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Everything posted by Gamer251

  1. I know that. I'm not claiming the entire thing is mine. I just simply modified it. I'm making a logo, and I'm considering removing the mountain and Daidarabocchi. So yeah, I'm editing the whole Main Menu. And credits are on the F1 Part and on the readme
  2. HOLY SHIT, A RANDOM MOKOU IS ON THE HORIZON! And here's the Yasai Kaguya: http://seravy.x10.mx/MugenDB/page.php?cid=534 Screenpack?
  3. Oh and can you do the thing like in TF2, where the characters in the Main Menu change?
  4. That's for the logo, for the glow effect, also 400x200, and transparent. Match the shape of the logo.
  5. 400x200, transparent. Then let me do the rest.
  6. Oh and I must admit that's talent. Can you make a glow effect for that, like the normal 12.3 logo?
  7. Nice~ As always, I'm up for suggestions. Oh and it must be 400x200~
  8. WHAY DID YOU DO EET, NIGHT!? WHAY!? Oh, and I'm thinking of Mokou as a Mascot instead of Flan, or vice-versa
  9. Oh and the Konngara and Reimu I'm uploading are complete with 12.3 Portraits of Lifebars.
  10. Yeah, what coordinates? BTW, the shape is from MS Word. Used another layer then pasted it.
  11. Here's a draft of the logo:
  12. Ryou's Photobucket broke :<
  13. Yeah, I'm uploading the Nachel Konn and Gu Raymoo But I'm finishing the logo
  14. Here~ http://blog.livedoor.jp/nnsnns/
  15. Well, time to sunbathe like there's no tomorrow
  16. Oh and also add Yukari NNS version :3 (Too much information overload) Also, Shanghai by Gu. Add it. And Suika by NNS too. Basically, all of NNS' Touhou chars. They are all updated. There are 6 of them. Tewi Yukari Suika Tenshi Iku Daiyousei
  17. Oh and I have the NAGI Nachel and Sunakuzira version of Konngara
  18. Oh and Gu's Reimu went offline, so you might wanna reup that~
  19. Yeah, I'm also editing the title. The mascots are Alphes Fwan and Mokou :3
  20. MAJOR UPDATE FOR MY GAME! Instead of update v5.8, I am going to upload v6.0 I am currently editing the Main Screen Preview:
  21. Wait, the Rinno by KON is a Chibi? WAT ._.
  22. No, I mean the Beta Zaibatsu was talking about. Not the Rinno by KON. And yes, the villager the bangs girls (MANnosuke)
  23. I think this guy haven't heard of Ani-san's collection~
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