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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by Forehead

  1. *Get's FZERO Car and then this happens* I control the hill!
  2. *Come's from behind Jay* It's-a whacking time! *Takes out Hammer* And I smack him when he was off guard! Like a boss! Got the Hill now bro!!!
  3. Idk I was bored. Check the Let's Play I made :P it's pretty interesting how crazy I am here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy21MzirzeE
  4. I'm not that guy who's into fighting games but I my fighting history begins from Super Smash Bros Melee, my very first fighting game I've played.I also went on to play Brawl after that. If not considered "fighting game material", technically my first fighting game was MVC3.
  5. Oh nah that? Jay. You just brang in the good music from Sonic Adventure 2! NOSTALGIA!!!
  6. Syncros famous quote "..." He will always be remembered....
  7. Very nice looking. Downloading :P
  8. 8/10 Because his picture looks like a Tiki statue or something..... And his last part of his name is Wolferine :PPPP
  9. What is Earth? I live in the Mushroom Kingdom! But hello anyways friend! Enjoy you're stay at MFFA!
  10. Hello Friend I rate Ex to 8 out of 10! He has been my bro since the broski times!!!
  11. Looks like something out of Halo. I'll give it a try.
  12. My Gamecube is shit. Whenever I try to play games it's fan just stops working and that's the sign of the game going to freaking crash or cause the disc unreadable. Soon it will probably explode o.o
  13. Yes I'm a Fallout freak :3
  14. ESNIPS? HAHAHAH! No thanks bro, Mediafire is my friendly bro over here!
  15. Deviant and Test looks nice. Might use those from now on. The white may be making me BLIND O.O
  16. Mugen Light Green :3 But that Jill is definitely better then the one I had... boy the one I had was practically UNBEATABLE.
  17. Interesting, sounds like my style with apocalyptic town setting :3
  18. Characters like Mewtwo was a time consumer to get -_-'
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