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The Role-Play Paradise


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OK, I'll do my best to follow up, since I plan to participate in both storylines.


Kalos City (Tournament Storyline)


BGM: Strange Bird of the Moon, Illusion of Mysterious Cat


Up in a building, you could see a knight. His platinum armor shined under the bathing light of the moon behind him. He looked down at the ground.



"Hmmm... everything seems Peaceful here. I know that now I became a Dimensional Master and I can travel at any dimension I want... but surely nothing here seems amiss."


His previous journey had led him to achieve what all Dimensional Travelers want to be... a Master. However, at the exchange, only one form remained for him and it was the current one. His power, although subtle, is powerful as well. And he is Magio Toadstool.



"If I simply stand here, I won't find anything. It's better if I go around and see what I can find."


Without any difficulty, he floated in the air. Magio decided to go after something or someone.


Kalos City (American Miko Storyline)


BGM: Mary, the Magician


There was someone looking for Gensokyo. A place which was saw into a dream. However, this dream might actually be something else, like a interdimensional travel or anything like the sort. She was a simple girl that wanted to find this place more than anything else. Her name was Maribel Hearn.



"Oh no, I am lost. I thought that I was near the place I saw in my dreams, but now I am without directions. If only someone would be able to help me."

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Meanwhile above ground in the club the party gets jumping as more people arrive. Most oblivious to the fighting that takes place below a couple of powerful party goers arrive to on the scene




Yo Kyo! Turn up, bro! Turn up!


Remind me again why we hang out?


Cuz my swag is on FIYAH! And the girls love me.


No...no that's not it.


Whatevs! There's chicks all over. Call me Stella! Cuz I'm bout to get my grove back! Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah!

*Shingo dances off into the crowd*


He's sucha goof. (But chicks really DO dig him. Plus he's actually a pretty good wingman.)Wait is that...

*Kyo notices a crowd of guys swarming a familiar figure*




*Kyo pushes threw the crowd*


Kyo...what a pleasant surprise.


It's been a while. Been keeping yourself out of trouble?


Whatya YOU think?

*Angel presses herself against Kyo*


Nice to see you've kept in..."shape." You know those clones have recently resurfaced. Know anything about that?


Uuuhg. Don't mention those ridiculous clones. I broke all ties with Nests years ago. I work here as a bodygaurd. The pay is surprisingly good.


Well they're back. You may not be involved with Nests but I suspect that they have risen again.


I really don't know and I really don't care. But if I had to guess...I'd say it's not Nests. Anyway who cares, Kyo baby! Let's enjoy ourselves!


Aren't you supposed to be..."working?"


I'm a bouncer right?




Well come over here and watch me BOUNCE!


When in Rome...

*Kyo and Angel hit the dance floor*

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With the match over, Marisa proceeded to fly toward Lightflare


"Oh karate guy! Can you like stay still for a moment?"

Meanwhile, Krizalid proceeded to approach the club in his search for Kyo Kusanagi


"All of that analysis on Kusanagi and I didn't expect him to be the kind of person to be in this kind of place."

Krizalid continues deeper into the club as he scans the crowd for his target.


"I suppose it's beneficial that I stand out in this crowd. Perhaps Kusanagi himself will come to me."

Meanwhile, inside of a gap.


"I sense a disturbance in the for-..er...boundaries. Something feels very wrong. I should probably look for Yukari, she may know what's going on."

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Kalos City (Tournament Storyline)


Magio flied a little more, looking for someone familiar or that at least, he would know. Then, suddenly, he was pulled and hugged by something behind him. No, it was rather someone. A girl with masks floating around her, yet her heart is bound by none. The person that pulled him was no one other than Hata no Kokoro, a best friend (and n° 1 fan) of Magio.



"Hihihihihi!! Found you!!"


"K-K-Kokoro?! What are you doing here?!"


"I wouldn't let my best friend alone, right?"


"Kokoro... I don't want to put you in danger. Who knows if something appears?"


"Awww... I know how worried you are. But, we're together. Nothing can stop us, right?"


"... Fine. But if I order you to run away, you will. Now, let's go."


Kalos City (American Miko Storyline)


Maribel kept walking in the streets of the city. She had no idea of her direction or if she was going to the right way. All that she knew that this wasn't the way for her discover the land of her dreams. Suddenly, she felt a strange energy in her arm.



"What... is this feeling... AH!!"


The next thing she did was involuntarely extend her right and a gap opened out of nowhere. It was really strange. What was inside were many unblinking eyes floating around.

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*moments later, the two are sitting down with tea and sugar cookies. Reimu takes a sip of tea before speaking.*


Ok, let's get down to business. What was it that brought you here?

"Well, I needed to meet you. I know a few people who know you, and they saw our resemblance."

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Who are you?heavyd-pr.jpg

Uh oh...not another mysterious chick. LightFlare what is it with you and cutsie little broads following you around?


"Oh hey, do you still get invitations to KOF? Can I have yours for the next one? Or I could just beat you up and steal it anyway.


"Pardon my excitable friend."

Zero proceeds to approach Lightflare and Heavy-D.


"Mr. Lightflare, was it? I'm afraid you may have unwillinglly caught the attention of someone you wish never noticed you with your performance against the Kusanagi clones."

Meanwhile at the Hakurei shrine, a gap opened up nearby as Meimu poked her head out of it.


"Reimu, has Yuka-..."

She stopped herself to take a look at the american miko.


"what kind of crazy getup are you wea-..."

She stopped herself once again to turn back to Reimu.


"Has Yukari bugged you at all today? I really need to find her."

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photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417Hrrng...weird, my radar is acting up. I better warn LightFlare, for there might be some dangers coming.

*starts running to where LightFlare went to*

LkjqbZJ.pngWait, that's none of our buis-dang it!

LkjqbZJ.pngWell, looks like we have a job to do, Unlimited Force.

*the Unlimited Force proceeds to follow strong-willed TrinitroMan*

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On 9/14/2014 at 3:56 AM, Darkflare said:


"Oh hey, do you still get invitations to KOF? Can I have yours for the next one? Or I could just beat you up and steal it anyway.


Yea real funny. Why should I care what some bobble head broad dressed like a maid have to say. Huh, Lil Ma?

On 9/14/2014 at 3:56 AM, Darkflare said:


"Pardon my excitable friend."

Zero proceeds to approach Lightflare and Heavy-D.ozerosmall.png

"Mr. Lightflare, was it? I'm afraid you may have unwillinglly caught the attention of someone you wish never noticed you with your performance against the Kusanagi clones."


And who's attention might that be? Yours or your eccentric female companion?


Tread carefully, LightFlare. These two are definitely the ones I sensed. And I'm certain there are more...


Like I said...full of surprises.

Meanwhile above ground in the club...


Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah! Turn down for what!?

*Shingo parties and scouts for potential hook-ups. He notices Kyo dancing with Angel.*

Yo! Kyo! This place is jumping! I'm out here having a ball! How come you just walk in and hook up with the finest thing in here?


Sup Shingo!? You still tagging along with Kyo?! Lol!


Holy crap! Angel!? That explains alot! Yo Kyo! You sure you can handle her! Hahaha!


Yea yea. You better worry about yourself.


Bro absolutely! I've got about 5 numbers so far and I'm bout get #6!

*Shingo turns around and bumps into a familiar gray and black haired individual. He is almost speechless*

No way...It can't be...

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Meanwhile at the Hakurei shrine, a gap opened up nearby as Meimu poked her head out of it.Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

"Reimu, has Yuka-..."

She stopped herself to take a look at the american miko.Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

"what kind of crazy getup are you wea-..."

She stopped herself once again to turn back to Reimu.Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

"Has Yukari bugged you at all today? I really need to find her."


Actually no, she hasn't......has Marisa been non-destructive? Anyway, I'm sure you're going to leave really soon but can I introduce you and offer you something to snack on before you go?

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Now that i think about it, we do look identical. Well, as you might know, I am a shrine maiden. But what kind of work are you involved in, "sister"?


"I fight crime, keep the peace, and I have a sidejob at a pizza joint. I'll also look for tough opponents on occasion."


Meanwhile at the Hakurei shrine, a gap opened up nearby as Meimu poked her head out of it.


"Reimu, has Yuka-..."

She stopped herself to take a look at the american miko.


"what kind of crazy getup are you wea-..."

She stopped herself once again to turn back to Reimu.


"Has Yukari bugged you at all today? I really need to find her."


The American Miko looks at Meimu. 


"Well this is unexpected. I haven't seen Yukari either."

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Yea real funny. Why should I care what some bobble head broad dressed like a maid have to say. Huh, Lil Ma? ryur.gif

And who's attention might that be? Yours or your eccentric female companion? potemkin-profile.gif

Tread carefully, LightFlare. These two are definitely the ones I sensed. And I'm certain there are more...profile.jpg?type=user&ts=0910-1105

Like I said...full of surprises.


"I'll have you know that I'm wearing a traditional witch's outfit. And you should care because THIS ordinary witch is more than capable of reducing your body to dust and ashes if you get her in a foul mood."


"Your doubts are well justified, but I assure you that we are not your enemies. The one I refer to is the same person who sent the Kusanagi clones. We believe he is trying to rebuild his organization. There is no doubt that he is likely to be interested in you and will attempt to capture you for his purposes."


Actually no, she hasn't......has Marisa been non-destructive? Anyway, I'm sure you're going to leave really soon but can I introduce you and offer you something to snack on before you go?


"Tempting, but I'm rather in a hurry. Actually, you should look for Yukari as well, this might end up becoming an incident you'll get involved in anyway. And no, I don't know what your witch friend is doing. I've been staying in the outside world."

The American Miko looks at Meimu.

"Well this is unexpected. I haven't seen Yukari either."


"Ah, so you ARE an outsider. You took the border then? Gensokyo's been getting a lot of strange visitors ever since Yukari weakened it."

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"Tempting, but I'm rather in a hurry. Actually, you should look for Yukari as well, this might end up becoming an incident you'll get involved in anyway."


Well then, I guess I'll have to have a nice chat with Yukari about that after she explains how she's going to repay me for all the food she's eaten.*cracks her knuckles*

Where should we start our search?

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"I'll have you know that I'm wearing a traditional witch's outfit. And you should care because THIS ordinary witch is more than capable of reducing your body to dust and ashes if you get her in a foul mood."




"Your doubts are well justified, but I assure you that we are not your enemies. The one I refer to is the same person who sent the Kusanagi clones. We believe he is trying to rebuild his organization. There is no doubt that he is likely to be interested in you and will attempt to capture you for his purposes."


You must mean the clones. They mentioned something about a "father". They also wanted to capture me along with Kyo and use our "data" to create more clones. Do you know who is behind this?


Clones?! Man this just keeps getting more twisted.



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