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Thee Ace Man MUGEN character released...


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Thee Ace Man character


from Life Experience

adaptation to M.U.G.E.N. by Thee Ace Man

for WinMUGEN & MUGEN 1.0

site: http://www.thenewmathbook.com

email: gohanssm.aceman@verizon.net

Background Information: Thee Ace Man is a MUGEN character designed around the principle of the "Taki Fu" (tah kee foo) non-violent fighting technique. This is a long lost ancient technique that was recently rediscovered by Thee Ace Man,

himself, after trying many different ideas in a search for world peace. "Taki Fu" meaning the art of combining Tapioca

with Saki to unleash an inner energy within the human body that can be very potent when harnessed by a trained master.

This is a very easy technique to learn but only through proper training can this revolutionary fighting technique lead

to a world of peace and tranquility. As such, this character is being released in an effort to help train individuals in

the proper uses of "Taki Fu" to help bring about this New World Order filled with peace and tranqility. Thee Ace Man

has tried and thought about many different techniques not limited to martial arts, wrestling, boxing, brass knuckles,

numchucks, knives, swords, guns, bombs, chemical weapons, atomic weapons, and even nuclear weapons, but has yet to

find a fighting technique as powerful as a Taki Fu trained master. Heaven help us all if this technique should ever

be used to try and rule the world... Are you the one with this hidden power to help bring peace and tranquility to

our battle-ridden universe? Or will you be destined to live in the shadows, fearful of the New World Order and

this terrifying new technique that has been unleashed on the world?...

Disclaimer: Caution!!! Please do not eat, drink, or smoke

while using this character. Taki Fu, as stated, is a very

potent mix of Tapioca and Saki and as such can cause

unforeseen effects on the end-user. Use this character at

your own risk. You have been warned...

Note also, the default setup is for a small (SNES) sized

character, There is also a medium (Mortal Kombat / Capcom)

and a large (High Res) setup as follows:

small - aceman.def & acemans.def

medium - acemanm,def

large - acemanl.def

Move List:

Normal moves:


Light Creaking Door - a

Light Squeaky Chair - b

Rejuvenate (Taki Fu) - c

Hard Creaking Door - x

Hard Squeaky Chair - y

Fly - z

Special Moves:


Machine Gun - x+y

Pile Driver - ~B,F,a

Barking Spider - ~B,F,b

Sneaky Snake - ~F,B,a

Commodal Dragon - ~F,B,b

Wind Breaker - ~F,B,x

Quacker - ~F,B,y

Wet Wiper - ~D,DF,F,b power >= 1000 (level 1)

Bottomless Pit - ~B,DB,D,b power >= 1000 (level 1)

Sloppy Seconds - ~D,DB,B,b power >= 1000 (level 1)

Bleacher Rattler - ~D,DB,B,x power >= 1000 (level 1)

Royal Flush - ~B,DB,D,x power >= 1000 (level 1)

Finishing Moves:


Flock of Flying Turtles - ~F,DF,D,a power >= 3000 (level 3)

Pea Souper - ~D,DF,F,a power >= 3000 (level 3)

Peace Piper (S.B.D. Silent But Deadly) - ~D,DB,B,y power >= 4000 (level 4)

Patriot Missile - ~D,DF,F,y power >= 4000 (level 4)

J.A.C.G.C. - ~D,DF,F,x power >= 5000 (level 5)

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Simple, but effective and the best part, funner than fun without being angry. A fighter without anger? Kinda hard to be angry when you're laughing yer butt off... (Pardon the pun lol) Peace be with you and may the force of Taki Fu follow you wherever little old ladies make funny faces :confuse:

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I am working hellacious hours at my current job but I have been able to work on things inbetween when I have some free time. So, I'm back but in a limited way since less time means it takes longer to get to things. I do have a laptop now which allows me some extra time I didn't have before (and the laptop has wireless and the airport has a wireless LAN connection, plus the laundromat, plus my slow house connection). And yup, this character I reworked from the ground up to be a bit different from anything else. It's kinda funny because "What's the correct range for a fart?" So I improvised a bit and adjusted gameplay around having unlimited ranged attacks. But also has the "Those who smelled it dealt it" type attack system to kinda balance it out a bit. Same as adding a pause in the Rejuvenate (Taki Fu) charge up part and full rejuvenation and such. Not as steep a learning curve but if you try to play as the character like most other stuff in MUGEN and you'll end up scratching your head about "What's going on here?" and such. I've always liked tinkering with stuff a bit and the unlimited range on the attacks and such did allow for some tinkering with gameplay stuff while still making him compatible with other gameplay types as well (player vs player mode, watch mode, teamplay mode, arcade mode). But was interesting trying to balance things out as best as possible without being too cheap and all that. Edit: I just realized I could have added another attack (called Grampa) using the same stuff as Flock of Flying Turtles only having the sound of "Quick, pull my finger, ppphhhllltttt". But it's great when you can use your imagination and put a little fun in "Who's the toughest fighter" with something like this making you wonder if maybe there might be a different way to deal with this question :=D:

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Oops, double post, but updated to v1.1 What's new: Grampa - ~D,DB,B,a power >= 3000 (level 3) Plus added a small tidbit about NCH Software (stick with WavePad) But yes, I added the age old classic... And also, if you listen at the end of the Grampa move you will hear a faint - "Grampa! He cheat! He pull own finger!"

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Sweet? ROTFLMAO and all that :=D: Thanks raremew. Probably the sweet smell of rice from the Tapioca and Saki coming out the other end. Sorry, just struck me as funny (when life gives you lemons, make Taki Fu for that "sweet taste" you'll never forget). Anyway, keep practicin' Taki Fu... lol...

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  • 5 months later...

Thanks Ry. I've had a lot of personal non MUGEN stuff getting in the way of my time lately. Two weekends in a row where I was literally at work for more than 48 hours straight. Anyway, I figured this might be a good start for those thinking about doing something on thier own. Not that involved really. The hard part is coming up with the ideas and then working on bringing things together. It was just an idea for a non violent 'farting' character and then the rest just kinda fell into place really. And yes, I did tuck my shirt in during the video and 'voice cracking' in the audio and a few other things. The joys of editing software lol. Take one, take two. But honestly, the entire video I shot and used is there as well as the full audio chunks. Live at the Elmira / Corning Regional Airport in south central New York State. The video chopped up into three parts because I had the settings set on high capture and the HP software recorded it in chunks because my laptop couldn't keep up. It was all done in one take, but the Webcam software saved it in three chunks.

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Nope, had nothing to do with Dead Man Wonderland series. I didn't really realize that. I actually wrote a book in 2008 and then got it published in 2011 on my life story and all. I called the book "The New Math" because it is really filled with 'problems and solutions' so to speak. I'm kinda the 'intellectual' a lot of people really don't know about (just nickname only). In real life I'm kinda the guy that Dr. Steve Hawking likes to take pot shots at because let's face it, what has Hawking ever actually done himself yet he sits on his 'throne' taking potshots at others (myself, Sir Nicholas Boehr, and others). There is "New Math" yet to be explored and all that yet Hawking keeps saying 'impossible because I would know about it before anyone else' and such. Wheelchair or not, the phrase I've heard that probably best describes Hawking was "Overbearing, pompous, windbag" and that was quite a while ago (late 1970s). And although Einstein was living with the Boehr family, Albert never had anything to do with Sir Nicholas and his using a million sided polygon in an attempt at a proximation of pi. That was all Sir Nicholas' idea. Einstein just gave Sir Nicholas encouragement was all. Oops, and 'Nick' to myself, Einstein, and immediate family, Sir Nicholas to everyone else (especially Sir Nicholas to Dr. Steve, hint, hint). But, sorry, nope, nothing to do with the Dead Man Wonderland series. Edit: But yes, yours truly (Thee Ace Man) was part of the blame for the IQ test format being changed from a fill in the blank test to multiple choice (multiple guess) back in 1979 roughly. Not directly responsible, but after I filled in the blanks 'a little differently' than expected, the test was changed. Imagine Dr. Steve's chagrin when I attacked the "answers on the following page" directions with "You oughtta at least label "the following page" with the following page" and a lot of derogatory 'f'ing a-hole, follow your own f'ing directions' comments on my part about the faulty IQ test directions. But really, would someone rather be accused of 'hawking' a test or 'aceing' a test. So be it... :=D:

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, and so I put the book up on the site. It's the file originally used to make the book with and doesn't contain the formatting and such of the printed book by Strategic Book Group. It is the full content of the book I wrote however. Link at the top of the 'home/main' page at http://www.thenewmathbook.com

Edit: added a 'promo' video to top of site on 10-28-12

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