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Screenpack trouble not counting combo hits or showing them

Ultra Fatality


Well the title says it all i have an KI stlye screenpack and when i do combos it doesn't show the hits being done not sure if its even counting them its just ugh im hella lost i looked at it like crazy but could not find the problem worth crap i needs help with this very bad so do a bro a favor please

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did you try to check the combo fonts exists in font folder.?
look into data folder for fight.def
open it and


sff =fight2.sff
snd =fight.snd
font1 =font/jg.fnt
font2 =font/Timer Font-2.fnt
font3 =font/name1.fnt
font4 =font/Fightname.fnt
font5 =font/systembig.fnt
font6 =font/HitFont.fnt
font7 =font/Power Font-1.fnt
font8 =font/Power Font-2.fnt
fightfx.sff =fightfx.sff
fightfx.air =fightfx.air
common.snd =common.snd

now see its simple like
font# = Hitfont.fnt or like above i showed.
may be if the fonts exists then u need to relocate them

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