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Everything posted by Forehead

  1. Luigi? Heh, since he's always unlockable I always be Mario. MARIO FTW
  2. Sup Hekutta, this is where all brothers unite! Lol I don't even know what I'm saying but enjoy your stay here!
  3. Ridley is way too huge for a SSB character. If he does become a character, than he'd be bigger than any of the characters in the roster o.o
  4. Hey Sayzo,Welcome back to MFFA. But, Errm.. I've only been on MFFA for a year o.o so i don't recognize you.
  5. Yea, I find Youtube Poops funny o.e But anyways, here's mine http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pB8Ph0hnRPY
  6. I always tried looking for a stage that your underwater and there's a ship in the back ground of the stage, maybe like Jolly Roger Bay or something. But whatever, this is still good.
  7. http://m.youtube.com/user/mariosforehead?feature=guide Trying to do a new Let's Play series for 3D land but it's difficult on this tablet, next week, the series will be better I guess. But other than that, my youtube account isn't anything special.
  8. I think it's the same way around Garchomp o.o
  9. But...but.... SD Card is full of folders of music.... and I want a 3DS pokemon game shoo badly! Oh well... M&L dream team for meh than..
  10. Hmm, to be honest with you, that's a good Idea. I always thought in SSBB the Primids from SSE fit for a good character.
  11. Hey Nameless, Welcome to MFFA. This is like my #1 visited forum, it's a great place here so far for me o.o
  12. That sucks hardcore balls. Well at least Super Smash Flash 2 is getting a better dojo now.
  13. Shit... I forgot about that one.... I beat that with Mario I think... it was brutal.... I always remembered sticking up my middle finger at the TV because of that event only.
  14. Late replay but I've played New Super Mario Bros. Wii millions of times. God I never expierenced it with a friend (not counting my sister, she sucks at games) so It sucks to be me. I wanna try Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii when I get back from New York.
  15. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hv7jvyslRek&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dhv7jvyslRek
  16. The with you having to be Luigi and fight Dr. Mario and a White Dressed Peach... I could never EVER beat that one. But the event matchees in Brawl kinda sucked big balls. The last one had a Giant Mario trying to attack you. Ledge grab or your TOAST!
  17. I was hardly excited when it came on Nintendo Direct.
  18. They should DEFINITELY change Wolf's final smash. He didn't even own a Landmaster! He probably stole the landmaster from the Great Fox and spray painted it red.
  19. Well in all honesty *DK's final smash was weird but okay. it sucks online though. The bongo beats should go more farther to hit players more easily. *Kirby's final smash was lame, just dodge or roll to avoid it. LIke what Garchomp said with the Kirby mass attack thing. *King dedede..... Really deserves a huge makeover... How about an army of Waddle Dees/Doos and Gordos. Marching in a straight line and jumping to hit anybody in midair. it's hard to explain but let's say, something like the Pokemon Trainer's final smash. *Mario's final smash was pretty stupid, I thought in the trailer it would be awesome but well, I turned out to be wrong. Hardly hits anybody or get any smashes. How about trap people inside it's vortex of flames until the player(s) get smashed out of the screen. *Jigglypuff's final smash sucked the biggest pair of jigglyballs in the game. Just don't touch it when it's puffing up and there, easy peasy. Doesn't she deserve Peach's final smash? *Peach's final smash sucks regardless... Come on, put everybody to sleep, and drop peaches everywhere? I could think of a better idea than that... Really. Refer her emotions as attacks like in Super Princess Peach... And make it similar to the that element changing attack that Amateratsu had in MVC3. But anyways, I hope all these characters come back... (Yeah I already know Mario, DK, and Kirby are returning..
  20. Hmm, Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii always sounded interesting. I should try it out.
  21. It sucked how the non of the characters talked at all. It's like putting a whole bunch of Gordon Freeman's as the only character in a Half Life game.
  22. Oh and I was thinking. Since Nintendo and Sega made deals to contract each of there mascots for use in each others games, maybe Sonic will be in this game. I mean there making a 4th Mario and Sonic Olympics game.
  23. *Ahem* N..No clones!? What will be of Ganondorf then :(
  24. For some reason, I think instead of Megaman being in SSB4, it would be more exciting if Ryu came. I was clearly expecting Megaman to join the fray -.-'
  25. Lol it'd be funny to see Mario vs Cena, or heck, Bowser vs Cena in the ring stage.
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