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Blood Sparks

Ultra Fatality


I Think this is the last thing i will need help with for awhile..............................


So the problem exactly is when someone gets hit the blood doesn't change to the right color sometimes doesn't even show up and also it doesn't hit the ground and splat this has been bugging since i started this project and it was suppose to be built in game effects not character effect i got the normal hit sparks in and guard sparks but these blood sparks are ugh so if anyone knows this problem please help this should be my last problem so yeah i wont bug you guys anymore once this is fixed xD

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I have an Idea. DL the MKII SP, and then edit the sparks found in its Fight.def, and whammo, no problems.

lol so you mean to tell me that this screenpack has blood for any and every character not mk people and when they get hit blood comes out and hits the floor if so i will download this in a heartbeat lol nah kidding but i hope your right because im still going to download and see if it works i'll let u know when i try it out

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lol so you mean to tell me that this screenpack has blood for any and every character not mk people and when they get hit blood comes out and hits the floor if so i will download this in a heartbeat lol nah kidding but i hope your right because im still going to download and see if it works i'll let u know when i try it out

You have to DL the right SP, and put its Fight.def in the System.def. It would replace the normal sparks for anyone without pre-equipped sparks. And yes, the blood works! (Even though you say it doesn't...)

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You have to DL the right SP, and put its Fight.def in the System.def. It would replace the normal sparks for anyone without pre-equipped sparks. And yes, the blood works! (Even though you say it doesn't...)

i got to of them one from the site and the most recent released one i found both failed blood comes out but doesn't change colors nor hit the ground and splat whatever one u got or saw send a link or something i needs this

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i got to of them one from the site and the most recent released one i found both failed blood comes out but doesn't change colors nor hit the ground and splat whatever one u got or saw send a link or something i needs this

Oh, well, it was just an idea. Maybe you can edit the code and sprites?

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Oh, well, it was just an idea. Maybe you can edit the code and sprites?

i been trying that and i have no idea how to do it just yet im pretty good at coding stuff within the game so maybe if i just give it another wack idk i'll find out someday somehow

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i got the blood to show up and splat sound not added yet working on it only thing now is getting the blood to change colors on different characters ugh just when i thought i had it :confuse:


Was this what you meant?


- blood sparks originally in red color

- when fighting against, like Ryu, use the original red color

- when fighting against, like Ken, change the original red color to green color

- when fighting against, like Chun-Li, change the original red color to blue color

- ......................so on..............


Not tested yet, just a quick thought:  use some MUGEN state controller Helper, using the blood sparks animation for the Helper's anim, then in the Helper use some PalFx MUGEN state controller to change the RGB of the used blood sparks animation, based on the value given to some P2Name MUGEN Triggers, i.e. trigger1 = P2Name = "Ryu" or trigger1 = P2Name = "Ken",......etc.

I remember Boomer's OMK MUGEN characters are using this way to change those beneath-the-player VFXs........


[EDIT]:  Zzyzzyxx aka Rimu also did a more complicated yet more reliable way for hit sparks, for details, please visit my "Custom Experimental TRF2 Beatrice updated 2014-02-18" topic here: 

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yeah thats it fight on person its red fight reptile or something its green and so on well ok i got the blood as hit sparks and if those triggers work i'll try it well im going to try it anyway but yeah i'll see what i can do and let u know if it works

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So I thought about it and this is almost possible, but not the way you're describing it.  From the global hitsparks, it won't work.  You can't change sparks on the fly and they're shared between players.



You COULD do this if a character were generating the blood from its own SFF and not using the same blood hitsparks for itself at any point.  In that case, you could map all the blood to a specific palette in the SFF and then change it in CNS depending on the opponent.  This will, of course, be unreliable in simultaneous battles, but whatever.


[state 5900, 3] ; Example crappy code
type = trigger1 = (P2Name = "Reptile" || P4Name = "Reptile") && EnemyNear,AuthorName = "An author that made Reptile"
trigger1 = 1
source = 8000,0 ; Red
dest = 8000,1 ; Green  ;; this part might be backwards...?

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Hmm...that seems as though it might work! Just have all normal characters have normal blood, and for people like Reptile, a Cyborg, etc., just have some code like that pointing to a specific blood color for specific characters by specific people.

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