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IKEMEN Plus Ultra


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This is a custom version of the original Ikemen Plus 0.3 engine, that contains new features and improvements.


Lastest Releases: https://github.com/CableDorado2/Ikemen-Plus-Ultra



Changelog and New Features:


Main menu and Engine reworked:

Sprites directories generated for character select and continue screen regroup

Winmugen Lifebars Added

Start button as Enter key added

Pause button as Backspace key added

Fades added to every game modes and screens

Simul and Turns empty icons added

Restart game mode cursor in character select added

Wins and Match counter added to every versus mode

Win Quotes added when you lose or win in versus mode

Stages preview added

Team Mode select added to Bonus Games


New Game Modes Added:
- Training Multiplayer [1P vs 2P]
- Boss Rush Co-op
- Single Boss Fight
- Bonus Rush [Includes Co-op]
- Vs 100 Kumite Co-op
- Sudden Death [Includes Co-op]
- Time Attack [Includes Co-op]

Options menu reworked:

Max Draw Games added

Versus win counter added

All 4:3 resolutions added

Screen change between window or fullscreen added

Master, SFX and BGM control volume added

Control mapping reworked (Gamepads support disabled temporally)


Online menu reworked:

Host and Join Menus added

Online settings added in order to avoid desync


New Online Game Modes added:
- Training
- VS 100 Kumite Co-op
- Boss Rush Co-op
- Bonus Rush Co-op
- Sudden Death Co-op
- Time attack Co-op

Online replays menu reworked and better replay save system


Extras Menu reworked (New features added):
- Storyboards
- Sound Test
- Play credits

4GB Patch Available





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  • 1 year later...

UPDATE v1.1: 


Changelog and New Features:


Bat Files open custom method added

Stage Viewer added Thanks to Yoshin222

Better engine assets organization

Minor menu improvements

New screen resolutions

added Test Controls Added in input options

Quick Match (Random VS) Mode

Added New Menu Songs

Added Title Screen

Added Replays menu

improved Sound test menu

improved Storyboards Menu

improved Here comes a new challenger screen

added Unlocks example added Hints

added in character select Randoms hints

added in versus screen Random Song examples

added Free order select time in order Select screen

Win text fixed for simul mode Order Select and Versus Screen Select

Separation Debug keys (in match)

improved Save Player Username

added Port change save config fixed

Some screenpack Settings added

Engine Perfomance Settings added

Enable or Disable debug functions added

Win, Cheese, LieDown and Dizzy sprites animations added to use in char select/order/versus/win screens

Sprites animations of all members of your team, now appears in continue/game over screen

Online settings improved

Some engine errors translate to English (There are many missing in statebuilder.ssz)

Mission Mode concept added

Demo Screen Added while you wait on Title Screen (WIP)

Service screen added (WIP)

Training Mode Improved (WIP)

Change Game Resolution on live (WIP)

Audio Panning option added (WIP)

Screenshot feature added (WIP)



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Changelog and New Features:


Better engine assets organization (Yes again)

Minor menu improvements

Animations sprites extraction for character select now can be disabled when you choose "Portrait" in Char Presentation/Screenpack Options

Training and Input Test Improvements

Missing services now work

CPU Co-op Team Mode setting

added (P1&P2 Vs Single/Simul/Turns CPU)

Restart Engine manually option added

Coin system redefined (Each time that you see the Winner screen you will earn 1 coin)

Start Button Improved

Player and Stage Select Announcer Voice Examples added

Alternative Stage Page Up Example Added (only in code)

Stage Preview method recoded

Missions separate in a module

Missions Preview method recoded

Gallery concept added

Events concept module added

Old Single Character Select Type Restored, now when playing in Single Player, you can choose in options for roster slots, between an exclusive (Variable Type) or same as multiplayer view (Fixed Type)

Sound Test now can play files mp3 and ogg at same time and support file extensions with capital letters (same for replays, storyboards and cutscenes menus)

Single Boss and Single Bonus table bug after playing rush mode fixed

Quick Random Versus Songs Load method recoded

Survival, Time Attack and Sudden Death Improvements

When playing in team mode and the CPU has team mode as well, now you can choose on the CPU side, the fight order and in Co-Op Mode Player 2 can edit the order of cpu side while player 1 can edit his own team

Player Name and Online Port fields update (inputDialogPopup replaced by direct text insertion on screen. This prevents you that full screen disable, when you add the online port or username.) Even you can copy and paste content according to the field type

Improved f_default function, grouping options from screenpack settings such as victory screen, service screen, challenger screen to customize each game modes instead of setting them globally and then having to specify paths in select.lua depending on each game mode

New paramvalue "vsscreen" for select.def (Set the paramvalue to 0 to avoid displaying versus screen when facing this character)

Better order and presentation of Lua scripts for end user

Back to main menu question in character select added (WIP)

Statistics Menu concept added (WIP)

Joystick support added (Currently you can setup only 1 Gamepad. Two Gamepads support will be added in the next update). [WIP]



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Changelog and New Features:


Menu Improvements.

Added CPU VS CPU mode to: Arcade, Survival, Boss Rush, Time Attack, Sudden Death and Endless modes.

Added online versus FT Behavior inspired in Fightcade.

Added a Control menu to Open/Watch or Delete the Replays Files.

Added Automatic, random, mute or specific Music Assignment in Stage Select like Arc System games.

Added Rematch Option after Win Screen in Versus Modes.

Added a Timer for Character Select, Stage Select, Order Select, Rematch Option and Service Screen, that can be adjusted via Options.

Added Default Values options for all Options Sub-Menus.

Added AI Palette Default or Random option for No Versus Modes.

Added an Information Message when Characters, Stages, Bosses or Bonus Games are not found in select.def to avoid crash and uncertainty.

Player 1 in single mode now can choose which CPU member will fight first in Order Select, if CPU has more than 1 member on its team.

Portrait/Animated sprite of the character that you are going to fight in Single Boss or Bonus Modes, will now be displayed in Char Select.

Improved Random Select (Now paramvalue "exclude" works for Random Select).

Improved Statistics.

Replays will now be saved only if they contain data.

Online mode interface has been redesigned for host and client.

Online Join Type now can be changed via options as "Direct" that is default connection method or "Database" (method used in Ikemen Go).

Added single paramvalue to Select.def (Set to 1 to force facing this character individually in arcade team modes, is ideal for final bosses).

Added The Vault Room inspired from Geometry Dash.

Player Name field spaces fixed.

Changed strSub function save strings method to avoid errors when use Apostrophe in: Username, Favorite Character and Stage fields.

Fixed issue in Back Menu from Character Select when selecting NO option in Arcade Mode.

Coins will now only function as Credits for Attract Mode and when it is disable, coins will have a collectible function with the intention of being used in a store menu or purchasable objects as occurs in commercial games. Then Arcade Mode will be Free Play, only when attract mode is disabled.

Added Quick Scrolling in all menus when holding down a directional key. (WIP)

Added Attract Mode (Inspired from Ikemen Go). [WIP]

Added Pause Menu. (WIP)

Palette number input method now can be changed via Options as: Classic (work as MUGEN) or Modern (Select in a list the palette number to use). [WIP]



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  • 8 months later...



New Features:


Story Mode Example.
data.p1Pal and data.p2Pal variables to set static palettes for characters.
data.bgm variable to set specific songs for custom fights.
data.stage as an alternative way to insert specific stages for custom fights.
Training Time for Player Data/Stats Menu.
intro.movie and ending.movie as an alternative to intro.storyboard and ending.storyboard in characters def files.
Author, location and time (stage info paramvalues) from stages.def files now can be displayed in Stage Select.
Author character info paramvalue from characters.def files can be enabled or disabled from Character Select via options.
Music from left and right sides character now is detected in BGM Select, if is added in select.def with "music=" paramvalue.
Stage from left and right sides character now is detected in Stage Select, if is added in select.def with "stages/mybg.def" paramvalue.
New Portraits for Characters: Winner (9000,2), Loser (9000,3), Order Select (9000,4), VS Screen (9000,5), Results (9000,6).
New Portraits for Stages: Stage Select Icon (9000,0), Stage Select Portrait (9000,1), VS Screen (9000,2), Victory Screen (9000,3).
Portrait Groups and Index can be edited via config.ssz.
3 types of random selection for character/stage select are available:
Simple shows a random card that covers the character/stage to be chosen and choosing it during this random selection reveals the chosen character/stage.
Fixed will always hide the character/stage to be chosen and when choosing it, the name will remain hidden.
Roulette quickly show all available characters/stages and when choosing, the content where "roulette" falls will be shown.
Random select rematch "Fixed" for chars and stages the first choice made will be maintained and "Variable" random select will search for new content.
Print/save debug logs now can be enabled or disabled via Engine Settings.
Input Display for Training Mode.
Music played in Character Select and Main Menus now can be customizable via System Settings.
Example of file restoration in case dlc lua script content is uninstalled or deleted.
Life, Power Gauges and auto guard now can be configured in Training Mode.
FirstRun screen message.
f_text Velocity function available to move texts just like f_animVelocity does.
f_extractText function available to extract strings from .def files sections.
sndStop() function available to cleaning all sfx that are playing by sndPlay().
common.air and common.cmd availables to share global character data.
roundtime paramvalue for chars in select.def, set the time (in seconds) in order to overwrite round time saved in settings for arcade mode.
rounds paramvalue for chars in select.def, set number of rounds in order to overwrite the chosen in settings (Useful for Bonus Characters).
Side Select (decide if you will play from the left or right side of the screen).
"Here Comes a New Challenger" quick versus mode available for Arcade (not available for Co-Op or CPU vs CPU modes).
Secret Code example using buttons sequences in specifics menu.
Intermission Fights at the end of Arcade meeting certain conditions using intermission paramvalue for chars in select.def.
Loading Screen after Versus Screen.
Playback for Training Mode.
Visual Novel Mode.
Tower Mode.
Main Menus.
Training Mode.
Sound Test.
Input Test.
Victory and Result Screens recoded.
Native Screenshot function.
Stage Previews now can be loaded from his own sff file.
All error messages has been translated from Japanese to English Language.
When choosing a team mode the portraits of the other members are now shown.
Animated sprites now appears in versus screen when character presentation is setting as "Sprite".
Moved config.ssz and configNet.ssz files to "save" directory along with the other save files.
Menu Controls Separate from In-Game Controls.
Game Window and Executable path name now can be changed from config.ssz file where the settings are saved.
Credits screen has been remade (now is a function that can be more customizable via lua).
Quick Match/Random Mode has been remade using selectSimple function.
Character Select Rows, Columns and Hidden Rows now can be configured in Options via Character Select Settings.
Ranks for Survival in Results now are displayed according some Percentage Rates of roster size/amount of victories that can be obtained.
data.versusScreen for f_selectSimple() game modes, now can be showed in Training, Missions and specifics fights.
data.stageMenu for f_selectAdvance() game modes, now can be used in Arcade, Survival, Endless, Boss Rush, etc.
All information and examples about select.def parameters has been separate into a new select.example.def file.
Training Mode now recognize dummy via select.def with training paramvalue. If is empty, will allow select the dummy in character select.
Game Mode and Service Triggers now recognized text via cns.
Game Mode, Service Loaded, Round State, Match Number, Rounds to Win and more match data now is displayed in Debug (CTRL+D).
File Description, File Version, Product Name, Language and Copyright details added in src to compile the executable with them.
Preferred Game Mode now works for Player Data/Stats Menu.
Character select now works in Arcade Mode when you select random slots even in Co-Op modes and when you deselect characters.
Order select now works when order time is infinite.
Order select was disabled for co-op simul team mode.
Demo Mode now can be loaded more that one time and you can use pause menu button or esc key to skip it.
Player 2 Name and Portrait now is drawed in Co-Op mode.
Character and Stage select timers now stops when the back question is activated to return to the main menu.
Netplay port field now does not accept "." causing an error in previous versions.
Nickname field now does not copy quotes " " from the clipboard, this will avoid errors when reading the saved text.
Repeated key detection in control settings to prevent someone from assigning the same key to confirm and return for example (only for keyboard).
WIP Features:
Unlock paramvalue for characters and stages in select.def, if it set as unlock=0 lock the selection. (Unlocks examples added in main.lua).
Brightness Adjust.
Match Number added in fight.def to be displayed in Arcade Mode.
Demo Mode Text added in fight.def to be displayed in Demo Mode.
New Section [Unlock] and new paramvalues: Condition, Storyboard, Movie for that section in characters.def files.
New Section [Portraits] and new paramvalues Portrait.Spr, Portrait.Scale for characters.def files.

Load video files in format WMV.
Window customization options [No Borders, Resizable and bordered window without resizable (original)].
Fullscreen customization options (Exclusive and Borderless type).
16:9 Aspect Ratio setting that includes an Linear Filter if it is on.

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