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Status Updates posted by Ganbare-Lucifer

  1. It's been so long, MUGEN World, eh?

  2. I've changed all my MUGEN Accounts Fist Dracon names to Ganbare-Lucifer, I want to make it consistant with my other social accounts


    It was fun being a robotic dragon, it's time to change on and be a half-mummy ninja.

  3. *IMO, I like the left interface, please keep it.

  4. *IMO, I like the left interface, please keep it.

  5. *I'm glad to finally return to business after a LONG time of absence... I retrieved my Windows 7 PC finally and now I can return to do M.U.G.E.N content.

  6. *I'm sorry for any activity and lack of content, I'm still using the XP PC replacement, which it's too limited, or should I say it doesn't allow me to create further content.

  7. *Hello, man... Happy Birthday...

    1. Macaulyn97


      Thanks, I really appreciate it.

  8. *Wellp, I feel better now... I will try to install Windows 7 by myself in a brought old PC because my parents grounded me because I tried to ask one neighbor to fix my broken modern CPU. 

    1. DuckAzz


      Damn dude, I wish you the best of luck to install windows 7 on your old computer.

    2. Ganbare-Lucifer


      *It's a Windows 7 Professional, 64x bits... If it doesn't work, I will have to bring my broken modern PC to a professional fixer. If it works, I will return to place my MUGEN content back in game.

  9. *Well, I got infected by a stomach virus that makes me puke, pee and shit diarrhea because of my grandma, I tried to close myself, but she got contact with me. It was a pleasure to meet you, see ya in another life.

  10. coming_soon_to_mugen_by_greasy_lucarioyu


    *Coming soon to MUGEN... The big return of a known Mystical Ninja Hero and his allies...

  11. coming_soon_to_mugen_by_greasy_lucarioyu


    *Coming soon to MUGEN... The big return of a known Mystical Ninja Hero and his allies...

  12. Okay, there is something wrong in the last update of the forum, because I keep logging out while I navigate through it.

  13. *Now that the forum has returned to normal, I want to invite you to my museum of wallpaper drawings made in Paint.

  14. *The forum has been closed?

  15. *Black Diamond by Stratovarius is the best song in the world and history ever.

  16. *For some reason, I can't make Mugen Arena 1.1 work, gives me error.


    Anyone help?

  17. *Good and bad news... Basically my Win7 returned... and the archives, forever gone...


    I'm going to have really worst on backing up my files...

  18. *This day will be the last I use for this replacement WinXP PC, tonight I will return to have back my own Win7 PC and return to do MUGEN Stuff such as downloading myself, Papyrus, Aurorus, etc.



    ...I hope...

  19. *Happy late birthday to Doomguy and one happy b-day to gui0007

  20. *Shall I call my comrades from 4chan to strike Mugen Archive?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Galvatron


      Hey! we are not going to rage War with each other Man! >:-(

      We are not going to repeat what happened to the Mugen community long time ago.

    3. Ganbare-Lucifer


      *It was just joking around, you know how 4chan is.


      I guess Mugen Archive will gotta '/b/ pissed off'.

    4. Doomguy



      **Insert White Noise Here**

  21. *MugenArchive? MFFA? What kind of Civil War I'm missing right here?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xx_MasterIlluminati_xX


      Crap, i have a MUGEN ARCHIVE Account and hes dont give for me Permission to Go Anywhere

    3. Galvatron


      [sigh...] ..... -_-

    4. RicePigeon


      If MA wants to ostracize themselves from the rest of the mugen community by exposing people to malware and throwing a hissy fit by censoring the names of other forums then that's their problem, not ours. We, on the other hand, are not going to expose our users to those same security risks, hence why we no longer allow MA download links in the forum.

  22. *Crash Bandicoot Trilogy Remastered be like...



    1. Galvatron


      LOL! pretty much. :D

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