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Hi just looking MVC patches by mr. infinite please if its possible



just looking for some mvc patches or complete char patched by  mr infinite I search for them but nothing found just links down by the author :omg: but if somebody know where i could find them wil be really aprecciate  :bow:


thanks a have a nice day :bow: 

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pretty much he disliked his "half assed" edits.



Let me be really clear when I say this. Non of the stuff he made was half assed. Alot of the stuff he made was done the way it was because he was still learning 


Reason being is because back then, nobody else was trying to do what I myself started and what infinite continued. And whether it had been good or bad, we are the ones who took the time to do some stuff that no one else was really trying to do. Because no one else was trying to make anybody else besides the same old people from the original mvc games into mvc style or somethin that tried to be like it atleast. (By all means I know the edits were not accurate at all, they were made for fun)


Now I agree, looking back at these, they aren't really that good when you look at them now, but remember these are old and like I said, he was still learning as well as I and alot of people gave me and him shit about our edits but now look........


All these people are literally trying to get their hands on them now........(Now aint that somethin lol)


My point is, everyone has to start some where and I find it very amazing how alot of people dogged me and infinite out about those edits and these same people are now like "OMG I LOVE YOUR STUFF NOW"  Like, what if me or him decided to quit mugen because of hate given to us for just simply making things for fun (edits mainly). Feedback was one thing but the drama that came with it was unnecessary.


And I see plenty of people these days releasing edits in the same manner as what me and infinite used to do, and I dont see anybody coming at them saying what they do is half assed or anything. (Durracellur. Mr.Karate, Beto, Boryema, Koldschool, etc.)  ( Note none of which are accurate at all to the style they are trying to emulate, kinda like what me and infinite used to do yet still are enjoyable)


People have their entitlement to like what they want to, but i feel that you should support people in mugen even when they first start out at as a beginner, you wanna kno why? Because you never know what skills they might develop and how great they may become, and Infinite is a prime example as to why you should. And i'm sure there are other out there as well. 

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you do realize I am quoting what I heard right? I didn't like the edits no and infinite has come an incredibly long way I have high respect for him compared to before. I understand he was just learning but he HIMSELF said they were half assed in a sense hence the quotes.

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you do realize I am quoting what I heard right? I didn't like the edits no and infinite has come an incredibly long way I have high respect for him compared to before. I understand he was just learning but he HIMSELF said they were half assed in a sense hence the quotes.

He has never said they were half-assed, but what he has said is the same thing I have said, that he didnt like them anymore. Like I said before, I just wanted to speak on that whole matter about the edits cus I see plenty of people having mixed feelings about them. Not just you


I'm not mad you or anything Laharl, i just wanted to speak on that is all. 

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