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Private Mucho

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    Quality MUGEN characters. Simply put, I need some strong fighters. Also, original characters. But this thing is something I can and have to do alone.

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  1. The Terrorists are all over Europe. They are asking for a Third World War!

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    2. RicePigeon


      And then what about the next terror group that rises to take the Islamic State's place? And the one after that? Do keep in mind that Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA after all... What does that tell you?

      And this is why I prefer to avoid talking politics. In the end its just two sides with differing opinions who are willing to kill innocents lives just to prove the other wrong.

    3. sesdef


      This is more complicated than "we catch all the terrorist pests in the whole Europe".

      I don't like being a part of such type of conversations, mostly due to my lack of information, and the political attitude of these things; Since all of these happenings are probably nearby my country though, I'd say some things, as far as my knowledge reaches. The fact that America and Russia kept attacking on Syria, for example, proves to me that it is no longer a fight to release Syria from the Jihads, as well as nearby locations. They've also been killing innocent lives. For me, the world's tall countries are just people who do things just for their own gain. "Let others die. As long as I place my hands on what I want, who cares?"

      Heck, what I fear the most is if these people of ISIS realize that a good way to conquer would be by taking the smallest countries. Of course, I could be imagining things.

    4. Mimir


      Catching every single terrorist doesn't seem viable unless you were willing to place every single person under as intense surveillance as is possible and otherwise restricting rights, and I'm not at all fond of that idea.  After all, you would need to keep track of all internet activity and possibly watch everywhere all citizens go IRL to make sure they aren't meeting to discuss terrorist things.
      I'm also opposed to bombing innocent citizens in cities.  Many citizens are actually trying to ESCAPE the Middle East (see: the Syrian refugees).

      There is no easy answer to terrorism.

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