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Everything posted by Zemilia

  1. Since Yamori can't make the topic for this (due to reasons), I'll post on his behalf: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3a61n3kehbe1edd/Lilith.zip Changelist: Lilith V5.05: -Lowered Power Gain on Taunt -Improved Twirling Kick's Cornerpush code -Nullified Power gain on EX moves -Fixed typo in cmd2 movelist (oops..) Lilith V5: -Almost entirely recoded! -Revamped Luminous/Aerial Illusion to be comboable and blockable -Gave Temptation more reliability (Range, Short Invuln, Damage) -Made Soul Flash and Mystic Arrow more accurate to source -Added Gleaming Upper (to replace Couch SP as launcher) -Reworked and balanced Shining Blade and Merry Turn -Gave Luster Swarm hitsparks Y bodydist correction -Reworked Twirling Kick to be more "Anti-Air" -Big AI overhaul (more precise and tougher) -Changed EX Soul Flash's function -Organized SND and AIR file -Updated Cancel system -New palettes!
  2. Yay, let's have some fun with this.
  3. I'll bite (It'll be a long list, though): 1. Rival Schools 2. Power Stone 3. Chrono Trigger 4. Streets of Rage 5. Final Fight 6. Cyberbots (Sorta a series, since it is a spin-off of Armored Warriors) 7. BloodRayne 8. Last Blade 9. Fatal Fury/Garou 10. Art of Fighting 11. Gundam: Battle Assault 12. Rage of the Dragon 13. Power Instinct/Matrimelee 14. Battle Arena Toshinden 15. Metroid
  4. Nah, no need to dirty him up (since his sprite is clean already). Though, might need to fix the position of his left (Gast's left) arm there. Also, you might want to move his body around a bit so it doesn't look awkward with his legs being the only thing in motion.
  5. On the idle stance, I think it's a bit better if you do something with those hands. But if you're keeping his arms crossed, at least keep his legs closed (like Frieza's) or just make him stand still. Right now, it looks weird with his legs like that.
  6. There's so many good stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day. And because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everyone lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day's really saved. In the end.. they just had to have faith.

    Ain't that a bitch.

  7. I'm curious on who's taking care of the site while you're out.
  8. Asuna by Sennou-Room - 3 Johnny Cage by OmegaPsycho - 2 Jin Saotome by YamoriX - 1
  9. Copy and pasted from Guild: Been debating if I should post my feedback here or at CC (in case your mainstay is in there), but nevertheless, I hope you're reading this cause I got a lot to say about this Guile: -Taunt drains power (50% from a single stock) -Mid and Head pos are messed up. http://i.imgur.com/5IcMed9.png] -Both stand and crouch MP have hitboxes that seem a bit too big (or tall) for just a punch. http://i.imgur.com/2uvI2Bz.png] -He's missing a majority of hitboxes in some attacks (during and after). (Close LP) (After air LK) (Landing) -Sweep is recoverable (manually or have training's "recovery" on). -Both Air HP and Air HK (while your opponent is in the air during an air combo) is recoverable (manually or have training's "recovery" on). -Why is close mp a bit stronger than close hp? (32dmg on close mp, 25dmg on hp). -Why does both of his launchers (close and Crouch HP) move him forward? -His Launcher (close HP)... in the strangest case, is an infinite. (By strange, I mean his opponent seems like it recovered out of the launcher, but they can't counterattack. Like... at all. And following it up with HP again and again racks up the hits) -His MK's glitched: If you try to combo MK -> HK too fast (easy to do if you just hold forward while doing the combo), he gets stuck in a looping animation. -Sonic Boom (All of them, including air) drains meter. -Low Sonic Boom's positioning is off. -Qcb Ps has no variant whatsoever (no damage variant, no distance variant, no hits variant, etc). -Too many red hitboxes for downward Flash Kick. -His Tatsumaki is recoverable. -This is the last hit of his tatsumaki: ...And it supposedly knocks down his opponents (even though it doesn't look like it). -Flash Kick is recoverable (via manually or if Training's recovery is on) as well. -No Super BG? http://i.imgur.com/7rTrKoA.png] -Sonic Break does a bit too much damage for a lvl 1 -Sonic Hurricane has no blue Hitbox whatsoever (even after the attack is done) http://i.imgur.com/XY4fUaA.png] -Qcf 2K super is recoverable (during the Tatsumaki part). -Where are the effects for Sonic Hurricane? -Qcb P+K is also recoverable. I would also ask why he's uses QCF motions instead of a charge motions, but it's "custom" so I'll not tackle that. Still, even for a beta this needs work (huge amounts).
  10. Double Post, cause Jin got updated again. v1.1 -Fixed Diving Cyclone infinite -Added ForceStand to Blodia Vulcan hitdefs -Buffed up AI (exploit remedies, more cancels) -New cancel from Stand SK (Landing) to Saotome Dynamite -Crouch SK now has Projectile invuln -Changed Stand MK's Y hitvel -Fixed SuperArmor KO bug (thanks dan) -Added safety measure to Saotome Cyclone
  11. I just let him know about this. He said "That's awesome! Thanks".
  12. I see both a red Lantern and Black Lantern symbol. Any reason for those 2 to be there? (I can see black being there, since she looks like an undead, but I'm not sure about red since it's basically wrath)
  13. Jin got updated Changes: v1.05: -Corrected AnimChange on Blodia Vulcan exit -Fixed bugged Dizzy Anim Update link is on 1st post.
  14. Click on icon to download Edit: Almost forgot; In case you're confused/thought that Yamori retired, he didn't. He just needed a little break is all.
  15. Multi-coloredHairXtremist (With horns)
  16. Miko worshipping a snake and frog as gods.
  17. Like I said, choice of the author, not yours. Don't complain like this again.
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