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  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully this doesn't count as double posting, its been a while, in any case, plas, since I technically released the new version of kyurem would you mind adding it to the collection?, I plan on keeping that same link when updating so that's a non issue

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Yahoo Box heckin' died, so...


-Fixed link to Okihaito's Metamon (Ditto).

-Fixed link to Otto's Unknown (Unown).

-Fixed link to Otto's Yuiitusin (Entei).

-Fixed link to sudara13's Otamaro (Tympole).

-Fixed link to sudara13's Onvern (Noivern).

-Fixed link to Ria Corst's Pikaman (Jesus).

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-Fixed links to the following by Camren Springer:


-Fixed link to Pizzasause's second Pikachu.


-Added the following by Goemon:

-A.I. patch for Shadowtak's Pikachu
-A.I. patch for Willoughby Jackson's Jigglypuff
-A.I. patch for Ðshiznetz's Snorlax
-A.I. patch for Minoo's Ramparudo (Rampardos)
-A.I. patch for Moku's Lucario
-A.I. patch for googoo64's Monster Ball

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