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OK, right, it would appear two of my files have been hit with copyright claims. I can still download them for some reason, but I guess other people can't. FYI, it's the same dude who took down the 3v3/4v4 patches, supposedly.

Ryun's Pikaman and Seth Lee's Rt. 203 are the affected files.


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What I meant was if you had them backed up on whatever device you use, like a computer.

BTW, the Pikaman link doesn't work for me, and I heard Rice mention something about the "Final nail in the coffin" for this collection. This is still by far one of the best collections on this site.

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Although I obviously have the space on my computer to host every single thing in this collection, I'd rather not clutter it up with 2GB+ worth of files. Besides, having the entire collection's content on my computer is no good to anyone wanting to download these things. FYI, I've set up a Dropbox just to plonk the suspended files in, but with only 2.25GB worth of storage space, it's not going to hold everything else.

What I find curious is that only two of my files were hit with copyright strikes; why not three? Three would suspend my account, so did this guy not want that to happen? :s 

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What I find curious is that only two of my files were hit with copyright strikes; why not three? Three would suspend my account, so did this guy not want that to happen? :s 

How many strikes would it take to bring down a MEGA account? I've gotten hit twice, with Gou-San's Iron Man and Sakura.

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I don't use MEGA, nor have I read up on its policies, so I wouldn't know how many :s

more likely 3. :-P


Oh yeah GarchompMatt I dont want to give you bad new but it appears that DMCA is on to me about the some of the Pokemon MUGEN stages I have uploaded on my Mediafire account. so incase some of those links of the stage on your collection goes down you know why. I will try to fix this if I have to reupload them.

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-Added Jigglypuff by Trinitronity (PCEA section).

I just want to add that it's actually not Jigglypuff seperately, but a wombo combo that contains Jigglypuff, updated versions of my previous releases, updated versions of certain TxPot characters, and the most important part: an updated common1.cns, so Jigglypuff's Sing and Rest actually work properly.
Also, try to guess what Jigglypuff's third palette was supossed to represent. ;)

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