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Post a commercial or two


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It doesn't matter if it's a good one or a bad one, all that matters is that you post at least 1 commercial per reply/post and optionally talk about it somewhat.

Let me start off with this 2007 South Korean ad (actually 2 ads but they are in one video) for Samsung's AnyCall line of cell phones:

This commercial is very cinema-like in its story and visuals. I mean, this commercial is about BoA (yes, the same BoA who sang Every Heart from InuYasha) and a couple of other Korean musicians uniting as one to start a rebellion against a Big Brother-esque totalitarian dystopia using their Samsung AnyCall flip phones and instruments and it works very well. Honestly, I could even say that it has to be the greatest phone commercial ever made. So, overall I would give this commercial a 5/5. You really did good with this one, Samsung. However, I wouldn't say the same for my next one........

This infamous 2017 Pepsi ad starring Kendall Jenner of Keeping Up with the Kardashians fame:

This commercial is the aforementioned Samsung AnyCall commercial done wrong. Sure, it has become more relevant over time due to oblivious reasons but this ad is still cringe-inducing to watch. In fact, this ad was so bad that Pepsi had to pull it from its YouTube channel and television almost immediately. Yeah, I would give this ad a 2/5 overall. It tried to be motivational and inspiring but failed very miserably to do just that.

Now, let's post and talk about commercials together in this very thread, okay?

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