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Glacie the Glaceon by BlastoiseTheMugenCreator :



Seth the Zangoose by BlastoiseTheMugenCreator :



Since both appear to come from Mystery Dungeon fanfics, they should be in the Other section, i guess.

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  • Added the following by WG8686/BlastoiseTheMugenCreator:
    • Super Machoke
    • Seth (Zangoose)
    • Glacie (Glaceon)
  • Added the following by Resentone:
    • Gengar
    • Gardevoir
  • Added Pikachu by DNZRX.
  • Added Celebi by DeluxeGamer705.
  • Added Mr. Antarctica by N_N.
  • Added Emolga by YochiThMaster333.
  • Added Vullaby by KingBowserJr.
  • Added Scovillain by fu-lin.
  • Fixed links to Gladiacloud's characters.
  • Fixed link to RicePigeon's Charizard.
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Eggbomber101's site where vore edits of Pokemon (and others) hosted (which include ZacktheRiolu's Charizard edit and yoshiLover1000's edits of Pikachu and Eeveelutions) is down as of August 31, 2023 as all the other sites that were made with Webs website builder, though while I don't care about Eggbomber101's site due to presence of vore edits, I actually do care about them doing their own stages and hosting them there before Webs shutting down.

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Might take this opportunity to remove them, then. I know that goes against previous statements I've made about collections being impartial, but there's no point in being selective, especially when I've clearly avoided adding new ones.


I'm sure if someone cared that much about them, they can go make a separate collection if an online catalogue of sorts doesn't already exist.

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