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Vampire Savior Felicia By JesusZilla Updated (2-18-12)


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http://www.trinitymu...forum/index.php → Characters → Jesuszilla


MISSING: Dark Force, Advancing Guard, Pursuit Attack

SOON TO COME: Other modes including custom

EDIT: I should also mention that the default CNS is for MUGEN 1.0. If you want to use her in Win, use Felicia_LG_win.cns

now a comment from me Say what you want about jesuszilla but he knows how to code and I welcome this into my roster Posted Image espescially when its updated.

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Felicia was updated yesterday go grab her update Updated. She now has Dark Force, and I optimized the SFF. quote from Jesuszilla Did another update to include a config.txt so you can move the Dark Force timer. Added manual (movelist). You love manual long time.

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I have to redownload her then won't I?

If something good comes out from his furry, why I should care what he likes, right? Posted Image

At least Felica is ehh..somewhat human looking, better then the furries that like Sonic and Star Fox characters. :=D: (and yeah I know it was a while ago when Ultimecia posted that.)

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