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Everything posted by NapoleonJonamite

  1. Thank you for standing up for me on adding the Triforce Slash to Link while removing the leaf from the moveset and using it for an intro. Link has used the leaf in OoT and MM, but yeah he didn't just whip it out, he planted seeds, and jumped on it. The way it was being utilized in the initial release was horrid, and could have been easily abused. Triforce Slash added to this because what I was doing was meshing original ideas (Hylian Barrage and aerial bomb toss), items utilized in some of the 3D titles (Arrows, boomerang, hookshot) and the Smash Bros. series (Spin attack and Triforce Slash). From what I recall, Link never used the leaf for combat, but as another way to move around. To say that doing what I did was "Not improving him," "Unoriginal," or "Taking away from what made him special" infuriates me to no end. You should be glad I even gave two shits to redo Link from the ground up in terms of gameplay.
  2. Okay, I have a few things to say here. First, I'm not sure if I should feel appreciated or insulted based on these statements. Second, there's always going to be a difference of opinion, don't let that be the reason to use crappy templates for your works (If you can even call them that). Third, the statements you made regarding collabs shows that you have almost no flexibility, meaning you have a strict vision and don't want to adjust to ideas someone may have to improve upon the initial concept. I worked my rear end off to try and make the mess of a release you had with Link more playable (Yes, there were times I got too busy to work on him, but I was still able to work on him), and what you just said makes you sound ungrateful and unappreciative of the fact that someone took an interest in adapting your sprites to a different playstyle or changed things to make them work for a better purpose (Such as my removing of the fighting capability of Link on the leaf, and instead using it for an intro). It makes me feel like I made a mistake in wanting to redo Link. Quality work takes time to produce, and sadly you're releasing stuff in a manner that "rushed" feels too nice of a word. I take pride in my work, and it has shown in the fact that people are taking a genuine interest in what I do. What you have here, you're showing that you don't care, and only a small few would actually want them.
  3. Link's sprites were okay, and enough for me to work with in the original release I made. I asked for some more animations to add onto what he currently had and give him more variety. I have a guy redoing to overall look of the sprites to where it looks more like the Ocarina of Time version. I don't remember ever saying anything about the sprites for Link being incomplete and unusable, but for some of the others I wanted to do out of the Ax sprited list, I probably did say that (I know I did for Samus).
  4. After seeing DK, and then seeing the comments regarding Fox, I can see that I won't be doing anything with either one of them. Shame too, as I felt that characters like them deserve more than what they were given in the past, but if there isn't a real effort being put into the sprites, then why should I bother putting the effort into using them?
  5. Here's what Link's new stance looks like. And yeah, that palette was meant to be a reference to the classic uniform for Sailor Moon.
  6. Got some September updates for everyone! Link has a few new additions, and both Mini Moon and Jupiter got some updates as well. Link: -Added aerial special, Bomb Toss -New idle stance -New aerial kick animation -Updated AI Sailor Mini Moon: -Color separated sprites -New palettes Sailor Jupiter: -Updated AI Download here: http://napoleonjonamite.webs.com
  7. Updates for Link, and a few others have been delayed. I'm also delaying AI patch openings for 3 or 4 characters until I get the updates on my end finished.

  8. I did keep the leaf. It's in one of his intros. I didn't see him using it in combat.
  9. He then puts into the author name the name of the company that originally made the character. His Link had an author name of Nintendo, when it should have been his.
  10. Boomerang, I did the best I could. If you want to help improve it, I'm open to it. There are plans to give him an aerial bomb toss special (Just need to do some simple respriting). Hypers, I was thinking of giving the spin attack an aerial version as well. The chain would require a lot of respriting, as well as a code knowledge that I don't have.
  11. Hey, aperson. Real quick. You think you can draw the shield on Link's back for those new sprites? For consistency's sake.
  12. Those look great! I'll get them in as soon as I can.
  13. Though all of his updates were in September, Link is still an August release. Now to see if he at least gets nominated for COTM (August) at MFG.

  14. I am proud to announce the latest update to Link. In addition to some bug fixes and changing out the original setup involving the launcher, Jadeeye has provided a 1.0 AI patch! Next update should include new kick (At least aerial) sprites and animations, Brawl voice pack, and the aerial bomb toss. Download him here: http://napoleonjonamite.webs.com PS, I finally got the misaligned Triforce issue fixed Lahral.
  15. Updated! There was a coding error in Link's Boomerang hyper which caused a clone to appear when the boomerang helper was hit by a projectile. Next up, trying to figure out the misalligned Triforce bug.
  16. Couldn't hurt to have some more physical attacks, especially in the kick department. I'm interested.
  17. I tried to fix the misalligned Triforce, but had no success. I think I got some of the ones you mentioned fixed besides that.
  18. Link has been updated! I applied some of the feedback that was given. Readme does state that the arrows require holding the specific button for the element attached to them (Right below the command for the arrows themselves). In addition, the moveset has been changed. The command layout has been redone thanks to suggestions by Cybaster, and Link now has the Hookshot thanks to aperson98 for helping on that.
  19. Also, I totally misunderstood regarding the bomb toss. The sprite edits I have are for a ground based toss, not an air based. So if you could do an edit of those sprites to imply them being thrown from the air, that'll be great. I'll handle the codes for that.
  20. Totally. Thanks for your help. I'll make sure to put you in the credits for this during the next update.
  21. I already edited the bomb toss, it's in the sff I have in this version. If you can do that last one though, you will be a freaking lifesaver.
  22. Couldn't really fix the error with the Triforce alignment. Was worried about infinites, which is why the basic slashes are slowed down. I know what you mean about the boomerang, but I was afraid of it not doing the multihit I wanted after I made it function like a boomerang should.
  23. Though I may have some more things to do/add to him, I am proud to say that my first non-Sailor Moon character, the Hero of Time has been released to the public! Using the original spriteset from AxKing, a few edits from KBN, and the same gameplay format that I have used for each of the Sailor Moon characters, Link is ready to charge into the fray. Download him here: http://napoleonjonamite.webs.com What's left: ----------------------------- -Aerial projectile (Bomb) -Hookshot (May collab) -Color separation -Any bug fixes
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