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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. My gratitude goes towards the both of you. Thank you both for everything you guys have done so far Only 2 more to go!
  2. This looks like it is going to be the best SF4 character there is right now! Thank you for sharing Erro!
  3. Hello men, I found a curious screenshot today. Does the character on the right (The Scream by Edvard Munch) exist or is it fake? If it exists, is it any good? Thanks in advance!
  4. Ah yes, now that you mention it, I went back and found it. Silly me ^^
  5. It must be an omen of things to come! No, really, I saw this and at first I thought it was another Akuma edit (hey, Akuma, Monokuma, it happens) but then I saw this bearly character and Immediately thought to myself, this is someting for Fael ^^ Now he can upupupupu all he wants in Mugen! XD
  6. I'm not that keen on such kind of edits. I don't need the Dark Gustab M for the Ultimate Orochi seems more interesting. What I would like to know now is if this Ultimate Orochi is AI-only? Because I've seen my fair share of Orochi edits and about 80% of them were AI-only =/.
  7. Thank you for the effort, Ryoucchi! However it leads me to Crazy Forest (which is great) and Celestial Solice by Kohaku. This last one is not the one I seek. On his site he has 2 stages called Celestial Solice and Celestial Tolice respectively. It's the last one I seek. Just want to clarify this in case you thought I made a typo =)
  8. Hello everyone, My apologies for this request, however I have recently obtained the wish to be a possessor of following stages which are offline : #1) Stage 1/7 : Celestial Tolice by Dr. Kohaku => My gratitude for Ryoucchi! #2) Stage 2/7 : Tower Reload by Crazylogic => Fulfilled thanks to Hayonik! #3) Stage 3/7 : Desert Battle by Crazylogic => Solved by Ryoucchi! #4) Stage 4/7 : Mad Forest by Crazylogic => Much appreciated, Ryoucchi! #5) Stage 5/7 : Cell Games by Crazylogic => Much appreciated lucabel! #6) Stage 6/7 : The Hope's Gone by Crazylogic => Thank you lucabel! #7 : Stage 7/7 : Confrontation on the train by Crazylogic => Fulfilled thanks to Hayonik! Every bit of help counts!
  9. Bragging rights incoming *cough* *cough*
  10. You know you play too many games when : Made by JohnSu on DA. Is worth a chuckle I believe =)
  11. Holy Molly, we need more Chronicles of Ikaruga videos! Nice content you've got here Xan. One question though : in your Roko vs. Deadpool video, you use the Crimson Battle stage by Saiyajin Mui but I cannot find it on his site. Is it a private stage or not?
  12. Some pretty entertaining battles you've got there Kitsune, great work! May I ask of you the name (and perhpas author ^^) of the stage you used in your battle with Jubei Yamada vs. Nightmare Geese? Also, I've noticed you mainly do 1.1 videos. Is it a lot of work to change from mugen 1.0 to 1.1? Can you run 1.0 stages in 1.1 just the way you can in mugen 1.0? Or do you have to convert those stages into 1.1 in order to play them?
  13. This looks exactly like POTS' Pocket Shin Akuma but then with a slightly edited SFF. I heard this is someone's first try at a character and that it feels solid. Well, yeah, that's logical knowing that the character it is edited from is already solid to begin with. I'll try it out though I do hope that in terms of gameplay/moves differences will be noticeable. Then again, it's released on MMV so that already says something 'bout the quality I suppose....
  14. May I ask, what exactly is GFX? And where can one download it? Is it free or do you have to pay for it? Regardless, I've seen some amazing content right here. I'm interested to see what you guys will squeeze out next.
  15. You can find her here : https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=ce7ac6e2d7bb44d1&id=CE7AC6E2D7BB44D1%21104 => Arena_DQ4 ver 1.07 Here's a tip ryu17v, if you want something, first try to get it yourself because some requests are very easily fulfilled by just using Google or a mugen database.
  16. This... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aUslPuTOAY You can skip to 0:57 for the good stuff to happen. Fear the gamer zombies!!
  17. Winmugen11


    I clicked the damn button up until you removed it! I want ma prize damnit Thanks a lot Syncro, now I wasted precious minutes of my life clicking that shiny button of yours that I will never get back now. Grrr.. according to this I have the right to ask for compensation! You don't want or can't give me even that huh? Well, then there is but one thing that I want to get off my chest... Syncro...
  18. Warning, massive ear rape incoming :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v0xyQH_pLY Been stuck with the song in my head for two days now. Anyone have any tips to get it out of my head?
  19. Well, that depends. How many people in this community here can you label "normal"?
  20. That's actually not looking half bad, Ryon! From which game does he originate? And how did you come up with making this character? Why announce this character as a WIP while Nick Fury is still far from complete? So many questions... Regardless, looking forward to more progress =)
  21. As a matter of fact, Salvation Orochi is a private character that has never been released by his creator, HellToastIndustries. According to what he said, he scrapped Salvation Orochi because he's so cheap and he much rather focuses on making a "playable" Orochi.
  22. Granted, but you encounter yourself in the past causing a massive time-paradox and eventually the universe to implode. I wish reality was unrealistic.
  23. Hello fellow MFFA-members, I was wondering who made the two characters depicted in the video below : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-TJrrii23g The guy who uploaded this video said they were private. Is this still the case? Are they even worth having or are they extremely cheap?
  24. Granted, but then this happens : http://www.smogon.com/smog/issue20/dangerous_irl And that is just covering 10 of the 600+ pokemon. So thank you Xan for bringing us the end of the world as we know it. I wish that :
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