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12 minutes ago, GreenShieldy said:

Evilasio privated and deleted the link to his Pikachu.

Apparently Solarflared told him to uhhh... stop using his sprites?

Here's Evilasio's main response. Why is this a thing?


Oh, he's still a thing that exists? I thought he "left" the MUGEN scene a year or so ago. Guess he's just still lurking around and trying to keep his ego afloat.
Anyways, like I said, he has a massive ego and thinks that everything he makes is gold, but they're all filled with all sorts of jank and stuff. Not to mention he hunts down anyone who even dares to remake stuff with his name on it. He's also got a vore fetish, but let's not say anything else.

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He never left, he just keeps his stuff private and only shares it with those he trusts.


He has no hold over the usage of Pikachu's sprites, as Gladiacloud made them; Dilly only created the select portrait, so if contributing a single sprite is enough to have full ownership, then it's a shared ownership because I sprited the select icon, uncredited.

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-Added the following characters by Axking:










-Champion (Kyurem)


-Added D Pichu by PXI479.

-Added Mewtwo by chuchoryu.

-Fixed link to JOYA (Bronzong).

-Fixed link to Lucario by MrBastMugen.

-Fixed link to Cinderace by Mighty Stymie.

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-Added Cho-Z Pikachu by GTFoxN6Y.

-Added Gengar by Ramkun.
-Added A-Rampardos by Nanashi no Pororo.
-Added Cinderace by MrBastMugen.
-Added Sabrina by Jamex15.


Pichu is already in the collection, while Granbull is intended for Project Catch 'Em All, not regular MUGEN.

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I forgot to say that Weegeeisgoingtokillm/SomeGuy2000(?) edited my Plusle some years ago (made most likely in 2018-2019, as file dates say 2018). Oh boy, in my honest opinion, that one is a more brutal (and a bit more glitchy) than the original version:
Here's list of changes I could find by myself:


Player with has been decreased, probably due to its small size
Standing Light Attack has x axis velocity added. Because of this, it can be infinite combo if you keep spamming that move.
Jumping will automatically use Aerial Light Attack
Landing a hit with Standing Medium Attack will automatically use Standing Heavy Attack
Using slow projectile move causes Plusle to use projectile super if Plusle has more than 1000 power (1 power bar)

Using Light Skull Bash move causes Plusle to use Crouching Light Attack, causing it go lower than the usual ground position
Plusle can randomly counterattack when blocking
Has a Brutal AI similar to other Weegee creations, meaning that beating this Plusle can be painful.
Its supers/hypers has NotHitBy flag. (Noticed about this in December 13, 2021)

Also, I am suspecting that one of MUGEN betting websites, SpriteClub, uses this edit of Plusle due to it being in 3rd Division of said betting website.
And also, there's an edit of PichuMario's Pichu, also made by Weegee back in few years ago, by removing Shun Goku Satsu move and also making a bit more glitchier and even more brutal. Hosted on that site where 10 MB is the limit, so I reuploaded him to MEGA (with some alterations to the archive; the character itself was not modified by me at all):

I am pretty much surprised you missed these two edits.

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If those DarkMasao2 Nosepass were allowed, here's some 'humanized' versions of the weird Kyogre and Groudon characters by Kari, except its not done by Kari. Its weird.

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