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Status Updates posted by Zaibatsu

  1. WOW! Ryon I'm loving the new MFFA banner. It looks great!

    1. Ryon


      Thanks! Can you figure out who's in there?

  2. Hi everyone here at MFFA! I've been very busy with my job as a security guard that I have had little time for myself and MUGEN as well. just giving you guys the low down on whats going on with me.

    1. JokerintheButt


      Hey ! welcome back Zaibatsu how are you?

    2. Zaibatsu


      I'm fine thanks for asking.

    3. Winmugen11


      I bet you're one cool security guard any criminal scum with a bit of common sense in his mind wouldn't even think of messing with! :P

  3. Sup my MFFA homies! I'm back! and I got laid off from my job... again.

    1. Ryon


      sooo mugen all day everyday?

    2. Winmugen11


      At first I was double happy for you because firstly you have returned, and secondly I thought you said you got laid on top of that. Then I saw the "off from my job...again" part, which makes me sad for you. I hope you find something else sooner than later!

  4. My security company hired me back, I have my old job back YAHOO!

    1. Winmugen11


      Choose for security = choose for Zaibatsu

      Congratulations bro! ;)

    2. Gaulbetti


      Nice to be employed back into somewhere you actually enjoy. Probably one of the best experiences in being happy one person can have.

    3. LansingWolverine
  5. What's my favourite pokemon?

  6. This just in Project X Zone sucked.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      i liked it

      does that mean im a bad person

    3. Zaibatsu


      @ TAW no it was my opion.

    4. Kanbei


      @taw Nope. just means you have BALLZ OF STEEL.

  7. If anyone wants to know what I have been doing. I have been trying to get all my old stuff I lost from my computer's system restore. I am also trying to resprite what I lost too.

  8. This is my MUGEN! there are many like it, but this one is mine!!! with out me my MUGEN is useless. Without my MUGEN, I am useless.

  9. Sticks and stones... they are my bones!

  10. Well folks... My computer had to do a system restore and I lost all of M.U.G.E.N. 1.0 stuff and my Kingdom Hearts sprite edits in the process... Looks like I'm going to have to start redrawing my sprites all over again.... sigh...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zephyr



      I have seen only restauration of spirtes alone take 2-3 weeks. It is a crucial time and effort loss.

    3. Zaibatsu


      @Genesis I had drawn two sheets. They were Larxene and Marluxia.

    4. Zaibatsu


      Nothing that much was lost.

  11. Does anyone know what the correct stage floor size is for low res mugen stages? I'm at a loss here.

  12. That's one small step for man and one giant leap for John Madden.

    1. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      here comes a chinese earthquake brbrbrbr

  13. Is it wierd to constantly think about food when your not hungry?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RicePigeon


      What does any of this have to do with Fried Chicken?

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Shut up and get me a hotdog.

    4. NotAGoodName


      It's only a problem when you begin to compulsively act on the thought of food. And if you start dedicating extra time to food, it's time to seek help.

  14. Who is your favorite Godzilla monster guys?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheYukiKonata


      KING GEEDORAH!!!!! the badass 3 headed dragon.....and mech godzilla

    3. SnipingRaptor
    4. DartzPie


      Godzilla 2000

  15. I want some pound cake!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      The truth is in the cake. Cake inside of pound cake. Cakeseption.

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      i'd like some pound cake!

    4. RicePigeon


      The cake is a lie

  16. You need, need me...

  17. Working on a backup MUGEN website because people were telling me on Youtube that they don't use Firefox I know it's strang but I have to adjust things for them tooo it wouldn't be fair.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kanbei


      @Ryon We have been getting PMs like I don't use Firefox change it please! So thats why we are making a back up site.

    3. Zaibatsu


      @Ryon I made the website (Free of charge) because Alexei's website is a firefox only site. Don't worry I'll release my content on both websites so everybody is happy.

    4. Zaibatsu


      I made it through google sites

  18. I just got a bad shoulder injury because a fat person pushed me into the tree when I was walking on the sidewalk.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Should have kicked em. What's he gonna do? Run? HA!

    3. GuyZero32k4


      Cause he's fat I mean...

    4. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      Did he actually shove you, or did his body size force you into the tree? Because if it's the 2nd, same thing happened to me and I ran back to him and smacked him in the back of the head.

  19. It's 5:10 AM here I guess I should call it a night? or morning? oh well! I'll just get some sleep.

  20. Should I move form MUGEN 1.0 to 1.1? I have like 1000+ characters... any screenpacks out there guys?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryon


      Alpha 4.

    3. Zaibatsu


      @Ryoucchi Oh I didn't know that.

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Oh yeah my mistake...Alpha 4

  21. Sceurity guard Contract has gone belly up, I guess this means I'm outta the job... it's a crying shame that had to happen.

    1. GuyZero32k4


      That sucks major ass, I feel for you man. If you wish to continue with that kind of work, find private or in house security mang.

  22. What song is this?

  23. Working at my Security Guard job is tiring. phew! I'm sooo sleeping.

    1. llyyr


      lol, i know someone who does the same thing. hahaha

    2. Vality


      Ex is Doing that same work

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