can't afford to lose!" Hoo boy, I released a stage, of all things. It's basically a recreation of the place where you fight Proto Man in MM8BDM. There's two .def files. One with Proto and one without him. Download here, if you're interested. Hopefully, I won't get discouraged with releasing stages as I have with releasing characters, nowadays...
  5. He originally came out on October 22nd though. Unfortunately because this site was down for so long I couldn't make a thread on here, only on the guild.
  6. Just poke into Gladia's OneDrive. They'll be right there.
  7. Pikachu updated. Heracross and Charizard got updated as well.
  8. But why here, of all places? That, and you don't seem much like TBM or CalilouStrawberry... EDIT: Oh. OHHH. Shit, my bad. Didn't know the names changed.
  9. I, for one, wanna go for more exotic choices, but Gladiacloud? Eh...Well, I originally wasn't intending to do a Pikachu at all, but he ended up dragging me into it anyway. And the end result was a gimmick character.
  10. Not yet..god damnit I need to remind myself to send updates to Gladia.
  11. Of course, you can't forget who helped code the character for Gladia.
  12. I fixed the thing. will send gladia a patch once everything's said and done.
  13. oh it's not that I just found out it's because roundstate stuff.
  14. Also, a bit of a thought...maybe the reason why he has low life is because of his really small hitbox?
  15. *sigh* I'd say show me a video instead of a screenshot, but I have a damn good feeling that an animation got removed when I handed it over to gladiacloud for publishing.
  16. 1: Why do you think their priority is bugged? 2: Will nerf the self-inflicted damage in a patch. 3: So should I just lower the guard hitpauses by 7? 4: Well, Gladia did the hitboxes. Ask him about it. 5: Is this a personal nitpick of yours, or...? 6: Wait what. What "disappearing intro" thing?
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