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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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About Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  • Birthday 12/20/1916

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  1. Facts, actual figures and stats be damned, Jokers probably gonna be fucked.


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    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      I'm thinking that they're going to improve with their verdicts now. They actually promoted their research team, and are going to have direct contact with them now. Apparently, (according to MaxofFewTrades, one of the volunteer researchers) they're going to decide on a verdict all together now, instead of Ben and Chad being the only two making the final decision.


      Also, I've never thought that they've really fucked up that bad before. I mean, yeah, they've messed up before (a lot of times actually), but I could at the very least see where they're coming from. Except Bowser VS Ganon, that one had nothing redeeming about it.


      Also, I'm thinking(and hoping) Joker takes this one. His intellect alone gives him a huge advantage. Needles may have the strength advantage, but that's about it, really. And Joker can handle those stronger than him, anyways.

    3. Noside
    4. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      @Tony Redgrave I'll see what the other VS channels say, the honest fair ones, before I rethink their team. I didn't think they fucked up super bad either, until I saw other VS teams compare their figures to legitimate figures. And Im not talking comic panels, I'm talking continent weight mass, company sales lists, official character guides, and stuff like that. They lied on the official DC character guide still canon, geology and astrology mass figures (they werent using outdated figures either, because even the updated and outdated figures were crazy different than the ones they posted), they've been caught lying on character guides, and being unfair in using all of one character's forms, even noncanon ones, vs only using some of the other character's data.

      They're like 1st season Deadliest Warrior was, that show would downplay their least favorite and OP their favorite. I mean youre supposed to be using real history, and you have a ninja in all black screaming Hi-Yah? REALLY? And the whole Zulu vs Scot shit was retarded. Zulu fought like Romans and used the shield at a angle to make your swings slide up. But all that's besides the point.

      SA acts like they like anime least, and video game characters over comic characters. I bet you they will give this to Sweet Tooth, and use non-canon Joker. But Joker has a movie coming up, so I don't know. I definitely don't think theyre in DC's pockets, because they use the opposite of the image DC's trying to push on their characters. When they start using real figures, and just be totally objective,  then all love to them.

      I don't care who wins and who loses, but I hate fixed fights. Bro, that reminds me, I've heard people say they cash in on controversy but cover it like theyre being legit. You know, like those prank channels who do fake pranks to cash in on all the people trying to see if it's real or not? You take the character who has the most fans or the most crazy fans, and make him lose ugly. Then just sit back, and wait for all the rebuttals and shit-ons with links to your upload. Youd get way more views faster that way. So I don't know if theyre just falsifying to make who they want win, or if theyre geniuses cashing in on controversy. Joker has way more fans who will flip the fuck out, so if Sweet Tooth kills him ugly, this might be something to think about. Theyll get way more views and linking if they do that. But IDK, if that was so, Shadow shouldve mashed Vegeta, and every pony shouldve lost, just to get the hate and feedback. Someone should've raped Sonic too, because the feedback would be insane. So, maybe not? At this point, I think theyre just picking who they like best, and throwing out fixed figures. I hope youre right, my dude, theyve been too exposed now, so maybe going legit may be their only option?

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